* getredirect.c: fix variable name
* tool_doswin: silence unused function warning
* cmake: fixed when OpenSSL enabled on Windows and schannel detected
* curl.1: Explain remote-name behavior if file already exists
* tool_operate: Don't sanitize --output path (Windows)
* URLs: change all http:// URLs to https:// in documentation & comments
* sasl_sspi: Fix memory leak in domain populate
* COPYING: clarify that Daniel is not the sole author
* examples/htmltitle: Use _stricmp on Windows
* examples/asiohiper: Avoid function name collision on Windows
* idn_win32: Better error checking
* openssl: Fix signed/unsigned mismatch warning in X509V3_ext
* curl save files: check for backslashes on cygwin
Fixes and one major bug:
Decoder block cache poor cache performance (source buffer was effectively half-sized)
and a number of minor and non-critical bugs:
Number of decoder crashes discovered by American Fuzzy Lop
Lingering XD3_TOOFARBACK issues
Improved testing & portability
Primarily fixesjmacd/xdelta#188
Continuing work on portability, new release script runs build+test in more configurations.
Windows executable built with MinGW cross compiler.
Builds (more) cleanly on newer compilers.
Improvements in "printf" usage & portability Several minor bug fixes. Move to Github.
Windows build now includes support for liblzma secondary compression with "-S lzma". (Sorry for the delay.)
Fix following security vulnerabilities:
Bug fixes:
Bug Id Category Subcategory Description
JDK-8133917 client-libs Please backport X11FontManager refactor to Java 8!
JDK-8130136 client-libs 2d Swing window sometimes fails to repaint partially when it becomes exposed
JDK-8132850 client-libs 2d java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during text rendering with many fonts installed
JDK-8137106 client-libs 2d EUDC (End User Defined Characters) are not displayed on Windows with Java 8u60+
JDK-8065081 client-libs demo Intermittent NPE in Java2Demo applet on Stop/Restart in appletviewer
JDK-8081485 client-libs java.awt EDT auto shutdown is broken in case of new event queue usage
JDK-8081787 client-libs java.awt [macosx] MalformedURLException is thrown during reading data for application/x-java-url;class=java.net.URL flavor
JDK-8086038 client-libs java.awt [macosx] No available data flavors when copying from Microsoft Word for Mac
JDK-8130776 client-libs java.awt Remove EmbeddedFrame.requestFocusToEmbedder() method
JDK-8132382 client-libs java.awt [macosx] Crash during JMC or JavaFX execution when NSApplication is controlled by SWT or JavaFX libraries
JDK-8136763 client-libs java.awt [macosx] java always returns only one value for "text/uri-list" dataflavor even if several files were copied
JDK-8134828 client-libs javax.swing Scrollbar thumb disappears with Nimbus L&F
JDK-8134917 client-libs javax.swing [macosx] JOptionPane doesn't receive mouse events when opened from a drop event
JDK-8134356 core-libs {@code} tag contains < and > sequences
JDK-8134569 core-libs Add tests for prototype callsites
JDK-8134939 core-libs Improve toString method of Dynalink DynamicMethod objects
JDK-8133249 core-libs java.io Occasional SIGSEGV: non thread-safe use of strerr in getLastErrorString
JDK-8073644 core-libs java.lang.invoke Assertion in LambdaFormEditor.bindArgumentType is too strict
JDK-8030785 core-libs java.lang:reflect Missing "since 1.8" javadoc for java.lang.reflect.Method:getParameterCount
JDK-8072466 core-libs java.net Deadlock when initializing MulticastSocket and DatagramSocket
JDK-8087190 core-libs java.net Regression in sun.net.util.IPAddressUtil.isIPv4LiteralAddress(String)
JDK-8133015 core-libs java.net InetAddress.isReachable(tmout) returning wrong value on Windows for IPv6
JDK-8143397 core-libs java.net It looks like InetAddress.isReachable(timeout) works incorrectly
JDK-6857566 core-libs java.nio (bf) DirectByteBuffer garbage creation can outpace reclamation
JDK-8029516 core-libs java.nio (fs) WatchKey cancel unreliable on Windows
JDK-8034057 core-libs java.nio Files.getFileStore and Files.isWritable do not work with SUBST'ed drives (win)
JDK-8080115 core-libs java.nio (fs) Crash in libgio when calling Files.probeContentType(path) from parallel threads
JDK-8130274 core-libs java.nio java/nio/file/FileStore/Basic.java fails when two successive stores in an iteration are determined to be equal
JDK-8133232 core-libs java.nio [fs] Regex has redundant | in the char class
JDK-8133647 core-libs java.nio (ch) Test java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/StressLoopback.java fails for Windows XP
