eyeD3 is a Python tool for working with audio files, specifically
mp3 files containing ID3 metadata (i.e. song info).
It provides a command-line tool (``eyeD3``) and a Python library
(``import eyed3``) that can be used to write your own applications
or plugins that are callable from the command-line tool.
eyeD3 is a Python tool for working with audio files, specifically
mp3 files containing ID3 metadata (i.e. song info).
It provides a command-line tool (``eyeD3``) and a Python library
(``import eyed3``) that can be used to write your own applications
or plugins that are callable from the command-line tool.
Changes in version 1.16:
Repairing of single-byte errors is now about 10 times faster depending
on file size and position of error.
Copying of file dates, permissions, and ownership now behaves like "cp -p".
(If the user ID or the group ID can't be duplicated, the file permission
bits S_ISUID and S_ISGID are cleared).
Some minor improvements have been made.
"lziprecover.texinfo" has been renamed to "lziprecover.texi".
The license has been changed to GPL version 2 or later.
(Klaus Reimer <k@ailis.de>, 07 Aug 2010)
Replaced mktemp with mkstemp.
Set correct version number and updated creation date in command-line help.
Corrected content of PATCHLEVEL file.
Added man page for marc.
Added install make target.
Added -Wall compiler flag.
It has the unfortunate property that wrong configs seem to tend to
drop to the debugger while building, which hangs bulk builds and needs
to be masked. However, mucking with configurations isn't all that
difficult provided you can test them, and many that could be added
will probably just work.
Source Highlight is a library to format code written in a number
of programming languages as text in a number of markup languages.
This binding to the underlying C++ library is very basic, supporting
only the essential functionality.
Note that any exceptions thrown by the underlying C++ library are
caught by the Perl binding and rethrown using the equivalent of a
die statement.
Progress bars are handy - they tell you how much work has been done,
how much is left to do and estimate how long it will take.
But they can be fiddly!
This module does the right thing in almost all cases in a really convenient way.
platforms that can run i386-linux binaries; we don't need to set
ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM as well. (And especially not more restrictively than
necessary, such as excluding Linux.)
- Requires ExtUtils::ParseXS 3.18 because of 2.21 issues
- Remove experimental requires_xs() because Module::Install
provides another requires_xs()
- Move t/01_example.t to xt/
of platforms accepted: the situation is that the upstream file is
binary and only semi-portable. It in particular won't work on netbsd-6
and up, regardless of machine type, because it uses time_t.
If anyone feels like improving the situation, get upstream to
distribute a portable file...
- Newlines should be consistently UNIX-stylee now in generated files (MITHALDU)
- Mark two tests as TODO if EUMM > 6.98 until utf8 gets fixed (BINGOS)
- Revert license behaviour (TSIBLEY)
- Documentation also mentioning metacpan.org (LLAP)
- Minimum perl version is now v5.6.0 (BOWTIE)
- Update license tables (BOWTIE)
- Prereqs and recommends adjusted (BOWTIE)
- Typo fixes (BOWTIE)
- Pod fixes (GREGOA)
- Fix make upgradedeps work with bundles (JNWHITLEY)
- Fix name_from regex to work with recent package syntax (BOWTIE)
- Performance enhancements when running Makefile.PL (GFUJI)
- Removed use of sub prototypes (BOWTIE)
- Remove LWP::UserAgent from the prereqs (TOKUHIROM)
- Require a more recent version of Module::ScanDeps (CHORNY)
- Fix failing test case with recent Parse::CPAN::Meta (BINGOS)