A bug causing certbot-auto to print warnings or crash on some RHEL based systems has been resolved.
Despite us having broken lockstep, we are continuing to release new versions of all Certbot components during releases for the time being, however, the only changes in this release were to certbot-auto.
Fedora 29+ is now supported by certbot-auto. Since Python 2.x is on a deprecation path in Fedora, certbot-auto will install and use Python 3.x on Fedora 29+.
CLI flag --https-port has been added for Nginx plugin exclusively, and replaces --tls-sni-01-port. It defines the HTTPS port the Nginx plugin will use while setting up a new SSL vhost. By default the HTTPS port is 443.
Support for TLS-SNI-01 has been removed from all official Certbot plugins.
Attributes related to the TLS-SNI-01 challenge in acme.challenges and acme.standalone modules are deprecated and will be removed soon.
CLI flags --tls-sni-01-port and --tls-sni-01-address are now no-op, will generate a deprecation warning if used, and will be removed soon.
Options tls-sni and tls-sni-01 in --preferred-challenges flag are now no-op, will generate a deprecation warning if used, and will be removed soon.
CLI flag --standalone-supported-challenges has been removed.
Certbot uses the Python library cryptography for OCSP when cryptography>=2.5 is installed. We fixed a bug in Certbot causing it to interpret timestamps in the OCSP response as being in the local timezone rather than UTC.
Issue causing the default CentOS 6 TLS configuration to ignore some of the HTTPS VirtualHosts created by Certbot. mod_ssl loading is now moved to main http.conf for this environment where possible.
If possible, Certbot uses built-in support for OCSP from recent cryptography versions instead of the OpenSSL binary: as a consequence Certbot does not need the OpenSSL binary to be installed anymore if cryptography>=2.5 is installed.
Certbot and its acme module now depend on josepy>=1.1.0 to avoid printing the warnings described at https://github.com/certbot/josepy/issues/13.
Apache plugin now respects CERTBOT_DOCS environment variable when adding command line defaults.
The running of manual plugin hooks is now always included in Certbot's log output.
Tests execution for certbot, certbot-apache and certbot-nginx packages now relies on pytest.
An ACME CA server may return a "Retry-After" HTTP header on authorization polling, as specified in the ACME protocol, to indicate when the next polling should occur. Certbot now reads this header if set and respect its value.
The acme module avoids sending the keyAuthorization field in the JWS payload when responding to a challenge as the field is not included in the current ACME protocol. To ease the migration path for ACME CA servers, Certbot and its acme module will first try the request without the keyAuthorization field but will temporarily retry the request with the field included if a malformed error is received. This fallback will be removed in version 0.34.0.
Avoid reprocessing challenges that are already validated when a certificate is issued.
Support for initiating (but not solving end-to-end) TLS-ALPN-01 challenges with the acme module.
Certbot's official Docker images are now based on Alpine Linux 3.9 rather than 3.7. The new version comes with OpenSSL 1.1.1.
Lexicon-based DNS plugins are now fully compatible with Lexicon 3.x (support on 2.x branch is maintained).
Apache plugin now attempts to configure all VirtualHosts matching requested domain name instead of only a single one when answering the HTTP-01 challenge.
Fixed accessing josepy contents through acme.jose when the full acme.jose path is used.
Clarify behavior for deleting certs as part of revocation.
Despite us having broken lockstep, we are continuing to release new versions of all Certbot components during releases for the time being, however, the only package with changes other than its version number was:
More details about these changes can be found on our GitHub repo.