JDK-8137121 core-libs java.nio (fc) Infinite loop FileChannel.truncate
JDK-8138819 core-libs java.nio (se) File descriptor leak when Selector.open fails
JDK-8081794 core-libs java.text ParsePosition getErrorIndex returns 0 for TimeZone parsing problem
JDK-8074032 core-libs java.time Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis).toEpochMilli() can throw arithmetic overflow in toEpochMilli()
JDK-8133022 core-libs java.time Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
JDK-8139107 core-libs java.time DateTimeFormatter with Locale.UK throw a NullPointerException when parsing zone
JDK-6907252 core-libs java.util.jar ZipFileInputStream Not Thread-Safe
JDK-8038502 core-libs java.util.jar Deflater.needsInput() should use synchronization
JDK-8134505 core-libs java.util:i18n Cleanup of "TimeZone_md.c"
JDK-8129957 core-libs javax.naming Deadlock in JNDI LDAP implementation when closing the LDAP context
JDK-8027137 core-libs jdk.nashorn Merge ScriptFunction and ScriptFunctionImpl
JDK-8055917 core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilationPhase$N should be renamed to proper classes
JDK-8068901 core-libs jdk.nashorn Surprising behavior with more than one functional interface on a class
JDK-8068903 core-libs jdk.nashorn Can't invoke vararg @FunctionalInterface methods
JDK-8073613 core-libs jdk.nashorn Here documents: how to avoid string interpolation?
JDK-8073733 core-libs jdk.nashorn TypeError messages with "call" and "new" could be improved
JDK-8087292 core-libs jdk.nashorn nashorn should have a "fail-fast" option for scripting, analog to bash "set -e"
JDK-8087312 core-libs jdk.nashorn PropertyMapWrapper.equals should compare className
JDK-8114838 core-libs jdk.nashorn Anonymous functions escape to surrounding scope when defined under "with" statement
JDK-8129950 core-libs jdk.nashorn Wrong condition for checking absence of logger in MethodHandleFactory
JDK-8129959 core-libs jdk.nashorn DebugLogger has unnecessary API methods
JDK-8130234 core-libs jdk.nashorn Get rid of JSType.isNegativeZero
JDK-8130307 core-libs jdk.nashorn improve Nashorn Javadoc target
JDK-8130424 core-libs jdk.nashorn if directory specified with --dest-dir does not exist, only .class files are dumped and .js files are not
JDK-8130476 core-libs jdk.nashorn Remove unused methods in Global.java
JDK-8130663 core-libs jdk.nashorn 6 fields can be static fields in Global class
JDK-8130853 core-libs jdk.nashorn Non-extensible global is not handled property
JDK-8131039 core-libs jdk.nashorn after adding a function property to Object.prototype, JSON.parse with reviver function goes into infinite loop
JDK-8131340 core-libs jdk.nashorn Varargs function is recompiled each time it is linked
JDK-8131683 core-libs jdk.nashorn Delete fails over multiple scopes
JDK-8133119 core-libs jdk.nashorn Error message associated with TypeError for call and new should include stringified Node
JDK-8133300 core-libs jdk.nashorn Ensure symbol table immutability in Nashorn AST
JDK-8133785 core-libs jdk.nashorn SharedScopeCall should be enabled for non-optim call sites even with optimistic compilation
JDK-8134150 core-libs jdk.nashorn Make Nashorn Timing class both threadsafe and efficient
JDK-8134484 core-libs jdk.nashorn disallow backquotes as heredoc end marker delimiters
JDK-8134488 core-libs jdk.nashorn0 core-libs jdk.nashorn Dead var statement evacuation incorrectly descends into nested functions
JDK-8134502 core-libs jdk.nashorn introduce abstraction for basic NodeVisitor usage
JDK-8134609 core-libs jdk.nashorn Allow constructors with same prototoype e-libs jdk.nashorn Defer stack trace walking of NashornException for extracting line number and file name
JDK-8134931 core-libs jdk.nashorn jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.TypeMap should not use Map
JDK-8134973 core-libs jdk.nashorn Control flow exceptions s
JDK-8135075 core-libs jdk.nashorn Reorder short-circuit tests in ApplySpecialization to run cheapest first
JDK-8135190 core-libs jdk.nashorn Method code too large in Babel browser.js script
JDK-8135262 core-libs jdk.nashorn Sanitize CodeInstaller and ComJDK-8135337 core-libs jdk.nashorn NativeDebug.dumpCounters with incorrect scope count
JDK-8136349 core-libs jdk.nashorn Typos patch for nashorn sources submitted on Sep 10, 2015
JDK-8136544 core-libs jdk.nashorn Call site switching to megamorphic causes incorrect property read
JDK-8136694 core-libs jdk.nashorn Megemorphic scope access does not throw ReferenceError when property is missing
