from version 4.0.5 include moving from the www category, and:
- Added connection error support to mysql_error() and mysql_errno(). (Jason)
- Added mysql_unbuffered_query(), which is useful for very large result sets.
No documented code changes since the version which shipped with 7.1.2. Build
infrastructure now allows the default port to use to access the postmaster to be
- mysqlbinlog moved from the mysql-server to the mysql-client package
- some pkgsrc patches are now part of the mysql distribution.
Changes in release 3.23.43
* Fixed a bug in INSERT DELAYED and FLUSH TABLES introduced in 3.23.42.
* Fixed unlikely bug, which returned not matching rows, in SELECT with
many tables and multi-column indexes and 'range' type.
* Fixed a unlikely core-dump bug when doing EXPLAIN SELECT when using
many tables and ORDER BY.
* Fixed bug in LOAD DATA FROM MASTER when using table with CHECKSUM=1.
* Added unique error message when one gets a DEADLOCK during a transaction
with BDB tables.
* Fixed problem with BDB tables and UNIQUE columns defined as NULL.
* Fixed problem with myisampack when using pre-space filled CHAR columns.
* Applied patch from Yuri Dario for OS2.
* Fixed bug in --safe-user-create
Changes in release 3.23.42
* Fixed problem when using LOCK TABLES and BDB tables.
* Fixed problem with REPAIR TABLE on MyISAM tables with row lengths between
65517 - 65520 bytes
* Fixed rare hang when doing mysqladmin shutdown when there was a lot of
activity in other threads.
* Fixed problem with INSERT DELAYED where delay thread could be hanging on
upgrading locks without any apparent reasons.
* Fixed problem with myisampack and BLOB.
* Fixes problem when one edited .MRG tables by hand. (Patch from Benjamin
* Enforce that all tables in a MERGE table come from the same database.
* Fixed bug with LOAD DATA INFILE and transactional tables.
* Fix bug when using INSERT DELAYED with wrong column definition.
* Fixed coredump during REPAIR of some particularly broken tables.
* Fixed bug in InnoDB and AUTO_INCREMENT columns.
* Fixed bug in InnoDB and RENAME TABLE columns.
* Fixed critical bug in InnoDB and BLOB columns. If one has used BLOB columns
larger than 8000 bytes in an InnoDB table, one must dump the table with
mysqldump, drop it and restore it from the dump.
* Applied large patch for OS/2 from Yuri Dario.
* Fixed problem with InnoDB when one could get the error Can't execute the
given command... even when one didn't have an active transaction.
* Applied some minor fixes that concern Gemini.
* Use real arithmetic operations even in integer context if not all arguments
are integers. (Fixes uncommon bug in some integer contexts).
* Don't force everything to lower cases on Windows. (To fix problem with
Windows and ALTER TABLE). Now --lower_case_names also works on Unix.
* Fixed that automatic rollback that is done when thread end doesn't lock
other threads.
Changes in release 3.23.41
* Added option --sql-mode=option[,option[,option]]. See section 4.1.1 mysqld
Command-line Options.
* Fixed possible problem with shutdown on Solaris where the `.pid' file
wasn't deleted.
* InnoDB now supports < 4 GB rows. The former limit was 8000 bytes.
* The doublewrite file flush method is used in InnoDB. It reduces the need
for Unix fsync calls to a fraction and improves performance on most Unix
* You can now use the InnoDB Monitor to print a lot of InnoDB state
information, including locks, to the standard output; useful in
performance tuning.
* Several bugs which could cause hangs in InnoDB have been fixed.
* Split record_buffer to record_buffer and record_rnd_buffer. To make things
compatible to previous MySQL versions, if record_rnd_buffer is not set,
then it takes the value of record_buffer.
* Fixed optimizing bug in ORDER BY where some ORDER BY parts where wrongly
* Fixed overflow bug with ALTER TABLE and MERGE tables.
* Added prototypes for my_thread_init() and my_thread_end() to `mysql_com.h'
* Added option --safe-user-create to mysqld.
* Fixed bug in SELECT DISTINCT ... HAVING that casued error message Can't
find record in '#...
Changes in release 3.23.40
* Fixed problem with --low-priority-updates and INSERT's.
* Fixed bug in slave thread when under some rare circumstances it could get
22 bytes ahead on the offset in the master.
* Added slave_wait_timeout for replication.
* Fixed problem with UPDATE and BDB tables.
* Fixed hard bug in BDB tables when using key parts.
* Fixed problem when using the GRANT FILE ON database.* ...; Previously we
added the DROP privilege for the database.
* Fixed DELETE FROM table_name ... LIMIT 0 and UPDATE FROM table_name ...
LIMIT 0 acted as though the LIMIT clause was not present (they deleted or
updated all selected rows).
* CHECK TABLE now checks if an AUTO_INCREMENT column contains the value 0.
