== Build (Unix) ==
* Support custom buildflags in GRASS plugin (5850)
* GRASS 7.0.0 support (5852)
* fix detection of ECW SDK 5.1 on Mac (5867, 5390)
* Add support for Poppler >= 0.31.0 (6118)
== Port ==
* /vsitar/: remove useless validation test that prevents from opening valid .tar files (5864)
== Algorithms ==
* gdal_grid: fix crash in optimized mode with GCC 4.4 on 64bit (5987)
* Fix failure in GDALSuggestedWarpOut2() when computing output image size in case the top-left and bottom-right corners tranform to the same point (5980)
* Rasterize: add check to avoid burning negative x values (5641)
== GDAL core ==
* GMLJP2 reader: add compatibility with OGC CRS URL as found in GMLJP2v2 (5940)
* GMLJP2: on reading, don't do axis inversation if there's an explicit axisName requesting easting, northing order (5960)
* GMLJP2: add missing rangeParameters element to validate against GMLJP2 schema (5707)
== Utilities ==
* gdalbuildvrt: fix potential crash when using -b switch (6095)
* gdalserver: fix compilation with recent GNU libc (such as in Arch Linux) (6073)
* gdalwarp: emit error message if file specified with -cutline cannot be opened (5921)
* gdalwarp: fix 1.11.2 regression when invoking several times gdalwarp with several input files on the same target file, and when the input files have a nodata setting: only the last input file was warped onto the target dataset (5909)
* ogr2ogr: fix crash with -clipdst when a reprojection fails before (5973)
* ogr_layer_algebra.py: for Update, Clip and Erase, only creates attribute of input layer by default
One mismatched digest found in geography/libmemphis02:
# package libmemphis02
recorded SHA1 (memphis-0.2.3.tar.gz) = dbc2f61e49b996dc9ca91df0de9a08eb7adbfa9b
calculated SHA1 (memphis-0.2.3.tar.gz) = 85993bce12c3616fcf6e7682a70b9605883edec2
No changes were made to the libmemphis02 distinfo file
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
This option fixes a pgsql version, and we're not really set up to deal
with that. It makes postgis only build for that one version. So far,
I'm not aware of a reason to have pgsql support in gdal. So, just
turn it off, and we can figure out a way to deal if there is actually
a need.
Discussed with Filip during postgis2 packaging, and I think suggested
to Brook and Adam.
gdal links against the geos C++ library, which the geos docs say not
to do. (The C++ library has a new shlib name every release, because
humans cannot understand if changes to C++ sources cause ABI changes.)
* Fix infinite GDALOpen recursion with some VRTs (4835)
* Avoid destroying existing overviews (.aux/.rrd) (4831)
* Support recognising NaN better in CPLStrtod() (4799)
* Fix windows declaration for CPLGetErrorHandlerUserData() (4755)
* Fix compilation with Gentoo modified zlib 1.2.6 (4723)
* Look for libgeotiff headers in /usr/include/libgeotiff too (4706)
* Improve warning handling in CPLClearRecodeStubWarningFlags() (4650)
* Fix Solaris compilation bug (4705)
* MorphFromESRI(): compare SPHEROID/PRIMEM parms, not names (4673)
* Avoid iffy casting of OGRWkbGeometryType to int (4847)
* Fix thread safety issue with CPLOpenShared()
* New OGR drivers: ARCGEN, CouchDB, DWG, EDIGEO, FileGDB, Geomedia, GFT,
* Significantly improved drivers: NetCDF
* Encoding support for shapefile/dbf
* RFC 35: Delete, reorder and alter field definitions of OGR layers
* RFC 37: Add mechanism to provide user data to CPLErrorHandler
* gdalsrsinfo: new supported utility to report SRS in various form
(supercedes testepsg)
= GDAL/OGR 1.8.1 release notes =
The 1.8.1 release is a routine bug fix release on the stable GDAL/OGR 1.8
== General ==
* Fix for windows build of cpl_vsil_gzip.cpp (#3908)
* Fix OGRDataSource.Open() signature so utf8 translation works in C# (#3766).
* Fix cpl_config.h.vc so it also works with mingw compiler on windows (#3960)
* Fix GEOS configuration checking affecting GEOS 3.0.4 (#3990)
* Support optional nmake.local file for local MSVC config (r22529).
