<Differences between Mew 6.6 and Mew 6.5>
* Better image supports.
* The body encoded with Base64/Quoted-Printable is decoded.
* Catching up to the latest GnuPG.
* Support of ISO-2022-JP-3 was removed in favor of UTF-8.
* The speed to move the cursor in Summary mode got much faster.
* Supporting stunnel 5.
* Remove included patches.
Mew 6.4 stable release (2011/10/19)
* cmew falls back to getModificationTime on Windows.
Masamichi HOSODA <trueroad>
* Supporting Ruby 1.9.
Takahiro Kambe <taca>
Mew 6.4 release candidate 1 (2011/09/06)
* A bug of rescan is fixed finally!
* mewl avoids causing error if a folder does not exist.
Masamichi HOSODA <trueroad>
* Catching up to stunnel 4.39.
Ryo ONODERA <ryo_on>
* Supporting text/csv.
Tetsuya Toda <toda>
Mew 6.3.51 (2011/06/29)
* A hack for calling browser on Unix.
"Diogo F. S. Ramos" <diogofsr> and Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats>
* Bug fixes for hankaku.
<tmurata> and Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats>
* Avoiding broken end-of-line for quoted-printable.
* Multibyte hack for Emacs 23 and 24.
* Supporting GBK.
* Fixing excel and powerpoint on Unix.
Kan Sasaki <sasaki@fcc.ad.jp>
* pdftotext support for Windows.
Shuichi KITAGUCHI <ki>
* &rest to mew-user-agent-compose for Emacs 24.
Harald Hanche-Olsen <hanche>
* More gentle for broken Multipart/Signed.
Eisaku YAMAGUCHI <eisaku>
* Improving the documentation of mew-draft-use-format-flowed.
Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler>
* varsx hack.
* Fixing regex of time.
Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler>
* Fixing major mode hooks.
Hayashi Masahiro <mhayashi1120>
* Inline display of PDF with "pdftotext".
Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai>
Harumitsu YOSHITAKE <yositake>
* Text/Pdf for Thunderbird
Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler>
* Removing warnings for Emacs 23.3
Yu-ji Hosokawa <yu-ji>
* Killing stunnel with -KILL since the spec of stunnel changed.
* The -b option for mewest.
"Diogo F. S. Ramos" <diogofs>
Mew 6.3.50 (2010/08/31)
* Defining mew-draft-use-format-flowed.
Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler>
* Making use of mew-save-dir.
* Fixing the hash-vs-array problem of cmew.
Masamichi HOSODA <trueroad>
* Making cmew safer in the case where mewest works at the same time.
Masamichi HOSODA <trueroad>
* Hack for mew-time-rfc-to-sortkey.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai>
* A patch for unzip.
Yu-ji Hosokawa <yu-ji>
* Supporting unzip.
* Bug fix for PGP/MIME of binary encryption.
Shoichi Kurosaka <sho>
* Both cmew and smew in Haskell works well finally!
Shuichi KITAGUCHI <kit>
* Fixing info/Makefile.
Yasuhiro KIMURA <yasu>
* Guarding mew-addrbook-clean-up.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai>
* A bug fix of mew-mime-content-type.
Yu-ji Hosokawa <yu-ji>
* Setting split-width-threshold to nil in mew-summary-reply.
* "b" in Summary saves the buffer of Message mode to a file.
* header-only now can work for M-x mew.
* Bold of font can be specified on Emacs 23.
* Deleting " " from global-mode-string.
Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler>
* Correcting the -P option of stunnel3.
Kendall Shaw <kshaw>
* Define mew-sumsym-encode-folder and mew-sumsym-decode-folder.
* set-buffer -> with-current-buffer.
* Making mew-mime-image() safer.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <shirai>
Major changes:
* Configuration in ".mew.el", especially of mew-config-alist is
simplified. See the config2 node in info.
* Virtual mode is categorized to Selection and Thread. You can create
Selection by keyword, dialog, sorting, and so on. You can make
Thread even of Selection as well as of Summary.
* "S" is now virtual sort creating Selection. Physical sort is
assigned to "M-s".
* Punycode is supported. Mew now can display internationalized domain
* "Z" collects a folder list according to the current world.
No numeric argument is necessary any more.
* "_" toggles a long line: normal, long, wrapped.
* You can use gmail with IMAP.
Don't call pkg_info to get the installed Emacs version; always use the
version matching EMACS_TYPE set by users. Be DEPENDS to it. This should
address pkg/37146 by Aleksey Cheusov.
While here convert some emacs lisp packages to user-destdir.
dot co dot jp>.
Changes excerpted from 00diff:
Kazu Yamamoto
Jul 5, 2006
<Differences between Mew 5.1 and Mew 4.2>
* The ".mew" suffix is introduced for OS level search mechanisms.
* OS level search mechanisms including Spotlight, Windows Desktop
Search, Google Desktop are integrated.
* The mechanism of master password was implemented.
Set mew-use-master-passwd to t to use it.
* When sending a message, if your SMTP server requires user
authentication, Mew asks you to input your password. You don't have
to configure mew-smtp-user anymore.
* In Draft mode, addresses which are not considered safe turn red.
See mew-safe-addresses, mew-warn-addresses, mew-safe-domains, and
* You can securely save your passwords to a file with a master
* "li" copies a message to an IMAP folder.
* "I" now works in Thread mode.
* "C-cC-e" in Summary has been drastically improved.
* "C-cC-t" and "C-cC-y" in Summary were obsoleted.
