* pkgsrc change: add "USE_LANGUAGES= # none" line.
CHanges from 14.5.27 are too many to write here, please refer CHANGELOG.md
file: <c11cd22b89/CHANGELOG.md>.
* pkgsrc change: add "USE_LANGAUGES= # none" line.
2.1.0 (2018-10-04)
Spring has sprung so let's make a new release
New features:
* Rack::PostBodyContentTypeParser -- you can now pass a block to the
middleware to override the default "parse me some JSON" behaviour.
Thanks to Kris Dekeyser (@Kris-LEBIS) for the patch.
* Ruby 2.5 support -- we're now running the test suite through Ruby 2.5.1, as
well as the latest patch releases of all other Ruby releases supported by
rack-contrib (back to 2.2, the same as Rack itself). The only "interesting"
change here is that some Rack::Profiler printers no longer work, which is
not our fault, but rather a problem with ruby-prof.
Bug fixes:
* Remove a deprecation warning about has_rdoc. Thanks to Luciano Sousa
(@lucianosousa) for the patch.
* pkgsrc change: add "USE_LANGAUGES= # none" line.
Update to 1.6.11 which fixes security problems of CVE-2018-16471.
(CVE-2018-16470 is only for rack 2.0.x.)
* pkgsrc change: add "USE_LANGUAGES= # none" line.
Version 2.7.1 (2018-10-13)
* Restore LF=>CRLF conversions for properly encoded non-binary emails. (rubys)
* Gracefully parse certain invalid Content-Type headers. (rafbm)
* Support `x-uue` transfer encoding as uuencoding. (jkraemer)
* Expose Mail::Field#unparsed_value to read the raw field value, before
parsing. (Tensho)
* Speed up message encoding, especially with large attachments. (dalibor)
* Fix transfer encoding when message encoding is blank. (jakubonty, saks)
* Fix 7bit/base64 content transfer encoding mismatch. (ahorek)
* Fix UTF-8 attachment filename quoting. (ahorek)
* Fix `delete_all` using a readonly IMAP connection. (kimromi)
2.0.0 (2018-12-26)
* to_local and period_for instance methods have been added to TZInfo::Timezone. These are similar to utc_to_local and period_for_utc, but take the UTC offset of the given time into account.
* abbreviation, dst?, base_utc_offset and observed_utc_offset instance methods have been added to TZInfo::Timezone, returning the abbreviation, whether daylight savings time is in effect and the UTC offset of the time zone at a specified time.
* A TZInfo::Timestamp class has been added. It can be used with TZInfo::Timezone in place of a Time or DateTime.
* local_time, local_datetime and local_timestamp instance methods have been added to TZInfo::Timezone. These methods construct local Time, DateTime and TZInfo::Timestamp instances with the correct UTC offset and abbreviation for the time zone.
* Support for a (yet to be released) version 2 of tzinfo-data has been added, in addition to support for version 1. The new version will remove the (no longer needed) DateTime parameters from transition times, reduce memory consumption and improve the efficiency of loading timezone and country indexes.
* A TZInfo::VERSION constant has been added, indicating the TZInfo version number.
* The minimum supported Ruby versions are now Ruby MRI 1.9.3, JRuby 1.7 (in 1.9 or later mode) and Rubinius 3.
* Local times are now returned using the correct UTC offset (instead of using UTC). #49 and #52.
* Local times are returned as instances of TimeWithOffset, DateTimeWithOffset or TZInfo::TimestampWithOffset. These classes subclass Time, DateTime and TZInfo::Timestamp respectively. They override the default behaviour of the base classes to return information about the observed offset at the indicated time. For example, the zone abbreviation is returned when using the %Z directive with strftime.
* The transitions_up_to, offsets_up_to and strftime instance methods of TZInfo::Timezone now take the UTC offsets of given times into account (instead of ignoring them as was previously the case).
* The TZInfo::TimezonePeriod class has been split into two subclasses: TZInfo::OffsetTimezonePeriod and TZInfo::TransitionsTimezonePeriod. TZInfo::OffsetTimezonePeriod is returned for time zones that only have a single offset. TZInfo::TransitionsTimezonePeriod is returned for periods that start or end with a transition.
* TZInfo::TimezoneOffset#abbreviation, TZInfo::TimezonePeriod#abbreviation and TZInfo::TimezonePeriod#zone_identifier now return frozen String instances instead of instances of Symbol.
* The utc_offset and utc_total_offset attributes of TZInfo::TimezonePeriod and TZInfo::TimezoneOffset have been renamed base_utc_offset and observed_utc_offset respectively. The former names have been retained as aliases.
