Depends on ImageMagic6 due to use of deprecated interface.
0.7.2: 2016 December 31
Various code-quality and build improvements
Support "jump pgc n" and other interaction code-generation improvements
Improve reliability of dvdunauthor
Don't force infinite pause on last cell of a PGC
Allow specification of provider field in VMG IFO file
Add video_format(7) man page
Add padding to ensure .BUP and .IFO files end up in different ECC blocks
Enabled hinting of rendered subtitle text
Require cell start and end times (if specified) to be nonempty
-build system fix
-Allow format specification at top level of dvdauthor control file
-mpeg2desc now reports more details about video frames
-More explanatory XML-parsing errors
Pkgsrc changes:
Upstream changes:
0.7.0: 2010 October 23
* Reworked subtitle file reading so it can now deal with encodings like UTF-16
* Default encoding for subtitle files is no longer ISO-8859-1, but taken from
user's locale
* Add fontconfig support following a patch by Nicolas George
* Remove dvdauthor config files and make command line -o option take precedence
over XML dest attribute.
* Video format no longer has hard-coded default to NTSC, unless you invoke
configure with --enable-default-video-format=NTSC. You can also configure with
--enable-default-video-format=PAL to default to PAL.
* Implement configuration of default video format as per the proposal at
* File names are no longer converted to locale encoding, unless you invoke
configure with --enable-localize-filenames.
* You can now specify fill and outline colours and outline thickness for text
Colours can be specified in additional ways, including by name and in HSV space.
* You can now also specify a shadow offset and colour for text subtitles
* Allow non-title PGCs in a titleset
* The VM language now allows C-style comments, as well as CDATA sections
* Add --nomux and --nodvdauthor-data options to spumux (thanks to TED for
sponsoring this)