the owner of all installed files is a non-root user. This change
affects most packages that require special users or groups by making
them use the specified unprivileged user and group instead.
(1) Add two new variables PKG_GROUPS_VARS and PKG_USERS_VARS to These two variables are lists of other bmake
variables that define package-specific users and groups. Packages
that have user-settable variables for users and groups, e.g. apache
and APACHE_{USER,GROUP}, courier-mta and COURIER_{USER,GROUP},
etc., should list these variables in PKG_USERS_VARS and PKG_GROUPS_VARS
so that can know to set them to ${UNPRIVILEGED_USER}
(2) Modify packages to use PKG_GROUPS_VARS and PKG_USERS_VARS.
backslashes anymore. A single backslash is enough. Changed the
definition in all affected packages. For those that are not caught, an
additional check is placed into
The Courier authentication library provides authentication services for
other Courier applications. In this context, the term "authentication"
refers to the following functions:
1. Take a userid or a loginid, and a password. Determine whether the
loginid and the password are valid.
2. Given a userid, obtain the following information about the userid:
A. The account's home directory.
B. The numeric system userid and groupid that owns all files
associated with this account.
C. The location of the account's maildir.
D. Any maildir quota defined for this account. See the Courier
documentation for more information on maildir quotas.
E. Other miscellaneous account-specific options.
3. Change the password associated with a loginid.
4. Obtain a complete list of all loginids.