Bullet 2.89 includes a new implementation of volumetric deformable objects and cloth based on the Finite Element Method, thanks to Xuchen Han. Two-way coupling between deformables and rigid/multi body is achieved using a unified constraint solver.
Summary of the included ChangeLog:
* Added GPU deformable object solvers to OpenCL and DirectCompute
* Create a separate library for MiniCL
* Moved vectormath into Bullet/src, and added a SSE implementation
* Added a btParallelConstraintSolver
* Added Separantix Axis Test and Polyhedral Clipping support
* OpenCL and DirectCompute cloth as basic support for capsule collision
* Use Hierachical Approximate Convex Decomposition
* Add Intel cmake-build support for OpenCL accelerated cloth/particle
* preliminary build support for Google NativeClient, using premake4
Ok@ wiz
Bullet is a 3D Collision Detection and Rigid Body Dynamics Library
for games and animation. Free for commercial use, including
Playstation 3, open source under the ZLib License. Discrete and
continuous collision detection, integrated into Blender 3D, and
COLLADA 1.4 Physics import.