* TZInfo::Timezone.get, TZInfo::Timezone.get_proxy and TZInfo::Country.get can now be used with strings having any encoding. Previously, only encodings that are directly comparable with UTF-8 were supported.
* The requested identifier is included in TZInfo::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier exception messages.
* The requested country code is included in TZInfo::InvalidCountryCode exception messages.
* The full range of transitions is now loaded from zoneinfo files. Zoneinfo files produced with version 2014c of the zic tool contain an initial transition 2**63 seconds before the epoch. Zoneinfo files produced with version 2014d or later of zic contain an initial transition 2**59 seconds before the epoch. These transitions would previously have been ignored, but are now returned in methods such as TZInfo::Timezone#transitions_up_to.
* The TZInfo::RubyDataSource and TZInfo::ZoneinfoDataSource classes have been moved into a new TZInfo::DataSources module. Code that is setting TZInfo::ZoneinfoDataSource.search_path or TZInfo::ZoneinfoDataSource.alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path will need to be updated accordingly.
* The TZInfo::InvalidZoneinfoDirectory and TZInfo::ZoneinfoDirectoryNotFound exception classes raised by TZInfo::DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource have been moved into the TZInfo::DataSources module.
* Setting the data source to :ruby or instantiating TZInfo::DataSources::RubyDataSource will now immediately raise a TZInfo::DataSources::TZInfoDataNotFound exception if require 'tzinfo/data' fails. Previously, a failure would only occur later when accessing an index or loading a timezone or country.
* The DEFAULT_SEARCH_PATH and DEFAULT_ALTERNATE_ISO3166_TAB_SEARCH_PATH constants of TZInfo::DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource have been made private.
* The TZInfo::Country.data_source, TZInfo::DataSource.create_default_data_source, TZInfo::DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource.process_search_path, TZInfo::Timezone.get_proxies and TZInfo::Timezone.data_source methods have been made private.
* The performance of loading zoneinfo files and the associated indexes has been improved.
* Memory use has been decreased by deduplicating String instances when loading country and time zone data.
* The dependency on the deprecated thread_safe gem as been removed and replaced by concurrent-ruby.
* The Info classes used to return time zone and country information from TZInfo::DataSource implementations have been moved into the TZInfo::DataSources module.
* The TZInfo::TransitionDataTimezoneInfo class has been removed and replaced with TZInfo::DataSources::TransitionsDataTimezoneInfo and TZInfo::DataSources::ConstantOffsetDataTimezoneInfo. TZInfo::DataSources::TransitionsDataTimezoneInfo is constructed with an Array of TZInfo::TimezoneTransition instances representing times when the offset changes. TZInfo::DataSources::ConstantOffsetDataTimezoneInfo is constructed with a TZInfo::TimezoneOffset instance representing the offset constantly observed in a time zone.
* The TZInfo::DataSource#timezone_identifiers method should no longer be overridden in custom data source implementations. The implementation in the base class now calculates a result from TZInfo::DataSource#data_timezone_identifiers and TZInfo::DataSource#linked_timezone_identifiers.
* The results of the TZInfo::DataSources::RubyDataSource to_s and inspect methods now include the time zone database and tzinfo-data versions.
* Methods of TZInfo::Timezone that accept time arguments no longer allow Integer timestamp values. Time, DateTime or TZInfo::Timestamp values or objects that respond to to_i, subsec and optionally utc_offset must be used instead.
* The %:::z format directive can now only be used with TZInfo::Timezone#strftime if it is supported by Time#strftime on the runtime platform.
* Using TZInfo::Timezone.new(identifier) and TZInfo::Country.new(code) to obtain a specific TZInfo::Timezone or TZInfo::Country will no longer work. TZInfo::Timezone.get(identifier) and TZInfo::Country.get(code) should be used instead.
* The TZInfo::TimeOrDateTime class has been removed.
* The valid_for_utc?, utc_after_start?, utc_before_end?, valid_for_local?, local_after_start? and local_before_end? instance methods of TZInfo::TimezonePeriod have been removed. Comparisons can be performed with the results of the starts_at, ends_at, local_starts_at and local_ends_at methods instead.
* The to_local and to_utc instance methods of TZInfo::TimezonePeriod and TZInfo::TimezoneOffset have been removed. Conversions should be performed using the TZInfo::Timezone class instead.