* Sending a SIGHUP to mysqld will now only flush the logs, not reset the
* Fixed parser to allow floats of type 1.0e1 (no sign after e).
* Option --force to myisamchk now also updates states.
* Added option --warnings to mysqld. Now mysqld only prints the error
Aborted connection if this option is used.
* Fixed problem with SHOW CREATE TABLE when you didn't have a PRIMARY KEY.
* Properly fixed the rename of innodb_unix_file_flush_method to
* Fixed bug when converting UNSIGNED BIGINT to DOUBLE. This caused a problem
when doing comparisons with BIGINT values outside of the signed range.
* Fixed bug in BDB tables when querying empty tables.
* Fixed a bug when using COUNT(DISTINCT) with LEFT JOIN and there wasn't any
matching rows.
* Removed all documentation referring to the GEMINI table type. GEMINI is not
released under an Open Source license.
This module wraps around the MLDBM interface, by handling concurrent
access to MLDBM databases with file locking, and flushes I/O explicity
per lock/unlock. The new [Read]Lock()/UnLock() API can be used to
serialize requests logically and improve performance for bundled reads
and writes.
foo-* to foo-[0-9]*. This is to cause the dependencies to match only the
packages whose base package name is "foo", and not those named "foo-bar".
A concrete example is p5-Net-* matching p5-Net-DNS as well as p5-Net. Also
change dependency examples in Packages.txt to reflect this.
Most visible changes are that the authors now use jakarta-ant to build
this package, and that the authors have removed support for building
javadoc documentation for this package. This latter is rather unfortunate,
and may need to be addressed within the package.
Also, at some point this week, I will try to rework this package to use
the postgresql Makefile.common, as the original package now fits a little
more closely into the postgresql build hierarchy.
This package also adds one to the number of jakarta-ant using packages in
pkgsrc. At some point soonish I will code up a USE_ANT flag in
to cut out the duplication of effort...
Other changes include:
Tue Mar 06 12:05:00 GMT 2001
- Removed org.postgresql.xa.Test from the JDBC EE driver as it's an old
test class and prevented it from compiling.
Fri Mar 02 10:00:00 GMT 2001
- Fixed build.xml so that PGclob is not built in the JDBC1.2 driver
Fri Feb 17 18:25:00 GMT 2001
- Removed the last deprecation warnings from the Java2 driver. Now only
the old examples give deprecation warnings.
- Added a new class into core that (JDK1.3+) ensures all connections are
closed when the VM terminates.
Fri Feb 17 15:11:00 GMT 2001
- Reduced the object overhead in PreparedStatement by reusing the same
StringBuffer object throughout. Similarly SimpleDateStamp's are alse
reused in a thread save manner.
- Implemented in PreparedStatement: setNull(), setDate/Time/Timestamp
using Calendar, setBlob(), setCharacterStream()
- Clob's are now implemented in ResultSet & PreparedStatement!
- Implemented a lot of DatabaseMetaData & ResultSetMetaData methods.
We have about 18 unimplemented methods left in JDBC2 at the current
Web Feb 14 17:29:00 GMT 2001
- Fixed bug in LargeObject & BlobOutputStream where the stream's output
was not flushed when either the stream or the blob were closed.
- Fixed PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream() where it ignored the length
Tue Feb 13 16:33:00 GMT 2001
- More TestCases implemented. Refined the test suite api's.
- Removed need for SimpleDateFormat in ResultSet.getDate() improving
- Rewrote ResultSet.getTime() so that it uses JDK api's better.
Tue Feb 13 10:25:00 GMT 2001
- Added MiscTest to hold reported problems from users.
- Fixed PGMoney.
- JBuilder4/JDBCExplorer now works with Money fields. Patched Field &
ResultSet (lots of methods) for this one. Also changed cash/money to
return type DOUBLE not DECIMAL. This broke JBuilder as zero scale
BigDecimal's can't have decimal places!
- When a Statement is reused, the previous ResultSet is now closed.
- Removed deprecated call in ResultSet.getTime()
Thu Feb 08 18:53:00 GMT 2001
- Changed a couple of settings in DatabaseMetaData where 7.1 now
supports those features
- Implemented the DatabaseMetaData TestCase.
Wed Feb 07 18:06:00 GMT 2001
- Added comment to Connection.isClosed() explaining why we deviate from
the JDBC2 specification.
- Fixed bug where the Isolation Level is lost while in autocommit mode.
- Fixed bug where several calls to getTransactionIsolationLevel()
returned the first call's result.
Tue Feb 06 19:00:00 GMT 2001
- Completed first two TestCase's for the test suite. JUnit is now
recognised by ant.
Wed Jan 31 08:46:00 GMT 2001
- Some minor additions to Statement to make our own extensions more
- Statement.close() will now call ResultSet.close() rather than just
dissasociating with it.