JDK-8137258 core-libs jdk.nashorn JSObjectLinker and BrowserJSObjectLinker should not expose internal JS objects
JDK-8137281 core-libs jdk.nashorn OutOfMemoryError with large numeric keys in JSON.parse
JDK-8137333 core-libs jdk.nashorn Boundless soft caching of property map histories causes high memory pressure
JDK-8138616 core-libs jdk.nashorn invokeFunction fails if function calls a function defined in GLOBAL_SCOPE
JDK-8138632 core-libs jdk.nashorn Sparse array does not handle growth of underlying dense array
JDK-8074696 core-svc debugger Remote debugging session hangs for several minutes when calling findBootType
JDK-8074368 core-svc java.lang.management ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo() corrupts memory when called with empty array for thread ids
JDK-8133666 core-svc java.lang.management OperatingSystemMXBean reports abnormally high machine CPU consumption on Linux
JDK-8075773 core-svc tools jps running as root fails after the fix of JDK-8050807
JDK-8139613 deploy push of backport of JDK-8081846 broke build
JDK-8138650 deploy packager Packager cannot bundle Mac App Store Apps because JavaFX WebKit uses apple private APIs
JDK-8133985 deploy plugin "Apply" button is permanently disabled in JCP, after roaming profile option is changed
JDK-8134109 deploy plugin Applet2Manager.getMainDeploymentRuleSet ignores jar version.
JDK-8134495 deploy plugin Cannot enable debugging on JNLP applet with java-vm-args params
JDK-7156268 deploy webstart app is stuck when launching with javaagent if there is no jre info in deployment.properties
JDK-8055464 deploy webstart Add a URL scheme handler to reliably launch .jnlp files - java part
JDK-8056013 deploy webstart Web Start looks in currently directory for all classes prior to jars - slow
JDK-8077380 deploy webstart JNLPSigning exception when signed jnlp is launched from local tomcat server
JDK-8081846 deploy webstart Add a URL scheme handler to reliably launch .jnlp files - Windows registration part
JDK-8135115 deploy webstart DRS1.3: App is not blocked when there is a invalid attribute in jnlp-checksum
JDK-8135227 deploy webstart DRS 1.3 enhancements doesn't work as expected when load no href jnlp by "javaws <local_path_of_jnlp_file>"
JDK-8136906 deploy webstart Extreme Application Startup Time due to frequent requests for the jnlp-6.0.dtd
JDK-8139323 deploy webstart JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest shows regression caused by JDK-8129600
JDK-8140264 deploy webstart create junit test for JDK-8136906
JDK-8140740 deploy webstart Test jnlp_file/applicationDesc/index.html\#args is failing
JDK-8011858 hotspot compiler Use Compile::live_nodes() instead of Compile::unique() in appropriate places
JDK-8058737 hotspot compiler CodeCache::find_blob fails with 'unsafe access to zombie method'
JDK-8075805 hotspot compiler Crash while trying to release CompiledICHolder
JDK-8134031 hotspot compiler Incorrect JIT compilation of complex code with inlining and escape analysis
JDK-8134493 hotspot compiler Cleaning inline caches of unloaded nmethods should be done in sweeper
JDK-8133193 hotspot gc Memory leak in G1 because G1RootProcessor doesn't have desctructor
JDK-8029453 hotspot runtime java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/TimeoutLockLoops.java failed by timeout
JDK-8135002 hotspot runtime Fix or remove broken links in objectMonitor.cpp comments
JDK-8139150 hotspot runtime ClassVerifier frees exception message while it's still in use
JDK-8140249 hotspot runtime JVM Crashing During startUp If Flight Recording is enabled
JDK-7194452 security-libs java.security Remove "Reverse" PKIX CertPathBuilder implementation
JDK-8130875 security-libs java.security Ucrypto library leaks memory when null output buffer is specified
JDK-8136534 security-libs java.security Loading JKS keystore using non-null InputStream results in closed stream
JDK-8132551 security-libs javax.crypto:pkcs11 Initialize local variables before returning them in p11_convert.c
JDK-8067422 tools javac Lambda method names are unnecessarily unstable
JDK-8071291 tools javac Compiler crashes trying to cast UnionType to IntersectionClassType
JDK-8073519 xml jaxb schemagen does not report errors while generating xsd files
The CRE2 distribution is a C language wrapper for the RE2 library,
which is implemented in C++. RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly
alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used
in PCRE, Perl, and Python.
RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking
regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python.