* The TZInfo::TimezonePeriod#utc_total_offset_rational method has been removed. Equivalent information can be obtained using the TZInfo::TimezonePeriod#observed_utc_offset method.
* The datetime, time, local_end, local_end_time, local_start and local_start_time instance methods of TZInfo::TimezoneTransition have been removed. The at, local_end_at and local_start_at methods should be used instead and the result (a TZInfo::TimestampWithOffset) converted to either a DateTime or Time by calling to_datetime or to_time on the result.
* The us_zones and us_zone_identifiers class methods of TZInfo::Timezone have been removed. TZInfo::Country.get('US').zones and TZInfo::Country.get('US').zone_identifiers should be used instead.
1.5.3 (2019-01-21)
* Fix issue where localize would return strange messages if the translation
was missing - #464
1.5.2 (2019-01-14)
* Fixed a bug where the required_ruby_version was not set correctly in the
gemspec - #462
1.5.1 (2019-01-06)
(Note that there is no v1.5.0 release. was prepping this release and found
some more changes to make. So v1.5.1 is the first release for the v1.5.x
* Fixed a regression that happened when numeric translation keys contained
leading zeros: #456 / #457
* Removed support for Ruby versions older than 2.3. Ruby 2.2 is now 4 years
old. Applications have had ample time to upgrade, and if they haven't done
so, now is an opportune time to do so.
* Removed some code that was checking for RUBY_VERSION <= 1.9
* Began testing over Ruby 2.6.
1.4.0 (2019-01-01)
* Fixed two issues with i18n and JRuby compat (commit fb0c8be and #455). See
* Fixed issue where keys in an array were not symbolised #450
* Fixed issue where ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess was not handled
correctly #454
1.3.0 (2019-01-01)
* Updated post-install message to be more explicit about what versions things
changed in - #446
* Fixed a regression in backends where keys were incorrectly typecast - #443,
#444, #445, etc.
Please note that as of this release, only 5.x and greater versions of Rails
are supported (it might help to think of it as ~> 5.0, sorta.)
I missed to add changes from ruby-i18n 1.1.0 to 1.2.0.
1.2.0 (2018-12-10)
* Provide a uniform API between Simple, KeyValue and Chain backends - #109
(one of our oldest PRs, and I am pleased that @kidpollo has persisted for
all this time!)
* Support translation hashes with numeric keys in Simple backend - #422
* Add CacheFile backend module - #423
* Add JSON backend module - #429
* Updated README to point to the wiki - #438
* Added plural rules for oc locale - #440
* Removed tests from the bundled gem (leading to smaller download sizes) - #441
* Added a post-install message about fallback breaking change introduced in
v1.1.0 - #442
1.1.1 (2018-10-14)
* Expose translations with an option to perform initialization (if it hasn't
been done already) (#353 / #254)
* Removed un-used Kernel core extension #436
* Added project metadata for RubyGems #434
* pkgsrc change: add "USE_LANGUAGES= # none" line.
2.0.0 (2018-10-24)
* Removed testing for Ruby 1.8/1.9/Ruby Enterprise Edition
* Removed the dependency on mime-types, which was needed for Ruby 1.8
* Resolved Chefstyle warnings
* Added instructions for installing package dependencies to the readme
* Escape prefix when generating makefile
== 1.1.0 - 28-Jan-2019
* License switched to Apache-2.0.
* The FACADE_VERSION constant is now frozen.
* Added some metadata to the gemspec.
* Updated the cert, should be good for about 10 years.
=== 5.17.0 (2019-02-01)
* Support skip_auto_validations instance method in auto_validations plugin
(oldgreen, jeremyevans) (#1592)
* Support :preconnect_extensions Database option for loading extensions before
:preconnect option (jeremyevans)
* Avoid usage of Proc.new with implicit block as ruby 2.7+ deprecates this
behavior (jeremyevans)
* Allow Sequel[].as to be used for constructing aliases with eager_graph
(e.g. Model.eager_graph(Sequel[:a].as(:b))) (jeremyevans) (#1588)
7.99.1 subject MIME handling bug fixed.
Sep 8, 2018, we have merged the following branch
feature/utf8-mime-header-handling [2b9052aa..b9c2f6c2] into
the master. XXX Mail::Message::ToHTML is broken. XXX
Mail::Message::Outline may be broken.
Also, we note that this is the initial point to release
engineering process toward the release 8.0.0.
We plan to move non-core modules related on the mailing list
core to aux/ (newly created) or 3rdparty/fml.org/FEATURE/ (as
examples how to use at ./3rdparty/ directory).