Tue Jan 30 22:24:00 GMT 2001
- Fixed bug where Statement.setMaxRows() was a global setting. Now
limited to just itself.
- Changed[],int,int) to return the actual number
of bytes read (used to be void).
- LargeObject now supports InputStream's!
- PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream() now works!
- ResultSet.getBinaryStream() now returns an InputStream that doesn't
copy the blob into memory first!
- Connection.isClosed() now tests to see if the connection is still alive
rather than if it thinks it's alive.
Thu Jan 25 09:11:00 GMT 2001
- Added an alternative constructor to PGSQLException so that debugging
some more osteric bugs is easier. If only 1 arg is supplied and it's
of type Exception, then that Exception's stacktrace is now included.
Wed Jan 24 09:18:00 GMT 2001
- Removed the 8k limit by setting it to 64k
Fri Jan 19 08:47:00 GMT 2001
- Applied patch submitted by John Schutz <> that
fixed a bug with ANT's SQL functions (not needed for building but nice
to have fixed).
Thu Jan 18 17:30:00 GMT 2001
- Added new error message into "postgresql.notsensitive"
This is used by jdbc2.ResultSet when a method is called that should
fetch the current value of a row from the database refreshRow() for
- These methods no longer throw the not implemented but the new noupdate
error. This is in preparation for the Updateable ResultSet support
which will overide these methods by extending the existing class to
implement that functionality, but needed to show something other than
all update*() methods, except those that took the column as a String
as they were already implemented to convert the String to an int.
- getFetchDirection() and setFetchDirection() now throws
"postgresql.notimp" as we only support one direction.
The CursorResultSet will overide this when its implemented.
- Created a new class under jdbc2 UpdateableResultSet which extends
ResultSet and overides the relevent update methods.
This allows us to implement them easily at a later date.
- In jdbc2.Connection, the following methods are now implemented:
- The JDBC2 type mapping scheme almost complete, just needs SQLInput &
SQLOutput to be implemented.
- Removed some Statement methods that somehow appeared in Connection.
- In jdbc2.Statement()
- Finally removed the old 6.5.x driver.
Thu Jan 18 12:24:00 GMT 2001
- These methods in org.postgresql.jdbc2.ResultSet are now implemented:
getBigDecimal(int) ie: without a scale (why did this get missed?)
NB: Where int represents the column name, the associated version
taking a String were already implemented by calling the int
- These methods no longer throw the not implemented but the new noupdate
error. This is in preparation for the Updateable ResultSet support
which will overide these methods by extending the existing class to
implement that functionality, but needed to show something other than
- Added new error message into "postgresql.noupdate"
This is used by jdbc2.ResultSet when an update method is called and
the ResultSet is not updateable. A new method notUpdateable() has been
added to that class to throw this exception, keeping the binary size
- Added new error message into "postgresql.psqlnotimp"
This is used instead of unimplemented when it's a feature in the
backend that is preventing this method from being implemented.
- Removed getKeysetSize() as its not part of the ResultSet API
Thu Jan 18 09:46:00 GMT 2001
- Applied modified patch from Richard Bullington-McGuire
<>. I had to modify it as some of the code
patched now exists in different classes, and some of it actually
patched obsolete code.
Wed Jan 17 10:19:00 GMT 2001
- Updated Implementation to include both ANT & JBuilder
- Updated README to reflect the changes since 7.0
- Created jdbc.jpr file which allows JBuilder to be used to edit the
source. JBuilder _CAN_NOT_ be used to compile. You must use ANT for
that. It's only to allow JBuilders syntax checking to improve the
drivers source. Refer to Implementation for more details
Wed Dec 20 16:19:00 GMT 2000
- Finished build.xml and updated and buildDriver to
match how Makefile and ANT operate.
Tue Dec 19 17:30:00 GMT 2000
- Finally created ant build.xml file
Mon Nov 20 08:12:00 GMT 2000
- Encoding patch to Connection by
Tue Oct 17 15:35:00 BST 2000
- Changed getTimestamp() again. This time Michael Stephenson's
<> solution looked far better
than the original solution put in June.
Tue Oct 10 13:12:00 BST 2000
- DatabaseMetaData.supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() as psql doesn't
support dropping of individual columns
- Merged in some last patches. Only 1 left, which may not be compatible
with jdbc1
- Merged in my old retepsql project. Makefile now includes it.
Mon Oct 02 12:30:00 BST 2000
- Merged in byte[] array allocation changes submitted by Gunnar R|nning
Mon Sep 25 14:22:00 BST 2000
- Removed the DriverClass kludge. Now the org.postgresql.Driver class
is compiled from a template file, and now has both the connection
class (ie jdbc1/jdbc2) and the current version's from
Thu Jul 20 16:30:00 BST 2000
- Fixed DatabaseMetaData.getTableTypes()
Relevant changes from version 7.1.2 include:
Remove unused WAL segements of large transactions
Multiaction rule fix
Pl/pgSQL memory allocation fix
VACUUM buffer fix
pg_dump fixes for GRANT/REVOKE/comments on views, user-defined types
Fix subselects with DISTINCT ON or LIMIT
Disable COPY TO/FROM a view
to ${X11BASE} in the header and library search paths into references to
${LOCALBASE}/share/x11-links. These packages should now be strongly-
buildlinked regardless of whether xpkgwedge is installed.
