"obtained from..." line). Based on those comments I removed that line
and note hereby the following thing to give credit for the previous work:
The idea for the patch management was taken from the FreeBSD
vim port (by obrien@freebsd.org)
- Upgraded to 6.0.92
- Ignored patches 27, 48, 53, 64, 70, 73, 87
Changes since 6.0.25:
6.0.026 GTK: menu separators could be selected with the cursor keys
6.0.027 VMS: fix printing, compiling with VAXC and other things
6.0.028 compilation error with +visualextra but without +virtualedit
6.0.029 undo doesn't work correctly in specific situations
6.0.030 "source! file" doesn't work after ":argdo" or in a loop
6.0.031 define putenv() also for non-GUI for systems that lack it
6.0.032 no redraw after a fold setting was changed
6.0.033 MS-Windows: 'wildmenu' shows name with embedded space wrong
6.0.034 calling searchpair() with three arguments could crash
6.0.035 menu to toggle toolbar didn't work when 'ignorecase' is set
6.0.036 DOS/Windows/OS/2: path in 'tags' relative to drive didn't work
6.0.037 the default syntax menu was defined even when disabled
6.0.038 when 'selection' is "exclusive" the cursor can be beyond EOL
6.0.039 "c" in blockwise Visual and "gP" left cursor in wrong position
6.0.040 when 'fileencoding' is invalid, writing may remove the file
6.0.041 if LC_MESSAGES isn't defined ":lang messages en" doesn't work
6.0.042 ":mksession" can't handle a file name with a space
6.0.043 patch 6.0.041 used vim_getenv() instead of mch_getenv()
6.0.044 syntax argument "containedin" doesn't always work properly
6.0.045 creating fold with Visual mode doesn't redraw other window
6.0.046 the stack check fails when the limit doesn't fit in a long
6.0.047 using nested regexp item in \%[] can cause a crash
6.0.048 Win32 console: mouse sometimes doesn't work right
6.0.049 the intro screen is misleading when running evim
6.0.050 "viw" doesn't include multi-byte characters before the cursor
6.0.051 UTF-8: CTRL-R on the command line skips composing characters
6.0.052 requires 6.0.046: also look in sys/resource.h for rlim_t
6.0.053 extra: various fixes for QNX
6.0.054 CTRL-V in mswin.vim and Paste menu didn't paste block of text
6.0.055 GTK: copying a selection didn't work the first time
6.0.056 CTRL-O cw results in a nested Insert mode
6.0.057 ":wincmd g}" didn't work inside a function
6.0.058 after CursorHold autocommand the ruler wasn't updated
6.0.059 'hlsearch' highlighting is not visible in diff lines
6.0.060 Motif: if fontset cannot be allocated tooltip may crash Vim
6.0.061 v:this_session wasn't used correctly in menu.vim
6.0.062 ":shell" crashes when 'verbose' is > 3
6.0.063 when 'cpo' includes "$" "cw)" didn't update syntax highlight
6.0.064 extra: improve self-installing exe made with NSIS
6.0.065 ":normal" can read redo characters before its argument
6.0.066 undo for one command can be split into two pieces
6.0.067 if_xcmdsrv.c doesn't compile on AIX
6.0.068 using "gq" on a Visual area doesn't always redraw correctly
6.0.069 "K" on a word that includes a "!" gives an error message
6.0.070 Win32: failing library load didn't give a clear error message
6.0.071 the "iris-ansi" builtin termcap isn't very good
6.0.072 Visual area not redraw correctly when 'lazyredraw' is set
6.0.073 extra: CTRL-Z doesn't position cursor for DJGPP version
6.0.074 "&" in substitute string is wrong with a few multi-byte chars
6.0.075 could equalize too many windows when closing a window
6.0.076 compiler warning in version.c (depends on 6.0.049)
6.0.077 patch 6.0.075 was incomplete
6.0.078 "daw" didn't always work at the end of a line
6.0.079 still possible to overwrite a read-only file with "W" in 'cpo'
6.0.080 session with same file in two windows gives hit-enter prompt
6.0.081 buffers menu has wrong buffer number after ":saveas file"
6.0.082 shell prompt is sometimes right after a message from vimrc
6.0.083 GTK: dialog buttons are empty when compiled without menus
6.0.084 UTF-8: "r" with composing character can't be redone
6.0.085 with "s" and using 'mousefocus' Insert mode is stopped
6.0.086 "gu" gives a wrong message
6.0.087 lang: update message translations
6.0.088 "rx" in Visual mode could not be repeated with "."
