- based on openjdk7 b147 and the bsd-port branch as of 20110811.
- integrates mozilla rhino 1.7R3 scripting support based on patches
from icedtea7 snapshot as of 20110819.
- refresh bootstrap kits
- tested on NetBSD 5.0/current, i386/amd64 and DragonFlyBSD 2.10 i386.
Upstream changes: mostly bugfixes. Perhaps also noteworthy is that the
zero assembler port has been integrated which should open up for wider
platform support in pkgsrc in the future.
WebKit is an open source web browser engine. WebKit is also the name of
the Mac OS X system framework version of the engine that's used by
Safari, Dashboard, Mail, and many other OS X applications. WebKit's HTML
and JavaScript code began as a branch of the KHTML and KJS libraries
from KDE.
This is the GTK3+ port of the engine.
Add a LICENSE definition to the package makefile.
- 1.21 released -
Disk images no longer contain holes, making them easier to use with
vnd(4). Partially based on patch from Vladimir Kirillov.
Increase the default disk size from 512M to 768M, as 512M is no longer
sufficient for amd64.
- 1.20 released -
Run df before and after the ATF tests so that disk usage data
can be gathered from the test logs.
Increase the default timeout for the ATF test from 1 hour to 2 hours
as the number of tests has now increased to a point where 1 hour is
not always enough even on a fast machine.
Increase the timeout for the set extraction phase from 1200 to 2400
seconds; the extra time is needed when installing a system built
without optimization.
- 1.19 released -
Rename the --qemu-args option to --vmm-args in preparation for adding
support for other virtual machine monitors in addition to qemu.
Fix typos found by Antti Kantee and Jean-Yves Migeon.
Deprecate the --qemu-args -no-kvm-irqchip workaround, as it doesn't
quite work.
Add support for MacOS X hosts, from Jeff Rizzo.
New command line option "--test-timeout".
Deal with yet another seemingly nondeterministic "Press enter to
continue" prompt.
changes in sbcl-1.0.51 relative to sbcl-1.0.50:
* minor incompatible change: SB-BSD-SOCKET socket streams no longer
participate in SERVE-EVENT by default: pass :SERVE-EVENTS T to
* enhancement: added support for socket keepalive timeout intervals
and probe counts on Linux.
* enhancement: building 32-bit SBCL on Linux/x86-64 now works without a
chroot. (Use "SBCL_ARCH=x86 sh make.sh" to build.)
* enhancement: added new toplevel options --quit and --non-interactive
* enhancement: the Windows port of SBCL now builds and runs on Wine
(thanks to Anton Kovalenko).
* enhancement: more, and more correct, SSE instruction definitions on
x86-64 (thanks to Alexander Gavrilov).
* enhancement: SB-EXT:SPIN-LOOP-HINT assembles to an instruction designed
to help the processor execute spin loops, when applicable. Currently
implemented for x86 and x86-64.
* optimization: unsigned integer divisions by a constant are implemented
using multiplication (affects CEILING, FLOOR, TRUNCATE, MOD, and REM.)
* optimization: improved type-derivation for LOAD-TIME-VALUE.
* bug fix: correct RIP offset calculation in SSE comparison and shuffle
instructions. (lp#814688)
* bug fix: COERCE to unfinalized extended sequence classes now works.
(reported by Jan Moringen; lp#815155)
* bug fix: a compiler error during typecheck generation, reported by Eric
Marsden. (lp#816564)
* bug fix: obsolete instance protocol fires when shared slots are added
or removed.
* bug fix: fixed-format floating point printing with scaling factors.
* bug fix: using GCC >= 4.6 to build SBCL on x86 no longer breaks
backtraces. (lp#818460)
* bug fix: better backtraces for interrupted syscall frames on x86.
* bug fix: SSE comparison instructions can be disassembled even when one
operand is in memory. (lp#814702)
* bug fix: incomplete writes when not using SERVE-EVENTS. (lp#820599)
* bug fix: MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND + VALUES -> LET conversion could lose derived
type information associated with the VALUES form.
* bug fix: broken warnings/errors for type-errors involving LOAD-TIME-VALUE
forms. (lp#823014)
* bug fix: OPEN :IF-EXISTS :APPEND now returns correct FILE-POSITION before
first write (lp#561642).
* bug fix: compiled closures from EVAL could not be DESCRIBEd. (lp#824974)
* bug fix: bound propagation involving conversion of large bignums to
floats no longer signals a SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR, reported by Lutz Euler.
* bug fix: &REST to &MORE conversion still works in unsafe call to known
functions; reported by Lutz Euler (lp#826459).
* bug fix: bogus deadlocks from interrupts and GCs. (lp#807475, regression
since 1.0.48)
changes in sbcl-1.0.50 relative to sbcl-1.0.49:
* enhancement: errors from FD handlers now provide a restart to remove
the offending handler.