Changes well-tested on NetBSD-1.5X/i386 with and without xpkgwedge and
lightly-tested on NetBSD-1.5.1/alpha without xpkgwedge.
Include a bugfix for lisp_LISP independently discovered by me that has
been pulled up to the automake-1-4 branch of automake cvs.
Changes are:
New in 1.4-p5:
* Allow AM_PROG_LIBTOOL again.
* Display distributed file list correctly in usage message.
* Allow numbers in macro names.
* Bugfixes.
New in 1.4-p4:
* Deal with as well as -- this time for real!
* The version numbering system now allows three point version numbers,
such as 1.4.4, without thinking they are alpha release numbers.
New in 1.4-p3:
* Deal with as well as
* Don't complain if `version.texi' is included in multiple places.
New in 1.4-p2:
* Deal with AC_CONFIG_FILES from autoconf-2.50.
* Improvements to f77 support.
* DESTDIR now works for script targets.
* distcheck-hook works correctly.
New in 1.4-p1:
* The version numbering system now allows fork identifiers (such as
the p1 in this version of automake).
* Cope gracefully with various versions of libtool which may or may not
require ltconfig,, or
* Bugfixes.
- use 'id' instead of 'finger'. this is not a real problem, but it
is enough and fixing the next problem makes it possible to use it.
- grep -q doesn't work on solaris, so use a different way to suppress
the output from the user check.
- the return code check for the user was reversed.
Made fetchall_arrayref({ foo=>1, ...}) be more strict to the specification
in relation to wanting hash slice keys to be lowercase names.
Fixed $sth->execute() to update $dbh->{Statement} to $sth->{Statement}.
Added row number to trace output for fetch method calls.
Added $h->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc' or 'NAME_uc' to alter
behaviour of fetchrow_hashref() method. See docs.
Added type_info quote caching to quote() method
Makes using quote() with second data type param much much faster.
Added type_into_all() caching to type_info()
Added new API definition for table_info() and tables(),
Added primary_key_info() to DBI API
Added primary_key() to DBI API as simpler interface to primary_key_info().
Indent and other fixes for DBI::DBD doc
Added prepare_cached() insert_hash() example
Removed false docs for fetchall_hashref(), use fetchall_arrayref({}).
problems early on if insufficient libraries are specified during linking.
Move the configure script patch to the last patch of the group so that
the configure script will have the most recent timestamp.
BUILDLINK_PREFIX.<pkgname>. This allows buildlink to find X11BASE packages
regardless of whether they were installed before or after xpkgwedge was
installed. Idea by Alistair Crooks <>.
Also set includedir via configure argument instead of directly patching the
configure script, and add a file for use by other package
Disable the mysql-test stuff entirely.
Sync mysql-client's patch-af with mysql-server's.
Changes in release 3.23.39
* If one dropped and added an `AUTO_INCREMENT' column, the
`AUTO_INCREMENT' sequence wasn't reset.
* `CREATE .. SELECT' now creates not unique indexes delayed.
* Fixed problem where `LOCK TABLES table_name READ' followed by
`FLUSH TABLES' put a exclusive lock on the table.
* `REAL' @variables with was represented with 2 digits when
converted to strings.
* Fixed problem that client 'hung' when `LOAD TABLE FROM MASTER'
* Running `myisamchk --fast --force' will no longer repair tables
that only had the open count wrong.
* Added functions to handle symbolic links to make life easier in
* We are now using the `-lcma' thread library on HP-UX 10.20 to get
*MySQL* more stable on HP-UX.
* Fixed problem with `IF()' and number of decimals in the result.
* Fixed date-part extraction functions to work with dates where day
and/or month is 0.
* Extended argument length in option files from 256 to 512 chars.
* Fixed problem with shutdown when `INSERT DELAYED' was waiting for
* Fixed coredump bug in InnoDB when tablespace was full.
* Fixed problem with `MERGE' tables and big tables (> 4G) when using
Changes in release 3.23.38
* Fixed a bug when `SELECT' from `MERGE' table sometimes results in
incorrectly ordered rows.
* Fixed a bug in `REPLACE()' when using the ujis character set.
* Applied Sleepycat BDB patches and
* Added option `--skip-stack-trace' to `mysqld'.
* `CREATE TEMPORARY' now works with `InnoDB' tables.
* `InnoDB' now promotes sub keys to whole keys.
* Added option `CONCURRENT' to `LOAD DATA'.
