tex-adforn{,-doc} to 1.1b
tex-adfsymbols{,-doc} to 1.2b
tex-adobemapping to 2020
tex-alegreya{,-doc} to 2020
tex-baskervaldx{,-doc} to 1.073
tex-cabin{,-doc} to 2020
tex-ccfonts{,-doc} to 1.2
tex-cinzel{,-doc} to 2020
tex-clearsans{,-doc} to 2020
tex-countriesofeurope{,-doc} to 0.23
tex-ebgaramond{,-doc} to 2020
tex-ebgaramond-maths{,-doc} to 1.2
tex-erewhon{,-doc} to 1.104
tex-esint{,-doc} to 1.2d
tex-fira{,-doc} to 4.3.54512
tex-fontinst{,-doc} to 1.933.53562
tex-fontname{,-doc} to 2020
tex-fontools{,-doc} to 2020
tex-fontspec{,-doc} to 2.7i
tex-fourier{,-doc} to 2.2
tex-ipaex{,-doc} to 2020
tex-junicode{,-doc} to 1.0.2
tex-libertine{,-doc} to
tex-librecaslon{,-doc} to 2020
tex-luaotfload{,-doc} to 3.12
tex-mathalpha{,-doc} to 1.13
tex-mathpazo{,-doc} to 1.003.52663
tex-merriweather{,-doc} to 2020
tex-newpx{,-doc} to 1.410
tex-newtx{,-doc} to 1.625
tex-newtxtt{,-doc} to 1.056
tex-oldstandard{,-doc} to 2.5
tex-overlock{,-doc} to 2020
tex-playfair{,-doc} to 2020
tex-psnfss{,-doc} to 9.3
tex-pxtxalfa{,-doc} to 1.54080
tex-quattrocento{,-doc} to 2020
tex-roboto{,-doc} to 2020
tex-sansmathaccent{,-doc} to 2020
tex-skull to 0.1.51907
tex-superiors{,-doc} to 1.06
tex-txfontsb{,-doc} to 1.1.1
tex-universa{,-doc} to 2.1
tex-wasy{,-doc} to 2.5
tex-wasysym{,-doc} to 2.4
tex-xcharter{,-doc} to 1.205
tex-xits{,-doc} to 1.301
tex-wasy-type1 to 001.002
This is an update of esint. There are new options intlimits and nointlimits
(like amsmath), and \idotsint is an alias of old \dotsint command to get all
the new symbols when using amsmath.
The esint package permits access to alternate integral symbols when
you're using the Computer Modern fonts. In the original set, several
integral symbols are missing, such as \oiint. Many of these symbols are
available in other font sets (pxfonts, txfonts, etc.), but there is no
good solution if you want to use Computer Modern. The package provides
Metafont source and LaTeX macro support.