0.09 Sun May 02 2004
- added PREREQ_PM to Makefile.PL
0.08 Sun May 02 2004
- Changed whitelisted() function to also check for RELAY since
according to the sendmail spec, RELAY implies OK.
- Switched to using BerkeleyDB package instead of File_DB since
File_DB didn't seen to be working with BDB 4.2 libraries
- No longer include a test.db file. Call /usr/sbin/makemap at
`make test` time.
a package for making it easy to abstract the "SpamFriend" and
"SpamHater" features in sendmail, as well as those for whitelisting
certain hosts/addresses/etc.. Especially useful for making sure that
addresses you whitelisted as "always accept for" in /etc/mail/access
also get whitelisted in Milter-based applications as well (be they
senders or recipients)