It is a C++ library.
1.1 Lee Duncan drew my attention to Stephan Muller's fixes for Windows
Changed the use of the system's mv command to using File::Copy in the
tests. (Steffen Mueller)
Added machine-readable license statement to Makefile.PL and thus
META.yml (Steffen Mueller)
The sixth test in 10/open.t is skipped on win32 because you can't just
move files around that are opened. (Steffen Mueller)
Due to using sysread and friends, there were newline problems on win32.
That should be fixed now. (Steffen Mueller)
1.2 Break the infinite loop that can result when the average length of lines
causes the attempt to fill the tail buffer to fill with the exact same
or even smaller number of lines.
1.3 Fix for a stupid bug in 1.2 (GFILATOV, Slaven_Rezic)
Added a warning for use of debug in a non-debug version of File::Tail
Shows a warning when maxbuf is set to a too-small value
Invoking name_changes callback changes the value of input attribute
When deciding to reopen the file, check if the inode matches (that
would mean it has not been ranamed)
This module is for reading and writing a common variation of character
separated data. The most common example is comma-separated. However
that is far from the only possibility, the same basic format is
exported by Microsoft products using tabs, colons, or other
The format is a series of rows separated by returns. Within each row
you have a series of fields separated by your character
separator. Fields may either be unquoted, in which case they do not
contain a double-quote, separator, or return, or they are quoted, in
which case they may contain anything, and will encode double-quotes by
pairing them. In Microsoft products, quoted fields are strings and
unquoted fields can be interpreted as being of various datatypes based
on a set of heuristics. By and large this fact is irrelevant in Perl
because Perl is largely untyped. The one exception that this module
handles that empty unquoted fields are treated as nulls which are
represented in Perl as undefined values. If you want a zero-length
string, quote it.
Parsing CSV files is nasty. It seems so simple, but it usually isn't.
Thankfully Text::CSV_XS takes care of most of that nastiness for us.
Like many modules which have to deal with all manner of nastiness and
edge cases, however, it can be clumsy to work with in the simple case.
Thus this module.
We simply provide a little wrapper around Text::CSV_XS to streamline
the common case scenario.
CGI::Application::Plugin::Session seamlessly adds session support
to your CGI::Application modules by providing a CGI::SEssion
that is accessible from anywhere in the application.
HTML::CalendarMonthSimple is a Perl module for generating, manipulating,
and printing a HTML calendar grid for a specified month. It is intended
as a faster and easier-to-use alternative to HTML::CalendarMonth.
SimpleScreenRecorder is a Linux program that I've created to record
programs and games. There were already a few programs that could do
this, but I wasn't 100% happy with any of them, so I created my own.
My original goal was to create a program that was just really simple
to use, but as I was writing it I started adding more and more
features, and the result is actually a pretty powerful program. It's
'simple' in the sense that it's easier to use than ffmpeg/avconv or
VLC, because it has a straightforward user interface.
Salt 2015.8.5 is identical to the 2015.8.4 release with the addition of a fix
for issue 30820, fixed by PR #30833.
CVE-2016-1866: Improper handling of clear messages on the minion, which could
result in executing commands not sent by the master.
This issue affects only the 2015.8.x releases of Salt. In order for an attacker
to use this attack vector, they would have to execute a successful attack on an
existing TCP connection between minion and master on the pub port. It does not
allow an external attacker to obtain the shared secret or decrypt any encrypted
traffic between minion and master.
We recommend everyone upgrade to 2015.8.4 as soon as possible.
PR #28994: timcharper Salt S3 module has learned how to assume IAM roles
Added option mock=True for state.sls and state.highstate. This allows the salt
state compiler to process sls data in a state run without actually calling the
state functions, thus providing feedback on the validity of the arguments used
for the functions beyond the preprocessing validation provided by state.show_sls
(issue 30118 and issue 30189).
