2018-05-11 i3status 2.12
• fix NULL value on OpenBSD when there is no acpitz0
• show IP address when address has a label
• man: explicitly use format_up/format_down in ethernet, wireless conf
• man: remove SLOC comment
• treat zero battery capacity as "not available"
• add IPv6 address when IPv4 isn't available
• call tzset at each time print to pick up time zone changes
• doc: fixed minor typos
• be more cautious about handling invalid battery measurements.
• Makefile: make PKG_CONFIG overridable
• fix CPU unit tests
• use local timezone for battery %emptytime
• fix memory leak/use BEGINS_WITH macro
• _first_: add check for virtual ethernet devices
• add battery capacity parsing
• multiple CPU support for cpu_usage
• remove useless checks (we use char, not unsigned char) to fix compilation warnings
• disk: sanitize trailing slashes
• plug an fd leak in the OpenBSD-specific code for
• suppress printing :00 seconds of remaining battery lifetime, as apm(4)'s
estimate only has a granularity of minutes.
• fix the deciKelvin to Celsius conversion on FreeBSD
• make first_eth_interface() work on OpenBSD
• include sys/select.h on OpenBSD
2017-01-21 i3status 2.11
• re-add forgotten wakeup call from SIGUSR1 handler
• disk_info: bugfix: check format_not_mounted is not NULL before using it
• revert back to using nanosleep
• man: give more descriptive symbols to battery format
• battery: removes the 'remaining' time when the battery is full
• add separator and separator_block_width as universal module options
• man: fix link to contrib
• cpu_temperature: add glob check
• battery: add status_unk
• reconnect to PluseAudio when connection is lost
• wireless: add ifdef to compile on macOS
• order default configuration paths the same as in i3
• add version files for release tarball
• man: make tztime example config match the context
• cpu_usage: add color thresholds
• battery: support multiple batteries
• disk: use empty string for not mounted disks
• default config: remove DHCP, VPN
• wireless: fix FTBFS on hurd and kFreeBSD
• parse uevent file to detect network device type
• allow pulse device to be specified by name
• battery: find batteries using glob
• tztime: support locales
• wireless: use blank padding for quality
• add unit tests
• fix compilation with -fno-common
i3status is a small program (about 3000 SLOC) for generating a status bar
for dzen2, xmobar or similar programs. It is designed to be very efficient
by issuing a very small number of system calls, as one generally wants
to update such a status line every second.
This ensures that even under high load, your status bar is updated correctly.
Also, it saves a bit of energy by not hogging your CPU as much as spawning
the corresponding amount of shell commands would.
Originally packaged in pkgsrc-wip by:
- Pierre Allegraud,
- Vitaly Shevtsov,
- Niclas Rosenvik,
- Mateusz Poszwa,
- myself,
with maintanance commits by:
- Aleksej Saushev.