### 2.11.1 / 2012-07-18
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/compare/v2.11.0...v2.11.1)
Bug fixes
* Fix the way we autoload RSpec::Matchers so that custom matchers can be
defined before rspec-core has been configured to definitely use
rspec-expectations. (Myron Marston)
* Fix typo in --help message printed for -e option. (Jo Liss)
* Fix ruby warnings. (Myron Marston)
* Ignore mock expectation failures when the example has already failed.
Mock expectation failures have always been ignored in this situation,
but due to my changes in 27059bf1 it was printing a confusing message.
(Myron Marston).
### 2.11.0 / 2012-07-07
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/compare/v2.10.1...v2.11.0)
* Support multiple `--example` options. (Daniel Doubrovkine @dblock)
* Named subject e.g. `subject(:article) { Article.new }`
* see [http://blog.davidchelimsky.net/2012/05/13/spec-smell-explicit-use-of-subject/](http://blog.davidchelimsky.net/2012/05/13/spec-smell-explicit-use-of-subject/)
for background.
* thanks to Bradley Schaefer for suggesting it and Avdi Grimm for almost
suggesting it.
* `config.mock_with` and `config.expect_with` yield custom config object to a
block if given
* aids decoupling from rspec-core's configuation
* `include_context` and `include_examples` support a block, which gets eval'd
in the current context (vs the nested context generated by `it_behaves_like`).
* Add `config.order = 'random'` to the `spec_helper.rb` generated by `rspec
* Delay the loading of DRb (Myron Marston).
* Limit monkey patching of `describe` onto just the objects that need it rather
than every object in the system (Myron Marston).
Bug fixes
* Support alternative path separators. For example, on Windows, you can now do
this: `rspec spec\subdir`. (Jarmo Pertman @jarmo)
* When an example raises an error and an after or around hook does as
well, print out the hook error. Previously, the error was silenced and
the user got no feedback about what happened. (Myron Marston)
* `--require` and `-I` are merged among different configuration sources (Andy
* Delegate to mocha methods instead of aliasing them in mocha adapter.
### 2.10.1 / 2012-05-19
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/compare/v2.10.0...v2.10.1)
Bug fixes
* `RSpec.reset` properly reinits configuration and world
* Call `to_s` before `split` on exception messages that might not always be
Strings (slyphon)
### 2.10.0 / 2012-05-03
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/compare/v2.9.0...v2.10.0)
* Add `prepend_before` and `append_after` hooks (preethiramdev)
* intended for extension libs
* restores rspec-1 behavior
* Reporting of profiled examples (moro)
* Report the total amount of time taken for the top slowest examples.
* Report what percentage the slowest examples took from the total runtime.
Bug fixes
* Properly parse `SPEC_OPTS` options.
* `example.description` returns the location of the example if there is no
explicit description or matcher-generated description.
* RDoc fixes (Grzegorz Świrski)
* Do not modify example ancestry when dumping errors (Michael Grosser)
### 2.9.0 / 2012-03-17
[full changelog](http://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/compare/v2.8.0...v2.9.0)
* Support for "X minutes X seconds" spec run duration in formatter. (uzzz)
* Strip whitespace from group and example names in doc formatter.
* Removed spork-0.9 shim. If you're using spork-0.8.x, you'll need to upgrade
to 0.9.0.
Bug fixes
* Restore `--full_backtrace` option
* Ensure that values passed to `config.filter_run` are respected when running
over DRb (using spork).
* Ensure shared example groups are reset after a run (as example groups are).
* Remove `rescue false` from calls to filters represented as Procs
* Ensure described_class gets the closest constant (pyromaniac)
* In "autorun", don't run the specs in the at_exit hook if there was an
exception (most likely due to a SyntaxError). (sunaku)
* Don't extend groups with modules already used to extend ancestor groups.
* `its` correctly memoizes nil or false values (Yamada Masaki)
2.8.0 / 2012-01-04
full changelog
Bug fixes
* For metadata filtering, restore passing the entire array to the proc, rather
than each item in the array (weidenfreak)
* Ensure each spec file is loaded only once
* Fixes a bug that caused all the examples in a file to be run when referenced
twice with line numbers in a command, e.g.
rspec path/to/file:37 path/to/file:42
2.8.0.rc2 / 2011-12-19
full changelog
* new --init command (Peter Schr«Óder)
- generates spec/spec_helper.rb
- deletes obsolete files (on confirmation)
- merged with and deprecates --configure command, which generated .rspec
* use require_relative when available (Ian Leitch)
* include_context and include_examples accept params (Calvin Bascom)
* print the time for every example in the html formatter (Richie Vos)
* several tasty refactoring niblets (Sasha)
* `it "does something", :x => :foo,'bar',/baz/
* supports matching n command line tag values with an example or group
2.8.0.rc1 / 2011-11-06
full changelog
* --order (Justin Ko)
- run examples in random order: --order rand
- specify the seed: --order rand:123
* --seed SEED
- equivalent of --order rand:SEED
* SharedContext supports let (David Chelimsky)
* Filter improvements (David Chelimsky)
- override opposing tags from the command line
- override RSpec.configure tags from the command line
- --line_number 37 overrides all other filters
- path/to/file.rb:37 overrides all other filters
- refactor: consolidate filter management in a FilterManger object
* Eliminate Ruby warnings (Matijs van Zuijlen)
* Make reporter.report an API (David Chelimsky)
* supports extension tools like interative_rspec
* change config.color_enabled (getter/setter/predicate) to color to align with
--[no]-color CLI option.
* color_enabled is still supported for now, but will likley be deprecated in a
2.x release so we can remove it in 3.0.
Bug fixes
* Make sure the bar in --tag foo:bar makes it to DRb (Aaron Gibralter)
* Fix bug where full descriptions of groups nested 3 deep were repeated.
* Restore report of time to run to start after files are loaded.
- fixes bug where run times were cumalitive in spork
- fixes compatibility with time-series metrics
* Don't error out when config.mock_with or expect_with is re-specifying the
current config (Myron Marston)
* Deprecations
- :alias option on configuration.add_setting. Use :alias_with on the
original setting declaration instead.