Qstat version 2.14
Summary of New Features
New protocols:
DirtyBomb aka Extraction [-dirtybomb]
Starmade [-starmade]
Farmsim [-farmsim]
Refactored output splitting out xform processing into its own files improving various portions of it.
hcache segv fixes
packetmanip fixes for packet combining
Steven Harltand
QStat version 2.11
** UPDATED for 2.11 **
November 04, 2006
Summary of New Features
new protocols:
Warsow [-warsows, -warsowm]
Prey [-preys, -preym]
TrackMania [-tm]
Tremulous [-tremulous, -tremulousm]
add -nx and -nnx options that enable resp. disable name transformation
calculate player score for AMS servers
fix segfault when a "tribes2 master" returns garbage
Steve Jankowski
Steven Hartland
Ludwig Nussel
QStat is a command-line program that gathers real-time statistics from
Internet game servers.
A summary of its features:
* Supports Windows 95, NT, Linux, and most Unixes.
* Comes with C source code and a binary for Windows.
* Supports old Quake (NetQuake), QuakeWorld, Hexen II, HexenWorld, Quake II,
Unreal/UT, Turok2, Sin, Half-Life, Shogo, Tribes, Tribes 2, Quake III,
BFRIS, Kingpin, Heretic II servers, Soldier of Fortune, and lots more.
* Can display all available statistics, including player info & server rules.
* Output templates for automatic HTML generation.
* Raw display mode for integration with custom server browsers.
* Built-in host name cache.
* Sort by ping time, game, or both.
* More options than you can wiggle a mouse at.