Change to the OpenPrinting fork of apple/cups, e.g., that fork already contains
- dnssd patch patch-config-scripts_cups-dnssd.m4
- freebsd patch patch-cups_getifaddrs-internal.h
- libtool patch patch-af was fixed in both.
Changes in CUPS v2.3.3op1
- The automated test suite can now be activated using `make test` for
consistency with other projects and CI environments - the old `make check`
continues to work as well, and the previous test server behavior can be
accessed by running `make testserver`.
- ippeveprinter now supports multiple icons and strings files.
- ippeveprinter now uses the system's FQDN with Avahi.
- ippeveprinter now supports Get-Printer-Attributes on "/".
- ippeveprinter now uses a deterministic "printer-uuid" value.
- ippeveprinter now uses system sounds on macOS for Identify-Printer.
- Updated ippfind to look for files in "~/Desktop" on Windows.
- Updated ippfind to honor `SKIP-XXX` directives with `PAUSE`.
- Updated IPP Everywhere support to work around printers that only advertise
color raster support but really also support grayscale (Issue #1)
- ipptool now supports DNS-SD URIs like `ipps://My%20Printer._ipps._tcp.local`
(Issue #5)
- The scheduler now allows root backends to have world read permissions but not
world execute permissions (Issue #21)
- Failures to bind IPv6 listener sockets no longer cause errors if IPv6 is
disabled on the host (Issue #25)
- The SNMP backend now supports the HP and Ricoh vendor MIBs (Issue #28)
- The scheduler no longer includes a timestamp in files it writes (Issue #29)
- The systemd service names are now "cups.service" and "cups-lpd.service"
(Issue #30, Issue #31)
- The scheduler no longer adds the local hostname to the ServerAlias list
(Issue #32)
- Added `LogFileGroup` directive in "cups-files.conf" to control the group
owner of log files (Issue #34)
- Added `--with-max-log-size` configure option (Issue #35)
- Added `--enable-sync-on-close` configure option (Issue #37)
- Added `--with-error-policy` configure option (Issue #38)
- IPP Everywhere PPDs could have an "unknown" default InputSlot (Issue #44)
- The `httpAddrListen` function now uses a listen backlog of 128.
- Added USB quirks (Apple issue #5789, #5823, #5831)
- Fixed IPP Everywhere v1.1 conformance issues in ippeveprinter.
- Fixed DNS-SD name collision support in ippeveprinter.
- Fixed compiler and code analyzer warnings.
- Fixed TLS support on Windows.
- Fixed ippfind sub-type searches with Avahi.
- Fixed the default hostname used by ippeveprinter on macOS.
- Fixed resolution of local IPP-USB printers with Avahi.
- Fixed coverity issues (Issue #2)
- Fixed `httpAddrConnect` issues (Issue #3)
- Fixed web interface device URI issue (Issue #4)
- Fixed lp/lpr "printer/class not found" error reporting (Issue #6)
- Fixed xinetd support for LPD clients (Issue #7)
- Fixed libtool build issue (Issue #11)
- Fixed a memory leak in the scheduler (Issue #12)
- Fixed a potential integer overflow in the PPD hashing code (Issue #13)
- Fixed output-bin and print-quality handling issues (Issue #18)
- Fixed PPD options getting mapped to odd IPP values like "tray---4" (Issue #23)
- Fixed remote access to the cupsd.conf and log files (Issue #24)
- Fixed the automated test suite when running in certain build/CI environments
(Issue #25)
- Fixed a logging regression caused by a previous change for Apple issue #5604
(Issue #25)
- Fixed fax phone number handling with GNOME (Issue #40)
- Fixed potential rounding error in rastertopwg filter (Issue #41)
- Fixed the "uri-security-supported" value from the scheduler (Issue #42)
- Fixed IPP backend crash bug with "printer-alert" values (Issue #43)
- Removed old Solaris inetconv(1m) reference in cups-lpd man page (Issue #46)
- Fixed default options that incorrectly use the "custom" prefix (Issue #48)
- Fixed a memory leak when resolving DNS-SD URIs (Issue #49)
- Fixed systemd status reporting by adopting the notify interface (Issue #51)
- Fixed crash in rastertopwg (Apple issue #5773)
- Fixed cupsManualCopies values in IPP Everywhere PPDs (Apple issue #5807)
The intention with this change is to make it easier to enable CUPS support
by default in places, without requiring the daemon (which might conflict
with other printing setups).
Bump cups-base PKGREVISION and make it depend on libcups.