salt '*' state.sls core,edit.vim mock=True
salt '*' state.highstate mock=True
salt '*' state.apply edit.vim mock=True
CHANGES FOR V2015.8.3..V2015.8.4
Extended changelog courtesy of Todd Stansell
Generated at: 2016-01-25T17:48:35Z
Total Merges: 320
PR #30613: (basepi) Fix minion/syndic clearfuncs
PR #30609: (seanjnkns) Fix documentation for pillar_merge_lists which default is
False, not …
PR #30584: (julianbrost) file.line state: add missing colon in docstring
PR #30589: (terminalmage) Merge 2015.5 into 2015.8
PR #30599: (multani) Documentation formatting fixes
PR #30554: (rallytime) Make the salt-cloud actions output more verbose and
PR #30549: (techhat) Salt Virt cleanup
PR #30553: (techhat) AWS: Support 17-character IDs
PR #30532: (whiteinge) Add execution module for working in sls files
PR #30529: (terminalmage) Merge 2015.5 into 2015.8
PR #30526: (twangboy) Added FlushKey to make sure it's changes are saved to disk
PR #30521: (basepi) [2015.8] Merge forward from 2015.5 to 2015.8
PR #30485: (jtand) Updated pip_state to work with pip 8.0 on 2015.8
PR #30494: (isbm) Zypper: info_installed — 'errors' flag change to type
PR #30506: (jacksontj) Properly remove newlines after reading the file
PR #30508: (rallytime) Fix Linode driver cloning functionality
PR #30522: (terminalmage) Update git.list_worktree tests to reflect new return
PR #30483: (borgstrom) Pyobjects recursive import support (for 2015.8)
PR #30491: (jacksontj) Add multi-IP support to network state
PR #30496: (anlutro) Fix KeyError when adding ignored pillars
PR #30359: (kingsquirrel152) Removes suspected copy/paste error for
zmq_filtering functionailty
PR #30448: (cournape) Fix osx scripts location
PR #30457: (rallytime) Remove fsutils references from modules list
PR #30453: (rallytime) Make sure private AND public IPs are listed for Linode
PR #30458: (rallytime) Back-port #30062 to 2015.8
PR #30468: (timcharper) make note of s3 role assumption in upcoming changelog
PR #30470: (whiteinge) Add example of the match_dict format to accept_dict wheel
PR #30450: (gtmanfred) fix extension loading in novaclient
PR #30212: (abednarik) Fix incorrect file permissions in file.line
PR #29947: (jfindlay) fileclient: decode file list from master
PR #30363: (terminalmage) Use native "list" subcommand to list git worktrees
PR #30445: (jtand) Boto uses False for is_default instead of None
PR #30406: (frioux) Add an example of how to use file.managed/check_cmd
PR #30424: (isbm) Check if byte strings are properly encoded in UTF-8
PR #30405: (jtand) Updated glusterfs.py for python2.6 compatibility.
PR #30396: (pass-by-value) Remove hardcoded val
PR #30391: (jtand) Added else statements
PR #30375: (rallytime) Wrap formatted log statements with six.u() in
PR #30384: (isbm) Bugfix: info_available does not work correctly on SLE 11
PR #30376: (pritambaral) Fix FLO_DIR path in 2015.8
PR #30389: (jtand) Older versions of ipset don't support comments
PR #30373: (basepi) [2015.8] Merge forward from 2015.5 to 2015.8
PR #30372: (jacobhammons) Updated man pages for 2015.8.4, updated copyright to
PR #30370: (rallytime) Remove incomplete function
PR #30366: (rallytime) Back-port #28702 to 2015.8
PR #30361: (cro) Flip the sense of the test for proxymodule imports, add more
fns for esxi proxy
PR #30267: (isbm) Fix RPM issues with the date/time and add package attributes
PR #30360: (jfindlay) file.remove, file.absent: mention recursive dir removal
PR #30221: (mbarrien) No rolcatupdate for user_exist in Postgres>=9.5 `#26845`_
PR #30358: (terminalmage) Add libgit2 version to versions-report
PR #30346: (pass-by-value) Prevent orphaned volumes
PR #30349: (rallytime) Back-port #30347 to 2015.8
PR #30354: (anlutro) Make sure all ignore_missing SLSes are caught
PR #30356: (nmadhok) Adding code author
PR #30340: (jtand) Updated seed_test.py for changes made to seed module
PR #30339: (jfindlay) Backport #26511
PR #30343: (rallytime) Fix 2015.8 from incomplete back-port
PR #30342: (eliasp) Correct whitespace placement in error message
PR #30308: (rallytime) Back-port #30257 to 2015.8
PR #30187: (rallytime) Back-port #27606 to 2015.8
PR #30223: (serge-p) adding support for DragonFly BSD
PR #30238: (rallytime) Reinit crypto before calling RSA.generate when generating
PR #30246: (dmacvicar) Add missing return data to scheduled jobs (`#24237`_)
PR #30292: (thegoodduke) ipset: fix test=true & add comment for every entry
PR #30275: (abednarik) Add permanent argument in firewalld.
