All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?):
./x11/py-qt4/distinfo PyQt4_gpl_mac-4.12.3.tar.gz
In upstream qmake, QMAKE_STRIP is defined in places such as
common/bsd/bsd.conf and common/linux.conf. The pkgsrc version of
qmake.conf includes none of those. So add it there.
For the special mac version, just include bsd/bsd.conf.
The missing name was discovered while updating x11/XaoS.
See . This replaces -march=core-avx2
with -mavx2 for the respective bits of the code, to avoid interaction
with global -march=naitive in not freshest GCC. Otherwise, the build would
fail in that setup.
Qt 5.15.1 Released
We have released Qt 5.15.1, the first patch release of Qt 5.15 LTS. As a patch release, Qt 5.15.1 does not add any new functionality but provides many bug fixes and other improvements.
Compared to Qt 5.15.0, the new Qt 5.15.1 contains more than 400 bug fixes. For details of the most important changes, please check the Change files of Qt 5.15.1.
New Features in Qt 5.15
Qt 3D Module
Improved profiling and troubleshooting support.
QSortPolicy: introduced a uniform mode to control whether uniform minification needs to be performed or not.
QMouseDevice: introduced a updateAxesContinuously property.
Isolated the OpenGL renderer as a plugin.
Qt Core Module
Introduced QFile::moveToTrash() to provide a cross-platform API for moving files to the trash/recycling bin on Windows, macOS, and Linux desktops. This implements the specification.
Introduced QFileInfo::isJunction() to detect whether a file system entry is a Windows NTFS junction.
QRunnable instances can now be created from std::function without having to subclass QRunnable.
QThreadPool::start() and tryStart() can now take std::function and thereby also anonymous lambda functions as arguments.
Added static template QDebug::toString() function, which streams the given object into a QDebug instance that operates on a string, and then returns that string. This is useful for cases where you need the textual representation of an object for debugging, but cannot use operator<<, such as when passing a failure message to QVERIFY2().
Qt GUI Module
QColorSpace setters can now operate on invalid color spaces, making it possible to set primaries and transfer function independently.
Implemented multi-threading support for many QImage scaling and conversion methods.
Qt Multimedia Module
Deprecated all plugin APIs.
Deprecated QMediaService and QMediaControl.
Introduced reverse playback for GStreamer.
Introduced rendering to multiple surfaces.
Introduced QVideoWidget::videoSurface(), QGraphicsVideoItem::videoSurface(), and QDeclarativeVideoOutput::videoSurface().
MediaPlayer QML type: Introduced a videoOutput property.
Introduced QVideoFrame::image().
GStreamer camerabin: React to changes in notify::zoom and notify::max-zoom properties.
Qt Network Module
OpenSSL backend: Added support for a new session ticket mechanism introduced by the TLS 1.3 protocol.
Implemented timeouts for downloads and uploads with QNetworkRequest and QNetworkAccessManager.
Increased the minimum supported version of OpenSSL to 1.1.
Qt QML Module
Introduced inline components; multiple QML components can be declared in the same file.
Introduced required properties.
Added a declarative way of registering types to QML.
qmllint now has a better understanding of the code and warns about deprecated QML features.
Added the qmlformat tool to automatically format any QML file according to the QML Coding Conventions.
Added support for the Nullish Coalescing Operator.
Added a colorspace property on image nodes, making it possible to read color spaces and transform images into a specific color space.
Qt Quick Module
Added a PathText type which can be used together with Qt Quick Shapes to render text as geometry, without relying on distance fields or pre-rendered textures. This is useful for rendering large font sizes which would otherwise consume a lot of texture memory.
Added a Image.sourceClipRect property to request the image plugin to render a portion of an image source.
Added a cursorShape property to pointer handlers. Most pointer handlers (for example DragHandler) will change the cursor when in active state. HoverHandler will change the cursor when the mouse is hovering over the Item that contains the handler.
Added support for Metal on iOS for the opt-in preview of the Graphics API Independent Rendering Architecture.
Qt Quick Controls Module
Added HorizontalHeaderView and VerticalHeaderView to display header data in a TableView, with support for flicking synchronization and multiple styles: default, fusion, imagine, material, and universal.
Added a selectTextByMouse property to ComboBox.
Qt WebEngine Module
Updated to Chromium 80.
Switched to use a sandboxed network service.
Introduced a new API for reading the subprocess ID of a page or a view.
Introduced a WebEngineHistory.clear() method.
QDoc can now generate DocBook.
QDoc now generates output for C++ class and function template parameters.
QDoc now generates correct output for scoped enums (enum classes).
Qt 5.14.2:
As usual this second patch release to Qt 5.14 series doesn't bring any new features but provide several bug fixes and other improvements. Compared to Qt 5.14.1 there are more than 200 bug fixes included in this release. For details of the most important changes please check the Changes files for Qt 5.14.2.
Compared to Qt 5.14.0, the new Qt 5.14.1 contains around 220 bug fixes including security issue fixes for both Qt (CVE-2020-0570) and 3rd party components (CVE-2019-19244, CVE-2019-19603, CVE-2019-19242, CVE-2019-19645, CVE-2019-19646 & CVE-2019-19880). Also in QtWebEngine there are many CVE fixes from Chromium. For details of the most important changes, please check the Change files of Qt 5.14.1.