1.3004 2018-04-17
* The tests now require Test::More version 0.88 or newer.
* Sync test files with Math-BigInt.
* Add test files t/release-test-version.t, t/release-portability.t, and
* Use a MANIFEST.SKIP file based on the default file in the ExtUtils-Manifest
* Format CHANGES according to CPAN::Changes::Spec.
* Convert test file t/02pod.t to t/release-pod.t and t/03podcov.t to
1.6005 2018-04-17
* Fix memory leak in _modinv() (thanks to DANAJ). See CPAN RT #123807.
* The tests now require Test::More version 0.88 or newer.
* Sync test files with Math-BigInt.
* Add test files t/release-test-version.t, t/release-portability.t, and
* Use a MANIFEST.SKIP file based on the default file in the ExtUtils-Manifest
* Format CHANGES according to CPAN::Changes::Spec.
* Convert test file t/02pod.t to t/release-pod.t and t/03podcov.t to
1.999813 2018-04-18
* Fix CPAN RT #125108. Remove test files try.pl, t/author-bpi-big-mbf.t, and
t/release-unused-vars.t, which were included in the 1.999812 distribution by
1.999812 2018-04-17
* Fix CPAN RT #120351 regarding bpow(). Add test.
* Fix CPAN RT #120717 regarding tests now that '.' is not in @INC by default.
* Fix CPAN RT #122756 regarding testing for 64 bit integer support.
* Fix case when both accuracy and precision are set, resulting in a NaN. This
closes CPAN RT #124790.
* Fix typo in one of the change log entries for version 1.999811.
* Clearify documentation of rounding modes.
* Update the documentation of configuration parameters.
* Fix rounding and accuracy in bpi(). Extra digits in intermediate computation
were not used, causing the last digits to be inaccurate. In addition, the
rounding was incorrect in some cases.
* Use config() as a method, rather than a function. Also use config("xyz")
rather than config()->{xyz}.
* Correct more of the problems with rounding in the constructors. If rounding
arguments are given as arguments to the constructor, the constructor should
assign those values to the instance. If no rounding arguments are given, and
the constructor is called as a class method, the class rounding variables
should be assigned to the instance. Added test file
t/author-constructors-a-p-r.t to replace t/author-constructors-a-p.t, but
lots of tests are failing and (for now) commented out.
* Remove statements used for debugging.
* Fix typos.
* Cleaner log/exp-related code in Math::BigFloat.
* Remove unused variables.
* Add test file t/release-portability.t.
* Add test file t/release-whitespaces.t.
* Convert test file t/02pod.t to t/release-pod.t and t/03podcov.t to
* Reformat CHANGES to match the specification in CPAN::Changes::Spec and
* Expand tabs to spaces and clean up whitepace.
* Include tests that were previously commented out.
* Use $LIB as the variable name for backend math library.
* Import "carp" and "croak" from the Carp module.
* Math::BigInt isa Exporter, so Math::BigInt should require Exporter.
Math::BigFloat has Math::BigInt in @ISA, so it doesn't need to require
* Don't load Test::More when it isn't really needed. This speeds up processing
of author test files when they are skipped.
NumPy 1.14.3:
This is a bugfix release for a few bugs reported following the 1.14.2 release:
- np.lib.recfunctions.fromrecords accepts a list-of-lists, until 1.15
- In python2, float types use the new print style when printing to a file
- style arg in "legacy" print mode now works for 0d arrays
Gnumeric 1.12.39:
This is a minor bugfix release.
Fix ssdiff problem.
Some internal array formula code cleanups.
Fix problem with stopping a glpk solver.
Improve workaround for gtk+ scrollbar bug.
Fix minor issue for MUNIT.
Doc fixes.
Kiwi is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving
algorithm. Kiwi is an implementation of the algorithm based on the seminal
Cassowary paper. It is not a refactoring of the original C++ solver. Kiwi has
been designed from the ground up to be lightweight and fast. Kiwi ranges from
10x to 500x faster than the original Cassowary solver will typical use cases
gaining a 40x improvement. Memory savings are consistently > 5x
Version 0.9.9:
Lmfit now uses the asteval (https://github.com/newville/asteval) package
instead of distributing its own copy. The minimum required asteval version
is 0.9.12, which is available on PyPi. If you see import errors related to
asteval, please make sure that you actually have the latest version installed.
ASTEVAL is a safe(ish) evaluator of Python expressions and statements, using
Python's ast module. The idea is to provide a simple, safe, and robust
miniature mathematical language that can handle user-input. The emphasis here
is on mathematical expressions, and so many functions from numpy are imported
and used if available.
Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities. Time intervals:
1337000 -> 15d 11h 23m 20s. Vague time intervals: 2674000 -> about a
month ago. Bytes: 1337 -> 1.34 kB.
Notable changes since 0.7.0:
- SQL() now strips the names from the output if the names argument is
- The dbReadTable(), dbWriteTable(), dbExistsTable(), dbRemoveTable(),
and dbListFields() generics now specialize over the first two
arguments to support implementations with the Id S4 class as type
for the second argument. Some packages may need to update their
documentation to satisfy R CMD check again.
- Schema support: Export Id(), new generics dbListObjects() and
dbUnquoteIdentifier(), methods for Id that call dbQuoteIdentifier()
and then forward.
- New dbQuoteLiteral() generic. The default implementation uses
switchpatch to avoid dispatch ambiguities, and forwards to
dbQuoteString() for character vectors. Backends may override methods
that also dispatch on the second argument, but in this case also an
override for the "SQL" class is necessary.
SciPy 1.0.1 is a bug-fix release with no new features compared to 1.0.0.
Probably the most important change is a fix for an incompatibility between
SciPy 1.0.0 and numpy.f2py in the NumPy master branch.
Methods and tools for displaying and analysing univariate time series
forecasts including exponential smoothing via state space models and
automatic ARIMA modelling.
Armadillo is a templated C++ linear algebra library (by Conrad
Sanderson) that aims towards a good balance between speed and ease of
use. Integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported, as
well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various
matrix decompositions are provided through optional integration with
LAPACK and ATLAS libraries.
A collection of tests, data sets, and examples for diagnostic checking
in linear regression models. Furthermore, some generic tools for
inference in parametric models are provided.
Z3 is a theorem prover from Microsoft Research with support for bitvectors,
booleans, arrays, floating point numbers, strings, and other data types.
This is a fork of the original Z3. Unfortunately it conflicts with the math/z3
package as a result.