* Better error message when slave `max_allowed_packet' is too low to
read a very long log event from the master.
* Fixed bug when too many rows where removed when using `SELECT
* `SHOW CREATE TABLE' now returns `TEMPORARY' for temporary tables.
* Added `Rows_examined' to slow query log.
* Fixed problems with function returning empty string when using
together with a group functions and a `WHERE' that didn't match
any rows.
* New program `mysqlcheck'.
* Added database name to output for administrative commands like
* Lots of portability fixes for InnoDB.
* Changed optimizer so that queries like `SELECT * FROM
table_name,table_name2 ... ORDER BY key_part1 LIMIT #' will use
index on `key_part1' instead of `filesort'.
* Fixed bug when doing `LOCK TABLE to_table WRITE,...; INSERT INTO
to_table... SELECT ...' when `to_table' was empty.
* Fixed bug with `LOCK TABLE' and BDB tables.
Changes in release 3.23.37
* Fixed a bug when using `MATCH' in `HAVING' clause.
* Fixed a bug when using `HEAP' tables with `LIKE'.
* Added `--mysql-version' to `safe_mysqld'
* Changed `INNOBASE' to `InnoDB' (because the `INNOBASE' name was
already used). All `configure' options and `mysqld' start options
are now using `innodb' instead of `innobase'. This means that you
have to change any configuration files where you have used
`innobase' options before upgrading to this version!
* Fixed bug when using indexes on `CHAR(255) NULL' columns.
* Slave thread will now be started even if `master-host' is not set,
as long as `server-id' is set and valid `' is present
* Partial updates (terminated with kill) are now logged with a
special error code to the binary log. Slave will refuse to execute
them if the error code indicates the update was terminated
abnormally, and will have to be recovered with `SET
SQL_SLAVE_SKIP_COUNTER=1; SLAVE START' after a manual sanity
check/correction of data integrity.
* Fixed bug that erroneously logged a drop of internal temporary
table on thread termination to the binary log - bug affected
* Fixed a bug in `REGEXP()' on 64-bit machines.
* `UPDATE' and `DELETE' with `WHERE unique_key_part IS NULL' didn't
update/delete all rows.
* Disabled `INSERT DELAYED' for tables that support transactions.
* Fixed bug when using date functions on `TEXT'/`BLOB' column with
wrong date format.
* UDFs now also work on Windows. (Patch by Ralph Mason)
* Fixed bug in `ALTER TABLE' and `LOAD DATA INFILE' that disabled
key-sorting. These commands should now be faster in most cases.
* Fixed performance bug where reopened tables (tables that had been
waiting for `FLUSH' or `REPAIR') would not use indexes for the
next query.
* Fixed problem with `ALTER TABLE' to Innobase tables on FreeBSD.
* Added `mysqld' variables `myisam_max_sort_file_size' and
* Initialize signals early to avoid problem with signals in Innobase.
* Applied patch for the `tis620' character set to make comparisons
case-independent and to fix a bug in `LIKE' for this character set.
*NOTE*: All tables that uses the `tis620' character set must be
fixed with `myisamchk -r' or `REPAIR TABLE' !
* Added `--skip-safemalloc' option to `mysqld'.
Changes in release 3.23.36
* Fixed a bug that allowed you to use database names containing a `.'
character. This fixes a serious security issue when `mysqld' is
run as root.
* Fixed bug when thread creation failed (could happen when doing a
LOT of connections in a short time).
* Fixed some problems with `FLUSH TABLES' and `TEMPORARY' tables.
(Problem with freeing the key cache and error `Can't reopen
* Fixed a problem in Innobase with other character sets than `latin1'
and another problem when using many columns.
* Fixed bug that caused a core dump when using a very complex query
involving `DISTINCT' and summary functions.
* Added `SELECT ... FOR UPDATE'.
* Fixed bug where the number of affected rows was not returned when
`MySQL' was compiled without transaction support.
* Fixed a bug in `UPDATE' where keys weren't always used to find the
rows to be updated.
* Fixed a bug in `CONCAT_WS()' where it returned wrong results.
* Changed `CREATE ... INSERT' and `INSERT ... SELECT' to not allow
concurrent inserts as this could make the binary log hard to
repeat. (Concurrent inserts are enabled if you are not using the
binary or update log).
* Changed some macros to be able to use fast mutex with glibc 2.2.
Added a "Queries Per Second" or qps mode. You can enter qps mode by
hitting the `m' key. In this mode, mytop will write out one integer
per second. The number written reflects the number of queries
executed by the server in the previous one second interval.
mytop is now distributed as a true Perl package. There's a normal
Makefile.PL, which means it can be installed via the standard mantra.
Fix the invocation of the mit-pthreads configure script to not add
the non-existant pthreads library to LIBS so that the compiler doesn't bomb
Fixes pkg/13277.