PR #30328: (cachedout) Fix file test
PR #30310: (pass-by-value) Empty bucket fix
PR #30211: (techhat) Execute choot on the correct path
PR #30309: (rallytime) Back-port #30304 to 2015.8
PR #30278: (nmadhok) If datacenter is specified in the config, then look for
managed objects under it
PR #30305: (jacobhammons) Changed examples to use the "example.com" domain
instead of "mycompan…
PR #30249: (mpreziuso) Fixes performance and timeout issues on win_pkg.install
PR #30217: (pass-by-value) Make sure cloud actions can be called via salt run
PR #30268: (terminalmage) Optimize file_tree ext_pillar and update file.managed
to allow for binary contents
PR #30245: (rallytime) Boto secgroup/iam_role: Add note stating us-east-1 is
default region
PR #30299: (rallytime) ESXi Proxy minions states are located at
salt.states.esxi, not vsphere.
PR #30202: (opdude) Fixed the periodic call to beacons
PR #30303: (jacobhammons) Changed notes to indicate that functions are matched
using regular ex…
PR #30284: (terminalmage) salt.utils.gitfs: Fix Dulwich env detection and
submodule handling
PR #30280: (jfindlay) add state mocking to release notes
PR #30273: (rallytime) Back-port #30121 to 2015.8
PR #30301: (cachedout) Accept whatever comes into hightstate mock for state
PR #30282: (cachedout) Fix file.append logic
PR #30289: (cro) Fix problems with targeting proxies by grains
PR #30293: (cro) Ensure we don't log stuff we shouldn't
PR #30279: (cachedout) Allow modules to be packed into boto utils
PR #30186: (rallytime) Update CLI Examples in boto_ec2 module to reflect correct
arg/kwarg positioning
PR #30156: (abednarik) Add option in file.append to ignore_whitespace.
PR #30189: (rallytime) Back-port #30185 to 2015.8
PR #30215: (jacobhammons) Assorted doc bug fixes
PR #30206: (cachedout) Revert "Fix incorrect file permissions in file.line"
PR #30190: (jacobhammons) Updated doc site banners
PR #30180: (jfindlay) modules.x509._dec2hex: add fmt index for 2.6 compat
PR #30179: (terminalmage) Backport #26962 to 2015.8 branch
PR #29693: (abednarik) Handle missing source file in ssh_auth.
PR #30155: (rallytime) Update boto_secgroup and boto_iam_role docs to only use
region OR profile
PR #30158: (rallytime) Move _option(value) calls to __salt__['config.option'] in
boto utils
PR #30160: (dmurphy18) Fix parsing disk usage for line with no number and AIX
values in Kilos
PR #30162: (rallytime) Update list_present and append grains state function docs
to be more clear.
PR #30163: (rallytime) Add warning about using "=" in file.line function
PR #30164: (basepi) [2015.8] Merge forward from 2015.5 to 2015.8
PR #30168: (abednarik) Fix incorrect file permissions in file.line
PR #30154: (Oro) Fix file serialize on windows
PR #30144: (rallytime) Added generic ESXCLI command ability to ESXi Proxy Minion
PR #30142: (terminalmage) Fix dockerng.push, and allow for multiple images
PR #30075: (joejulian) Convert glusterfs module to use xml
PR #30129: (optix2000) Clean up _uptodate() in git state
PR #30139: (rallytime) Back-port #29589 to 2015.8
PR #30124: (abednarik) Update regex to detect ip alias in OpenBSD.
PR #30133: (stanislavb) Fix typo in gpgkey URL
PR #30126: (stanislavb) Log S3 API error message
PR #30128: (oeuftete) Log retryable transport errors as warnings
PR #30096: (cachedout) Add rm_special to crontab module
PR #30106: (techhat) Ensure last dir
PR #30101: (gtmanfred) fix bug where nova driver exits with no adminPass
PR #30090: (techhat) Add argument to isdir()
PR #30094: (rallytime) Fix doc formatting for cloud.create example in module.py
PR #30095: (rallytime) Add the list_nodes_select function to linode driver
PR #30082: (abednarik) Fixed saltversioninfo grain return
PR #30084: (rallytime) Back-port #29987 to 2015.8
PR #30071: (rallytime) Merge branch '2015.5' into '2015.8'
PR #30067: (ryan-lane) Pass in kwargs to boto_secgroup.convert_to_group_ids
PR #30069: (techhat) Ensure that pki_dir exists
PR #30064: (rallytime) Add Syndic documentation to miscellaneous Salt Cloud
config options
PR #30049: (rallytime) Add some more unit tests for the vsphere execution module
PR #30060: (rallytime) Back-port #27104 to 2015.8
PR #30048: (jacobhammons) Remove internal APIs from rest_cherrypy docs.