6.0.089 "==" in a C file with a dashed list in a comment works wrong
6.0.090 a wrapping line that doesn't fit and 'so' set flashes badly
6.0.091 CTRL-O in Insert mode with 've' set moves cursor unnecessary
6.0.092 MS-Windows: explorer plugin didn't ignore case of 'suffixes'
* Added two new patches (instead of adding nb1 to the version number).
6.0.024 inserting a char with CTRL-V u 9900 may cause a crash
6.0.025 using "$" after "\v" in a regexp doesn't always work
And now I'll switch to a not-so-frequent vim patching mode, maybe once
a month is enough (although vim is almost like Linux, new patches are
needed all the time to make it stable :-)
- Updated to 6.0.23. Changes since 6.0.18:
6.0.019 crash when making a printable string with multi-byte chars
6.0.020 <Leader> and <LocalLeader> don't work inside a function
6.0.021 the 'cscopepathcomp' option didn't work
6.0.022 'langmap' wasn't use after a command starting with "g"
6.0.023 The lhaskell syntax file didn't load haskell.vim
6.0.012 IGNORED (Polish message translations fix)
6.0.013 ":silent! cmd" sometimes still gives an error message
6.0.014 can modify buffer while 'modifiable' is off
6.0.015 get an error message for deleting b:did_ftplugin
6.0.016 bufnr(), bufname(), etc. did not find unlisted buffers
6.0.017 the "Co" termcap entry was sometimes set to the wrong value
6.0.018 initializing 'encoding' may cause a crash
* Loading the sh.vim syntax file causes error messages
* Using a '@' item in 'viminfo' doesn't work
* The configure check for ACLs on AIX doesn't work
* The find/replace dialog doesn't reuse a previous argument properly
* In Insert mode, "CTRL-O :ls" has a delay before redrawing
* With a vertical split, 'number' set and 'scrolloff' non-zero, making
the window width very small causes a crash
* When setting 'filetype' while there is no FileType autocommand, a
following ":setfiletype" would set 'filetype' again
* 'imdisable' is missing from the options window
* Nextstep doesn't have S_ISBLK
* Using "gf" on a file name starting with "./" or "../" in a buffer
without a name causes a crash
* Python: After replacing or deleting lines get an ml_get error
The number of changes is huge. These are just the main new items:
Folding - momentarily hide part of the text
Vertically split windows - mixed with horizontal splits
Diff mode - show and remove differences between files
Easy Vim: click-and-type - for those who really don't like two modes
User manual - learn to use Vim, reads like a book
Flexible indenting - automatic indenting for any language
Extended search patterns - more regexp power than you will need
UTF-8 support - Unicode allows editing nearly all languages
Multi-language support - translated messages and menus
Plugin support - drop a script in a directory and you can use it
Filetype plugins - an easy way to setup for editing a type of file
File browser - browse directories, also on a terminal
Editing files over a network - read and write a remote file directly
command-line editing window - use any Vim command to edit an Ex command
Debugging mode - debug your Vim functions and scripts
Cursor in virtual position - edit tables and draw ASCII pictures
Debugger interface - use Vim with Sun Visual Workshop
Communication between Vims - let one Vim tell another Vim what to do
Printing - print with syntax colors
Quickfix extended - see error messages in a window and jump there
Writing files improved - rename or copy to make a backup file
Argument list - select groups of files to work on
Restore a View - save the looks of a window and restore it later
Color schemes - quickly switch between different color setups
New since version 5.6
Not much:
- 19 new syntax files.
- "explorer.vim" script, works like a file browser.
And many bug fixes! This version is aimed at stability.
New since version 5.5
Not much:
- New "Edit with Vim" popup menu entry for MS-Windows. Avoids problems with
the MS Office taskbar.
- 18 new syntax files.
- "z+" and "z^" commands.
And many bug fixes! This version is aimed at stability.
See ":help version-5.6" in Vim for the details.