* enhancement: SB-INTROSPECT:FIND-DEFINITION-SOURCE now works on structure
copiers as well.
* enhancement: location of user or system initialization file can now easily
be customized for saved cores. See: SB-EXT:*USERINIT-PATHNAME-FUNCTION*
* enhancement: SB-EXT:MAKE-THREAD accepts an argument list designator for
the thunk, as a keyword argument, :arguments.
* enhancement: constraint propagation is simplified (and sped up) when
* enhancement: SB-ALIEN exports alien type specifiers SIZE-T and OFF-T.
* enhancement: debugger understands &MORE arguments better.
* optimization: extracting bits of a single-float on x86-64 has been
optimized. (lp#555201)
* optimization: MAP and MAP-INTO are more efficient for non-simple vectors,
when (> SPEED SPACE).
* optimization: local call trampolines (x86 and x86-64) are emitted
* optimization: implicit value cells for dynamic-extent closed-over bindings
on x86 and x86-64 can hold unboxed values as well.
* meta-optimization: improved compilation speed, especially for large
functions. (lp#792363 and lp#394206)
* bug fix: bound derivation for floating point operations is now more
careful about rounding possibly closing open bounds. (lp#793771)
* bug fix: SB-POSIX:SYSCALL-ERROR's argument is now optional. (accidental
backwards incompatible change in
* bug fix: occasional debugger errors in when a type-error occured in a
function with dynamic-extent &rest list.
* bug fix: &optional and &key supplied-p arguments in DEFSTRUCT
boa-construtors can be used to initialized structure slots.
* bug fix: FMAKUNBOUND removes the MACRO-FUNCTION, should one exist.
(lp#795705, regression)
* bug fix: DIRECTORY works better on logical pathnames.
* bug fix: RUN-PROGRAM no longer fails spuriously when argument strings
are of the order of ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE-LIMIT. (lp#787237)
* bug fix: the compiler no longer constant-folds NaNs in
* bug fix: FORMAT now handles floating point rounding correct, eg.
(format nil "~,1F" 0.01) => "0.0" instead of "0.01" as previously.
* bug fix: style warning during lambda-list introspection of generic
functions with both optional and key argments.
* bug fix: regalloc doesn't barf on unused TNs due to type-directed constant
folding. (lp#729765)
* bug fix: Fixed an off-by-one in MAP-ALLOCATED-OBJECTS that might have caused
infinite loops.
This release adds support for context on GtkBuilder UI elements, fixes for out-
of-source tree builds and a few intltool-update fixes for Windows and .py.in.
2.41 2011-06-01 (by Todd Rinaldo
- Tests are cleaned. promoting to stable. No changes since 2.40_02
2.40_02 2011-05-31 (by Todd Rinaldo)
- TODO some tests which fail in Free BSD due to improper expat CVE patch
2.40_01 2011-05-24 (by Todd Rinaldo)
- better installation instructions
- Small spelling patches from Debian package - Thanks Nicholas Bamber
- RT 68399 - Upgrade Devel::CheckLib to 0.93 to make it
perl 5.14 compliant - qw()
- RT 67207 - Stop doing tied on globs - Thanks sprout
- RT 31319 - Fix doc links in POD for XML/Parser.pm
0.2.19 Fri Aug 05 2011 Toni Gundogdu
Fixes: Webscripts
- ted.lua: attempt to index local 's' (#65)
- youtube.lua: no match: fmt_url_map (#63)
- Thanks to Zefram <zefram@fysh.org> for the patch
- funnyordie.lua: no match: flv url (#64)
kramdown is a free GPL-licensed Ruby library for parsing and
converting a superset of Markdown. It is completely written in Ruby,
supports standard Markdown (with some minor modifications) and various
extensions that have been made popular by the PHP Markdown Extra
package and Maruku.
fork(2) calls slow down as the parent process uses more memory due to
the need to copy page tables. In many common uses of fork(), where it
is followed by one of the exec family of functions to spawn child
processes (Kernel#system, IO::popen, Process::spawn, etc.), it's
possible to remove this overhead by using the use of special process
spawning interfaces (posix_spawn(), vfork(), etc.)
The posix-spawn library aims to implement a subset of the Ruby 1.9
Process::spawn interface in a way that takes advantage of fast process
spawning interfaces when available and provides sane fallbacks on
systems that do not.
* Various improvements to the builtin Internet Explorer.
* Support for Get/SetDIBits in the DIB engine.
* Support for enhanced metafiles in the View tool.
* Many improvements in WinHTTP.
* A number of fixes to the COM stubless marshaller.
* Improved mechanism for DLL registrations.
* Various bug fixes.