FOO_REQD=1.0 being converted to foo>=1.0, one can now directly specify
the dependency pattern as FOO_DEPENDS=foo>=1.0. This allows things like
JPEG_DEPENDS=jpeg-6b, or fancier expressions like for postgresql-lib.
Change existing FOO_REQD definitions in Makefiles to FOO_DEPENDS.
CXXFLAGS, and LDFLAGS by the files so remove the extra
definitions to add them from the package Makefiles. As advised by the file, also ensure that the files are
included prior to defining any package-specific CFLAGS/LDFLAGS to ensure
that the buildlink directories are at the head of the compiler search
Fixed that altering ShowErrorStatement also altered AutoCommit!
Fixed DBD::Proxy to handle commit() and rollback(). Long overdue, sorry.
Fixed incompatibility with perl 5.004 (but no one's using that right? :)
Fixed connect_cached and prepare_cached to not be affected by the order
of elements in the attribute hash.
Fixed version number of DBI::Shell
Defined and documented table_info() attribute semantics (ODBC compatible)
linked from a particular package, and add a pre-configure target to
the file to more painlessly use files. A
${BUILDLINK_TARGETS} variable still exists in case a package _must_
Reimplemented fetchrow_hashref in C, now fetches about 25% faster!
Changed behaviour if both PrintError and RaiseError are enabled
to simply do both (in that order, obviously :)
Slight reduction in DBI handle creation overhead
Fixed $dbh->{Driver} & $sth->{Database} to return 'outer' handles.
Fixed execute param count check to honour RaiseError
Fixed build for perl5.6.1 with PERLIO
Fixed client sql restrictions in
Fixed batch mode command parsing in Shell
Fixed typo in selectcol_arrayref docs
Fixed selectrow_hashref to be available to callers
Fixed core dump if statement handle didn't define Statement attribute
Added bind_param_inout docs to DBI::DBD
Added note to data_sources() method docs that some drivers may
require a connected database handle to be supplied as an attribute
Trace of install_driver method now shows path of driver file loaded
Changed many '||' to 'or' in the docs
Updated DBD::ADO again (improvements in error handling)
Updated Win32::DBIODBC (Win32::ODBC emulation)
Updated email and web addresses in DBI::FAQ
- - refactored to allow LEFT joins.
- SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable now constructs cache keys in a way
that doesn't lose when records in different tables have the same keys.
- Added DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable from <>
- Changed SearchBuilder->Count to do the right thing if no
query has been performed
postgresql sources:
postgresql-client, postgresql-docs, postgresql-lib, postgresql-server,
postgresql-plperl, postgresql-pltcl,
odbc-postgresql, py-postgresql, tcl-postgresql, tk-postgresql
to 7.1.2 or to depend on postgresql-libs-7.1.2. Changes from version 7.1.1:
Fix PL/PgSQL SELECTs when returning no rows
Fix for psql backslash core dump
Referential integrity permission fix
Optimizer fixes
pg_dump cleanups
- fix segmentation fault in pg_error
- bug-fix for core-dump after any failed function call
- add support for the datatype bytea
- fix bug in connect method, which erroneously set the userid and the
password to the environment variables DBI_USER and DBI_PASS
- which removed the special handling of a backslash when used for octal
presentation. Now a backslash always will be escaped.
- remove memory-leak in ping function, bug-fix
- correct the recognition of primary keys in table_attributes().
- fix a segmentation fault in DBD::pg::blob_read() when reading LOBs that
required perl to reallocate space for the variable holding the scalar value
- updated to create a test blob larger than 256 bytes (now 128 Kbytes)
- fix a seg-fault when inserting large amounts of text.
- remove the newlines from the error messages and quote date placeholders.
Use BUILDLINK_INCDIR, BUILDLINK_LIBDIR for locations of linked headers
and libraries. Create a variable BUILDLINK_TARGETS whose value is the
list of build-link targets to execute.
databases prior to installing a new version of PostgreSQL from PRE-INSTALL
time to DEINSTALL time. Remove ${CAT} from the INSTALL file as it's no
longer needed in the script.
start_precmd in the pgsql rc.d script. This is more correct, since if
postgresql-server is installed but never used, then no database really
needs to be initialized. As a side-effect, the bulk-builds of postgresql
should now leave less crud in the aftermath of deinstalling postgresql.
changes from version 7.0.3, only that this package is now built from sources
found in the PostgreSQL-7.1.1 sources. The PL/Tcl procedural language module
has now been split off into a separate package, pgsql-pltcl.
adds a few minor features and makes a few speedups in the code, plus:
- Fix some DB-API quoting problems (
- Moved development into PostgreSQL development tree.
with postgresql as a meta-package. Major changes from version 7.1.1
Write-ahead Log (WAL) - To maintain database consistency in
case of an operating system crash, previous releases of PostgreSQL
have forced all data modifications to disk before each transaction
commit. With WAL, only one log file must be flushed to disk, greatly
improving performance. If you have been using -F in previous releases
to disable disk flushes, you may want to consider discontinuing its
TOAST - Previous releases had a compiled-in row length limit,
typically 8 - 32 kB. This limit made storage of long text fields
difficult. With TOAST, long rows of any length can be stored with
good performance.