PR #30043: (rallytime) Be explicit about importing from salt.utils.jinja to
avoid circular imports
PR #30038: (rallytime) Back-port #30017 to 2015.8
PR #30036: (rallytime) Back-port #29995 to 2015.8
PR #30035: (rallytime) Back-port #29895 to 2015.8
PR #30034: (rallytime) Back-port #29893 to 2015.8
PR #30033: (rallytime) Back-port #29876 to 2015.8
PR #30029: (terminalmage) git.latest: Fix handling of nonexistent branches
PR #30016: (anlutro) Properly normalize locales in locale.gen_locale
PR #30015: (anlutro) locale module: don't escape the slash in \n
PR #30022: (gqgunhed) Two minor typos fixed
PR #30026: (anlutro) states.at: fix wrong variable being used
PR #29966: (multani) Fix bigip state/module documentation + serializers
PR #29904: (twangboy) Improvements to osx packaging scripts
PR #29950: (multani) boto_iam: fix deletion of IAM users when using
PR #29937: (multani) Fix states.boto_iam group users
PR #29934: (multani) Fix state.boto_iam virtual name
PR #29943: (cachedout) Check args correctly in boto_rds
PR #29924: (gqgunhed) fixed: uptime now working on non-US Windows
PR #29883: (serge-p) fix for nfs mounts in _active_mounts_openbsd()
PR #29894: (techhat) Support Saltfile in SPM
PR #29856: (rallytime) Added some initial unit tests for the
salt.modules.vsphere.py file
PR #29855: (rallytime) Back-port #29740 to 2015.8
PR #29890: (multani) Various documentation fixes
PR #29850: (basepi) [2015.8] Merge forward from 2015.5 to 2015.8
PR #29811: (anlutro) influxdb: add retention policy module functions
PR #29814: (basepi) [2015.8][Windows] Fix multi-master on windows
PR #29819: (rallytime) Add esxi module and state to docs build
PR #29832: (jleimbach) Fixed typo in order to use the keyboard module for RHEL
without systemd
PR #29803: (rallytime) Add vSphere module to doc ref module tree
PR #29767: (abednarik) Hosts file update in mod_hostname.
PR #29772: (terminalmage) pygit2: skip submodules when traversing tree
PR #29765: (gtmanfred) allow nova driver to be boot from volume
PR #29773: (l2ol33rt) Append missing wget in debian installation guide
PR #29800: (rallytime) Back-port #29769 to 2015.8
PR #29775: (paulnivin) Change listen requisite resolution from name to ID
PR #29754: (rallytime) Back-port #29719 to 2015.8
PR #29713: (The-Loeki) Pillar-based cloud providers still forcing use of
deprecated 'provider'
PR #29729: (rallytime) Further clarifications on "unless" and "onlyif"
PR #29737: (akissa) fix pillar sqlite3 documentation examples
PR #29743: (akissa) fix pillar sqlite not honouring config options
PR #29723: (rallytime) Clarify db_user and db_password kwargs for
postgres_user.present state function
PR #29722: (rallytime) Link "stateful" kwargs to definition of what "stateful"
means for cmd state.
PR #29724: (rallytime) Add examples of using multiple matching levels to Pillar
PR #29726: (cachedout) Disable some boto tests per resolution of moto issue
PR #29708: (lagesag) Fix test=True for file.directory with recurse
PR #29642: (cachedout) Correctly restart deamonized minions on failure
PR #29599: (cachedout) Clean up minion shutdown
PR #29675: (clinta) allow returning all refs
PR #29683: (rallytime) Catch more specific error to pass the error message
through elegantly.
PR #29687: (basepi) [2015.8] Merge forward from 2015.5 to 2015.8
PR #29681: (clinta) fix bare/mirror in git.latest
PR #29644: (rallytime) Fixed a couple more ESXi proxy minion bugs
PR #29645: (rallytime) Back-port #29558 to 2015.8
PR #29632: (jfindlay) reduce severity of tls module __virtual__ logging
PR #29606: (abednarik) Fixed duplicate mtu entry in RedHat 7 network
PR #29613: (rallytime) Various ESXi Proxy Minion Bug Fixes
PR #29628: (DmitryKuzmenko) Don't create io_loop before fork
PR #29609: (basepi) [2015.8][salt-ssh] Add ability to set salt-ssh command umask
in roster
PR #29603: (basepi) Fix orchestration failure-checking
PR #29597: (terminalmage) dockerng: Prevent exception when API response contains
empty dictionary
PR #29596: (rallytime) Back-port #29587 to 2015.8
PR #29588: (rallytime) Added ESXi Proxy Minion Tutorial
PR #29572: (gtmanfred) [nova] use old discover_extensions if available
PR #29545: (terminalmage) git.latest: init submodules if not yet initialized
PR #29548: (rallytime) Back-port #29449 to 2015.8
PR #29547: (rallytime) Refactored ESXCLI-based functions to accept a list of
PR #29563: (anlutro) Fix a call to deprecated method in python-influxdb
PR #29565: (bdrung) Fix typos and missing release note
PR #29540: (basepi) [2015.8] Merge forward from 2015.5 to 2015.8
PR #29499: (rallytime) Initial commit of ESXi Proxy Minion
PR #29526: (jfindlay) 2015.8.2 notes: add note about not being released
PR #29531: (jfindlay) grains.core: handle undefined variable
PR #29538: (basepi) [2015.8] [salt-ssh] Remove umask around actual execution for
PR #29505: (rallytime) Update boto_rds state docs to include funky yaml syntax
for "tags" option.
