- fixed invalid regexp in _open()
- fixed bug with not working -IncludeRelative setting when
including a config file.
- add the -BackslashEscape parameter to enable general escaping
of special characters
- added feature
now block statements like this are allowed: "<directory blah/>"
- fix a bug with the -Tie option, sub-hashes of named blocks were
not properly created (in fact, not tied).
- fixed bug in new() used $this instead of $self for empty
hashref creation if no config file given.
for a possessive (like her, his, whose, their, and its).
Note that I didn't check for proper use of "its" (when it should
be "it is" or "it has" instead).
I also saw over 15 other grammar or punctuation problems, but not
fixed in this commit.
- forgot to import 'catfile' from File::Spec. Bug reported by
various people.
- applied patch by Peter Tandler <Peter.Tandler@ipsi.fhg.de>
which adds a search-path feature for include files.
- adds an auto launder capability to the module which makes it
possible to use variables read by Config::General in a
tainted perlscript (executed with -T) for open(), backtick calls
or something which the taintmode considers to be dangerous.
- fixed Bug #2325 (rt.cpan.org). The subs exported by File::Spec
will now imported explicitly.
- fixed warning about double my'ed variable $dummi, changed it
to undef because it was unused anyway.
- added File::Spec support which makes the modules more portable
- fixes a bug in the Interpolate.pm submodule. A second variable,
when immediately following the first, did not get interpolated,
i.e. ${var1}${var2}.
Provided in PR pkg/20501 by Jonathan Perkin
<sketch at rd dot bbc dot co dot uk>.
Config::General opens a config file and parses it's contents for
you. After parsing the module returns a hash structure which contains
the representation of the config file.
The format of config files supported by Config::General is inspired
by the well known apache config format, in fact, this module is
100% read-compatible to apache configs, but you can also just use
simple name/value pairs in your config files.