* 'mew-inbox-action-alist' can be set in 'mew-config-alist'.
* "v" in Summary mode displays line numbers when off.
* "C-uj" in Summary mode jumps to the message whose message number is
* "C-uB" decomposes any attached files.
* If you want to put the 'D' mark to duplicated messages
whose boyies are identical (ie spams), set
mew-summary-form-mark-spam to t.
* All variables can be defined in ".mew.el". You don't have to
set specific variables in ".emacs".
1) Simplify the way how an emacs version is picked when no emacs
is installed, but a user try to install an Emacs Lisp package.
Just pick up the version set as EMACS_TYPE than searching for
versions already installed etc. If the EMACS_TYPE version is
not supported by the Emacs Lisp Package, just fail. EMACS_TYPE
be default to GNU Emacs 21.
(In other words, users should set EMACS_TYPE as they want.
Otherwise GNU Emacs 21 is used.)
2) All Emacs Lisp Packages *must* prepend EMACS_PKGNAME_PREFIX to
a) the PKGNAME itself, and b) PKGNAME in its dependency lines.
EMACS_PKGNAME_PREFIX is expanded to "xemacs-" when XEmacs is
used. This keeps dependency graph of Emacs-Lisp-packages-
installed-for-XEmacs consistent.
3) Document EMACS_* variables as much as possible.
4) Provide more cookies for PLIST. Maybe utilized later.
Note that the 2) change doesn't affect the default, GNU Emacs 21
behaviour. So no version / revision bumps in this commit.
Changes (cited from 00diff) are:
> <Differences between Mew 4.2 and Mew 4.1>
> * mew-nmz.el has been integrated. You can search messages with
> keyword DB. For more information, see info.
> * "C-uw" prepares a draft whose To: is the address on From: of the
> current message.
> * "e" in Summary can convert any mark to new one.
> * S/MIME has been supported. (alpha stage)
> * IMAP UTF-7 support. You can use non-ASCII characters for folder
> names.
> * TLS has been supported.
> * Fixing a bug of SSL.
> * Drag and Drop composing has been supported.
> * Many small bug fixes.
in the process. (More information on tech-pkg.)
Bump PKGREVISION and BUILDLINK_DEPENDS of all packages using libtool and
installing .la files.
Bump PKGREVISION (only) of all packages depending directly on the above
via a buildlink3 include.
Changes since 2.2 are:
* A bug fix for S/MIME's temporary file again.
* info updates.
* Catching up new warning messages of GnuPG 1.2.0.
KOIE Hidetaka <hide@koie.org>
* A bug fix for S/MIME's temporary file.
* A bug fix for PGP's marks in the attachment region.
Mew 2.2 (2002/02/25)
Mew 2.2rc4 (2002/02/21)
* Defining mew-syntax-treat-filename-default-function.
* Binding auto-image-file-mode to nil in mew-flet and mew-frwlet.
* Defining mew-use-other-frame.
* Yet another bug fix for "t*".
* A bug fix for mew-summary-join.
* Seeing if incm exists or not.
Mew 2.2rc3 (2002/02/04)
* Fixing the "foo: ;" problem.
* m17n hack for Summary mode of +draft.
* Window-config hack for composing mails.
* A bug fix for "t*".
* Prefix for mew-draft-insert-signature.
* Patches for incm.
* A bug fix of mew-summary-save for the NAME parameter.
* Creating folders specified by Fcc: when composing.
* Debug hack.
* sleep-for 1 for mew-touch-folder-check.
* LANG: "en" -> "C"
* A bug fix for mew-buffer-message.
* Defining mew-encode-singlepart-hook.
* Null body hack for incm.
* A bug fix for mew-insert-message.
Mew 2.2rc2 (2002/01/17)
* Workaround for messages whose size is 0.
* TIS 620 hack.
* GCC hack for configure.in.
* A patch for configure.in.
* Displaying the number of marked messages.
* make clean hack.
* Digit-argument for "0"-"9". mew-summary-toggle-8bit -> "z8".
* Supporting ".tif".
* "nntp" service entry.
* incm hack.
* A patch for incm.
* incm is merged.
* A bug fix for mew-delete-file.
* no-fold option for mew-header-insert.
* Case-sensitive search for marks.
Mew 2.2rc1 (2001/12/20)
* A bug fix of C-cC-z for multple PGP data.
* A bug fix for w3m.
Mew 2.1.52 (2001/12/11)
* Sort key hack: "ml2" -> "mlnum"
* Copying minibuffer-local-map to mew-input-map.
* A bug fix for mew-input-file-name.
* wvHtml hack.
* Defining mew-broken-parameter-list.
* m17n hack.
* Defining mew-prog-audio{,2} for Win32.
Summary of changes:
- removal of USE_GTEXINFO
- addition of mk/texinfo.mk
- inclusion of this file in package Makefiles requiring it
- `install-info' substituted by `${INSTALL_INFO}' in PLISTs
- tuning of mk/bsd.pkg.mk:
removal of USE_GTEXINFO
`${INSTALL_INFO}' replace `install-info' in target rules
print-PLIST target now generate `${INSTALL_INFO}' instead of `install-info'
- a couple of new patch files added for a handful of packages
- setting of the TEXINFO_OVERRIDE "switch" in packages Makefiles requiring it
- devel/cssc marked requiring texinfo 4.0
- a couple of packages Makefiles were tuned with respect of INFO_FILES and
makeinfo command usage
See -newly added by this commit- section 10.24 of Packages.txt for
further information.