2.0.7 Tue May 23 20:41:13 EDT 2017
- RT#108123: clean up MANIFEST.SKIP
- GH#1: marcdump now prints warnings (Johann Rolschewski)
- remove a reference to SourceForge
- fix a reference to the per4lib mailing list
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
Upstream changes:
2.0.6 Tue Oct 22 16:17:06 UTC 2013
- MARC::Field->as_string() now accepts an optional second
parameter to specify the delimiter to use between
subfields. (Tomas Cohen Arazi)
- MARC::Field->delete_subfield() can now accept a regexp
to specify the subfields to remove. For example, to
remove all numeric subfields, one can say:
$field->delete_subfield(code => qr/\d/);
(Jason Stephenson)
- the warnings pragma is now used throughout MARC::Record
- $field->as_string('0') now returns the contents of
subfield $0 rather than the contents of all of the
subfields in the field.
- RT#88421: add newline after printing warnings
(Jason Stephenson)
- RT#85804: fix spelling glitch (Gregor Herrmann)
2.0.5 Mon Feb 11 20:39:10 PST 2013
- fix use of qw(...) in test case so that module passes
tests with Perl 5.17.x.
2.0.4 Sat Feb 9 19:01:47 PST 2013
- add MARC::Field->set_indicator($indpos, $indval), a mutator
for indicators
- add MARC::Field->set_tag to allow tags to be renamed
(Robin Sheat)
- delete_subfield(), if given a single subfield label as its
argument, will delete all instances of the specified
subfield, increasing its DWIM factor
- improved POD for MARC::Field->delete_subfield()
- RT#70346: delete_subfield() no longer clears entire field if
arguments are badly formatted
- croak if invalid arguments are passed to delete_subfield()
- fix error in tutorial (thanks to Tom Burton-West for the
- RT#76990: emit leader of correct length even if record longer
than 99,999 octets (Julian Maurice)
- RT#67094: croak with correct error if attempting to create
MARC::Field sans subfields
- corrected POD for indicator() method
- move tag validity check to new class method,
- move indicator validity check to new class method,
- have MARC::Record pass perlcritic --gentle (mostly)
- remove function prototypes
(see http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=861966)
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
2.0.3 Fri Jan 14 17:50:12 EST 2011
- RT#62296: fix crash when dealing with record bigger than
99999 bytes (Alex Arnaud)
- test cases for MARC::Field->subfields()
- RT#61198: let subfields return an empty array on control
fields (Colin Campbell)
2.0.2 Tue May 4 13:04:07 EDT 2010
- RT#57180: put back and expanded copyright statement in README
at Debian request
- set license element in META.yml
2.0.1 Sat May 1 15:59:54 EDT 2010
- improve support for subclassing MARC::Field (Dan Wells)
- RT#55993: MARC::Record->insert_fields_after can now insert
after last field in record (Frédéric Demians)
- added methods to MARC::Field to allow a (class-level) list of
fields that should be considered control fields in addition
to 001-009. Includes test t/extra_controlfields.t, and
supports alphabetic characters in the tag labels. The new
methods are
(Bill Dueber)
- added MARC::Record::delete_fields() and t/delete-field.t
(Ed Summers)
- documentation improvements (Mike Rylander and Dan Scott)
- baked in minimum Perl version required: 5.8.2
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.10.1 -> 5.12.1.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=..."), minus the packages updated after
the perl package update.
sno@ was right after all, obache@ kindly asked and he@ led the
way. Thanks!
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.8.8 -> 5.10.0.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=...").
This is primarily so that p5-Net-Z3950-ZOOM can compile without
having pkgsrc-wip checked out (oops!).
MARC::Record provides yet another collection of routines to process MARC