== GDAL / Raster ==
* GDALReplicateWord(): fix error with missing one pixel (#4090)
* Fix issue with duplicating metadata (#3961)
* VRT: Fix issues with complex data types (#3977)
* VRT: Fix issue with nodata values and uninitialized buffers (#4045)
* VRT/.aux.xml: Fix performance with large color tables (#3961)
* VRT: Fix for VRTs smaller than the default block size (#4137)
* IDRISI/RST: Fix seg fault with missing fields in .ref and .rdc (#4100)
* IDRISI: Fix problem with spherical inverse flattening (#3757)
* GTIFF: Fix support for external overviews with COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS (#3938)
* GTIFF: Correct handling of linear geokeys in feet (#3091)
* GTIFF: Fix edge anomoly issues with jpeg tiles (#4096)
* GTIFF: Don't skip driver even if library versions differ (#4101)
* SAGA: Fix reading/writing .sdat files larger than 2GB. (#4104)
* PCIDSK: Various fixes particularly for linked files (r21513)
* PCIDSK: Fixes for georeferencing parsing (#3913)
* ECW: Added/fixed french ECW coordinate systems (#3868)
* ECW: Force sign of y pixel size when needed (#393)
* ECW: Support EPSG:n style coordinate systems (#3955)
* ECW: Fixes related to geotransform overrides (#4131)
* ERS: Handle .ers files in case insensitive way (#3974)
* PNG: Add support for libpng >= 1.5.0 (#3914)
* JP2KAK: Support reading and writing resolution info (#3847)
* MRSID: Fix for configuring and building on MacOS X (#3910)
* HFA (.img): Fix filename computations and updating for renaming files (#3897)
* HFA (.img): Support reading 2bit compressed .img files (#3956)
* HFA (.img): Fix for rewriting projection/datum parameters (#3969)
* NITF: Correct hemisphere setting for ICORDS=U with world file (#3931)
* NITF: Make attribute section size hack safer (#4020)
* EHDR: Improved floating point file detection (#3933)
* ASRP: Approximated support for Azimuthal Equidistant in poles (#3946)
* HDF5/BAG: fix handle and memory leaks (#3953)
* HDF5: Avoid returning NULL from GetProjectionRef() (#4076)
* HDF5: Improve preservation of floating point precision in metadata (r22531).
* JPIPKAK: Fix problems with overviews, windowing and errors (#3967)
* USGSDEM: Fixing locale dependent parsing of numbers (#3886, #3979)
* RS2: Support subdataset oriented metadata and overviews (#4006)
* AIGRID: Support uncompressed integer images (ArcGIS 10) (#4035)
* gdalwarp: Include DstDensity mask in memory calculations (#4042)
* GeoRaster: Full backport for fixes and features (#4039,#3266,#4071,#4072,#4132)
* ENVISAT: Fix gcp computations for stripline products (#3160,#3709)
* ENVISAT: Fix gcp computations for MERIS products (#4086)
* SAR_CEOS: Fix potential crash with odd filenames. (#4065)
* SAR_CEOS: Skip datasets with wrong record length. (#4146)
* ENVI: Support ESRI style coordinate system strings (#3312)
* JAXAPALSAR: Fix datatype of 1.5 level product (#4136)
* gdalfillnodata: working file is created as bigtiff if possibly needed (#4088)
== OGR / Vector ==
* LIBKML: Fix build issue against static libkml (#3909)
* LIBKML: Improve checking to see if files are actually kml (#4003)
* GML: Fix crash with invalid geometries when axis order is lat/long (#3935)
* GML: Support curves in directEdges (#3934)
* GML: Do not force 3D linestrings for directed edges (#3936)
* GPX/GeoRSS: Fix expat library order issue on unix (#3948)
* PG/PGDUMP: Fix handling of NaN in zero width fields (#2112)
* PGDUMP: Add CREATE_SCHEMA and DROP_TABLE layer options (#4033)
* PGDUMP: Support wkbNone geometry better, and other subtle bugs (#4040)
* OGR SQL: Allow double quoting column name in SELECT DISTINCT (#3966)
* OGR SQL: Fix crashes with some uses of SUBSTR and CAST (#4055)
* OGR SQL: Fix crash on IS NULL test on floating point fields (#4091)
* OGR SQL: Fix error with SQL joins (#4112)
* MSSQL: Fix for IDENTITY INSERT problem (#3992)
* MSSQL: Fix for schema handling (#3951)
* MSSQL: Fix for geometry handling with ExecuteSQL() (#4149)
* OCI: Fix writing of tables with no general attributes (#4063)
* GeoJSON: Fix assertion on ESRI json (#4056, #4057)
* GeoJSON: Improve numeric field determination (#4082)
* SHAPE: Fix decoding of triangle fans in multipatch files (#4081)
* SHAPE: Fix multipolygon detection issue due to isClockwise failure (#4122)
* MITAB: Fix handling of filenames with two dots in them. (#4123)
* MITAB: Fix problems with null datetime values (#4150)
* ogr2ogr: Improve -overwrite/-append handling (#4012)
* ogr2ogr: Ensure -where fields are address in SetIgnoredFields (#4015)