Outer Joins - We now support outer joins. The UNION/NOT IN
workaround for outer joins is no longer required. We use the SQL92
outer join syntax.
Function Manager - The previous C function manager did not
handle NULLs properly, nor did it support 64-bit CPU's (Alpha). The
new function manager does. You can continue using your old custom
functions, but you may want to rewrite them in the future to use the
new function manager call interface.
Complex Queries - A large number of complex queries that were
unsupported in previous releases now work. Many combinations of
views, aggregates, UNION, LIMIT, cursors, subqueries, and inherited
tables now work properly. Inherited tables are now accessed by
default. Subqueries in FROM are now supported.
Migration to 7.1.1
A dump/restore using pg_dump is required for those wishing to migrate
data from any previous release.
This package also has an enhanced rc.d-style startup script that respects
rc.conf settings. If you are running NetBSD>=1.5, then add pgsql=YES to
/etc/rc.conf, and set pgsql_flags to any options you wish to pass to the
PL/Tcl is a dynamic loadable extension for the PostgreSQL database system
that enables the Tcl language to be used to create functions and
trigger-procedures. It offers most of the capabilities a function
writer has in the C language.
PL/Perl allows you to write functions in the Perl programming language
that may be used in SQL queries as if they were built into Postgres.
The PL/Perl intepreter is a full Perl interpreter. However, certain
operations have been disabled in order to maintain the security of the
mytop was inspired by the system monitoring tool top. I routinely use top on
Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris. You are likely to notice features from each of
them here.
mytop will connect to a MySQL server and periodically run the SHOW PROCESSLIST
and SHOW STATUS commands and attempt to summarize the information from them
in a useful format.
included by both mysql-server/Makefile and mysql-client/Makefile.
* Remove some unnecessary patches from mysql-client.
* Remove build dependency on autoconf as we don't really need to use it.
* Improve detection of native readline library.
* Provide INSTALL/DEINSTALL scripts to perform initial database setup and
to remind the package administrator to remove unnecessary directories upon
package removal.
* Use complete path to chown in various installed scripts. Fixes pkg/12725.
* Install server manpages with the server package. Fixes pkg/12724.
Added selectrow_arrayref, selectrow_hashref, selectall_hashref
Added DBI->connect(..., { dbi_connect_method => 'method' })
Added $h->{ShowErrorStatement}=1 to cause the appending of the
relevant Statement text to the RaiseError/PrintError text.
Trace method uses warn() if it can't open the new file.
Trace shows source line and filename during global destruction.
Documented $DBI::lasth (which has been there since day 1).
Documented SQL_* names.
Clarified and extended docs for $h->state
Clarified fetchall_arrayref({}) docs
Clarified type_info_all re lettercase and index values.
Updated DBI::FAQ to 0.38
Added cute bind_columns example
Extended docs on \%attr arg to data_sources method.
Removed debug messages from DBD::Proxy AUTOLOAD
Added fix for problem using table_info
Added better determination of where to put the pid file
Added KNOWN ISSUES section to DBD::Proxy docs
Known issues:
Perl 5.005 and 5.006 both leak memory doing local($handle->{Foo}).
Perl 5.004 doesn't. The leak is not a DBI or driver bug.
removed all the old unittests from the samples directory
endian detection fixed
'make check' and ctlib unittests
TDS 7.0 fixes, numerics et al
dead connection handling
query timeout stuff
first component is now a package name+version/pattern, no more
While there, introduce BUILD_USES_MSGFMT as shorthand to pull in
devel/gettext unless /usr/bin/msgfmt exists (i.e. on post-1.5 -current).
Patch by Alistair Crooks <>
This is a powerful frontend for the MiniSQL or MySQL database
engines, that allows the user to search the database through easy
to use searchforms, select databases and tables from a menu, modify
records just by clicking them in a browser and much more. Xsqlmenu
supports having multiple tablewindows open at the same time (even
from different databases !). Also free SQL SELECT statements are
allowed (although they have a few restrictions to avoid confusion).
-lpthread found in library search path, use explicit path to library.
Noticed by hubertf.
When OPSYS == NetBSD, force use of included mit-pthreads.
Bumb version to "nb1".
Enable use of tcp_wrappers in the server.
BDB and Innobase table types are not configured in, so no transaction
support yet.
The 3.23 release has several major features that are not present
in previous versions. We have added new table types: MyISAM, a new
ISAM library which is tuned for SQL and supports large files; BDB,
which uses the Berkeley DB library from Sleepycat Software to
implement transaction-safe tables; INNOBASE, which uses the Innobase
database backend to implement transaction-safe tables. The 3.23
release also includes support for database replication between a
master and many slaves, full-text indexing, and much more.