PR #29513: (bdrung) Drop obsolete syslog.target from systemd services
PR #29500: (rallytime) Back-port #29467 to 2015.8
PR #29463: (abednarik) Add **kwargs to debconf.set.
PR #29399: (jfindlay) modules.status: add human_readable option to uptime
PR #29433: (cro) Files for building .pkg files for MacOS X
PR #29455: (jfindlay) modules.nova.__init__: do not return None
PR #29454: (jfindlay) rh_service module __virtual__ return error messages
PR #29476: (tbaker57) Doc fix - route_table_present needs subnet_names (not
subnets) as a key
PR #29487: (rallytime) Back-port #29450 to 2015.8
PR #29441: (rallytime) Make sure docs line up with blade_idrac function specs
PR #29440: (rallytime) Back-port #28925 to 2015.8
PR #29435: (galet) Grains return wrong OS version and other OS related values
for Oracle Linux
PR #29430: (rall0r) Fix host.present state limitation
PR #29417: (jacobhammons) Repo install updates
PR #29402: (techhat) Add rate limiting to linode
PR #29400: (twangboy) Fix#19332
PR #29398: (cachedout) Lint 29288
PR #29331: (DmitryKuzmenko) Bugfix - #29116 raet dns error
PR #29390: (jacobhammons) updated version numbers in documentation
PR #29381: (nmadhok) No need to deepcopy since six.iterkeys() creates a copy
PR #29349: (cro) Fix mis-setting chassis names
PR #29334: (rallytime) Back-port #29237 to 2015.8
PR #29300: (ticosax) [dockerng] Add support for volume management in dockerng
PR #29218: (clan) check service enable state in test mode
PR #29315: (jfindlay) dev tutorial doc: fix markup errors
PR #29317: (basepi) [2015.8] Merge forward from 2015.5 to 2015.8
PR #29240: (clan) handle acl_type [[d]efault:][user|group|mask|other]
PR #29305: (lorengordon) Add 'file' as a source_hash proto
PR #29272: (jfindlay) win_status module: handle 12 hour time in uptime
PR #29289: (terminalmage) file.managed: Allow local file sources to use
PR #29264: (anlutro) Prevent ssh_auth.absent from running when test=True
PR #29277: (terminalmage) Update git_pillar runner to support new git ext_pillar
config schema
PR #29283: (cachedout) Single-quotes and use format
PR #29139: (thomaso-mirodin) [salt-ssh] Add a range roster and range targeting
options for the flat roster
PR #29282: (cachedout) dev docs: add development tutorial
PR #28994: (timcharper) add support to s3 for aws role assumption
PR #29278: (techhat) Add verify_log to SPM
PR #29067: (jacksontj) Fix infinite recursion in state compiler for prereq of
PR #29207: (jfindlay) do not shadow ret function argument
PR #29215: (rallytime) Back-port #29192 to 2015.8
PR #29217: (clan) show duration only if state_output_profile is False
PR #29221: (ticosax) [dokcerng] Docu network mode
PR #29269: (jfindlay) win_status module: fix function names in docs
PR #29213: (rallytime) Move _wait_for_task func from vmware cloud to vmware
PR #29271: (techhat) Pass full path for digest (SPM)
PR #29244: (isbm) List products consistently across all SLES systems
PR #29255: (garethgreenaway) fixes to consul module
PR #29208: (whytewolf) Glance more profile errors
PR #29200: (jfindlay) mount state: unmount by device is optional
PR #29205: (trevor-h) Fixes#29187 - using winrm on EC2
PR #29170: (cachedout) Migrate pydsl tests to integration test suite
PR #29198: (jfindlay) rh_ip module: only set the mtu once
PR #29135: (jfindlay) ssh_known_hosts.present state: catch not found exc
PR #29196: (s0undt3ch) We need novaclient imported to compare versions
PR #29059: (terminalmage) Work around upstream pygit2 bug
PR #29112: (eliasp) Prevent backtrace (KeyError) in ssh_known_hosts.present
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