Adds lots of HTML documentation and more xetex support.
I tested this with a few documents, plus it fixes at
least one bug I had when using custom style configurations.
From the announcement, the detailed changes are:
- Fix Debian bug #525692: remove babel shorthand for russian
- Fix Debian bug #514932: apply XSLT options when building listing
(thanks to W. Borgert's patch).
- Fix Debian bug #499500: apply the A. Hoenen patch
- Fix bug #2412650: make curly braces more robust in <indexterm>s.
- Fix bug #2393435: handle <table> @pgwide for two column mode.
- Fix bug #2381306: make <ulink>s more robust in <term>
- Fix bug #2058771: use \ensuremath{} to make equations robust.
- Fix bug #1987025: use @xml:id when provided to make labels.
- Fix bug #1975259: apply general title template to handle escaped chars
in qandaset titles.
- Fix bug in handling @xreflabel in <xref>
- Fix annotation bug: add a correct font setup to each annotation tex file
- Fix some character translations: backtick (`), degree symbol
- Fix SGML to XML conversion through osx
- Use Info/title to render qansaset headings
- Use \ensuremath{} to make latin1 from UTF8 conversion more robust
- Add the parameters:
* doc.layout: configure the overall document layout
(deciding if it contains a coverpage, a toc, a frontmatter etc.)
* variablelist.term.separator,
* (mechanism extended with @xrefstyle),
* ulink.footnotes.
- Remove useless parameters (rely on localized gentext instead):
* refnamediv.title,
* refsynopsis.title,
- Move the 'qandaset.defaultlabel' parameter to 'qanda.defaultlabel' in
order to be common with the DocBook Project XSL parameter.
- By default, a document subset (i.e. no <article> or <book> root element
is no more wrapped with an <article>. No more unexpected cover page and
front matter.
- Allow a tex equation in <alt> without latex math mode delimiters in both
<equation> and <inlineequation>.
- Add texmath PI in <alt> in order to avoid automatic math mode wrapping
- Make XeTeX support more mature (but still experimental).
- Change the documentation structure.