For a detailed list of changes see appendix E of the online
documentation at
The replication code and BerkeleyDB code is still not as tested
and as the rest of the code, so we will probably need to do a couple
of future releases of 3.23 with small fixes for this part of the
code. As long as you don't use these features, you should be quite
safe with MySQL 3.23!
Note that the above doesn't mean that replication or Berkeley DB
doesn't work; We have done a lot of testing of all code, including
replication and BDB without finding any problems. It only means
that not as many users uses this code as the rest of the code and
because of this we are not yet 100 % confident in this code.
API/ABI changes, (backward compatible) changes to the client-server
protocol and bug fixes.
The 3.23 release has several major features that are not present
in previous versions. We have added new table types: MyISAM, a new
ISAM library which is tuned for SQL and supports large files; BDB,
which uses the Berkeley DB library from Sleepycat Software to
implement transaction-safe tables; INNOBASE, which uses the Innobase
database backend to implement transaction-safe tables. The 3.23
release also includes support for database replication between a
master and many slaves, full-text indexing, and much more.
For a detailed list of changes see appendix E of the online
documentation at
The replication code and BerkeleyDB code is still not as tested
and as the rest of the code, so we will probably need to do a couple
of future releases of 3.23 with small fixes for this part of the
code. As long as you don't use these features, you should be quite
safe with MySQL 3.23!
Note that the above doesn't mean that replication or Berkeley DB
doesn't work; We have done a lot of testing of all code, including
replication and BDB without finding any problems. It only means
that not as many users uses this code as the rest of the code and
because of this we are not yet 100 % confident in this code.
* lib/DBD/ (fetch_row): Now cleaning $! before
calling $csv->getline(). Seems to return false errors
otherwise in some cases.
* Made Makefile.PL CPAN conformant.
* Removed unnecessary stuff in Makefile.PL which verified
the DBI installation.
* lib/DBD/ (STORE): Changed croak to die.
* Minor fix in the docs
* Minor compatibility fixes in the test suite for Perl 5.6.
PR pkg/11597.
Revision history for Perl extension Pg.
1.9.0 Apr 04 2000
- remove compile errors with perl5.6
- remove old-style interface
- change return value in case of failure from -1 to undef
- for building the module it is required to set the environment
1.8.2 Mar 31 1999
- bug-fix in Makefile.PL for $POSTGRES_HOME not defined
- bug-fix in doQuery() spotted by
Christopher Hutton <>
- minor changes to be compliant with libpq
- use PQsetdbLogin (using the provided userid/password)
instead of PQsetdb
Convert most MESSAGE files to new syntax (${VARIABLE} gets replaced,
not @VARIABLE@, nor @@VARIABLE@@).
By default, substitutions are done for LOCALBASE, PKGNAME, PREFIX,
X11BASE, X11PREFIX; additional patterns can be added via MESSAGE_SUBST.
Clean up some packages while I'm there; add RCS tags to most MESSAGEs.
Remove some uninteresting MESSAGEs.
out of date - it was based on a.out OBJECT_FMT, and added entries in the
generated PLISTs to reflect the symlinks that ELF packages uses. It also
tried to be clever, and removed and recreated any symbolic links that were
created, which has resulted in some fun, especially with packages which
use dlopen(3) to load modules. Some recent changes to our to bring
it more into line with other Operating Systems also exposed some cracks.
+ Modify and its shared object handling, so that PLISTs now contain
the ELF symlinks.
+ Don't mess about with file system entries when handling shared objects in, since it's likely that libtool and the BSD *.mk processing will
have got it right, and have a much better idea than we do.
+ Modify PLISTs to contain "ELF symlinks"
+ On a.out platforms, delete any "ELF symlinks" from the generated PLISTs
+ On ELF platforms, no extra processing needs to be done in
+ Modify print-PLIST target in to add dummy symlink entries on
a.out platforms
+ Update the documentation in Packages.txt
With many thanks to Thomas Klausner for keeping me honest with this.
Tue Jun 06 12:00:00 BST 2000
- Added org/postgresql/ to the list of files removed
by make clean (it's dynamically built)
- Fixed Statement, so that the update count is valid when an SQL
DELETE operation is done.
- While fixing the update count, made it easier to get the OID of
the last insert as well. Example is in example/
Tue Jun 06 08:37:00 BST 2000
- Removed a hardwired 8K limit on query strings
- Added some missing org.'s in Connection that prevented
the use of the geometric types.
Thu Jun 01 07:26:00 BST 2000
- Removed timezone in getTimestamp() methods in ResultSet.
Mon May 15 22:30:00 BST 2000
- Fixed the message Makefile produces after compiling. It still said
about the old Driver class, not the new package. Spotted by
Joseph Shraibman <>