0.43 Nov 12
- fixed issue with retrieving plot keywords instead of plot (thanks to Justin
Fletcher for the bugreport and patch, for ticket #51240);
- fixe issue with parsing Top 250 or Bottom 100 movie property (thans for
Byju for bugreport);
- fixed parsing AKA movie info (thanks to Milos Vavrek for bugreport,
ticket #52729);
- check for depends
0.42 Oct 8
- added keywords for the film;
- fixed issue with retrieving of plot contained a link (thanks to Byju for
the bug-report);
- fixed issue with displaying special HTML symbols (ticket #49060);
- fixed POD documentation.
IMDB::Film is OO Perl interface to the database of films IMDB
(www.imdb.com). It allows to retrieve information about movies by
its IMDB code or title. Also, there is a possibility to get
information about IMDB persons (actors, actresses, directors, etc.)
by their name of code.