Version 4.13, 2015/03/02
+ Fixed some options and usage for galbum
+ Many UI improvements to galbum
+ New plugin: captions/exif/strftime.alp (Thanks Steven Schubiger)
+ : new feature
- : deprecated feature
* : bugfix
Version 4.12, 2014/02/23
* Small bugfix for specifying clip time for movie thumbnails: "[thumb=3.2s]"
Version 4.11, 2014/02/03
+ New plugins: social/facebook-comments and social/facebook-like
+ New plugins: images/exactimage (Thanks F. Breitling)
+ Plugin speedup: images/autorot (Thanks Simon Oosthoek)
* Small 'has_thumb' bugfix (Thanks Brian Carlstrom, bdc carlstrom com)
* Small fix for 'modify_caption' hook so it only gets called once.
Version 4.10, 2013/05/30
* Cleaned up much of the 'perl -cw' warnings
Version 4.09, 2013/05/04
+ New plugin: utils/keynavigation.alp (Thanks Matti Laitala, matti.laitala gmail com)
+ Added 'album::add_image_head' for image specific <head> code
* Updated 'write_image_page' hook so that is was consistent for theme/notheme
+ Updated to avconv instead of deprecated ffmpeg
(To keep using ffmpeg: '-ffmpeg ffmpeg')
* Cleaned up much of the 'perl -cw' warnings
Version 4.08, 2012/09/27
[[[update digikam at thebarters with new modify_caption plugin format]]]
[[update google_analytics plugin]]
+ Updated simmer_theme (3.11) and updated all themes (RSS support!)
+ Updated plugin: extra/rss (Thanks Guy Albertelli II - from 2007, sorry it got lost!)
+ New option: -theme_full_info - major speedups for themes (when not used)
+ -sort exif for exif date sorting (Thanks Mihkel Ader, nodscytale gmail com)
+ New plugin: social/flattr (Thanks Volker Sauer)
+ New plugin: format/piwik (Thanks Volker Sauer)
+ New plugin: images/exactimage (Thanks Frank Breitling)
+ Can now have multiple hooks for 'do_album' (things like 'google_analytics')
as well as modify_caption and modify_dir_caption
+ Can specify clip time for movies in captions.txt (i.e. "[thumb=3.2s]");
(May need to use -force and -force_html)
* Handling of multi-page pdf/ps files (Thanks Matthew Probst)
Version 4.07, 2010/08/12
+ New plugin: images/annotate-medium (Thanks Joe Botha)
+ Plugins can call back the function that hooked them without a recursive loop
* jhead used for 'JPG' as well as 'jpg' (Thanks Kevin Barter)
+ Russian language support (Thanks Stas Degteff)
+ New theme: hover (Thanks Todd Foster)
* Fixed man page missing NAME (Thanks Eriberto, debian maintainer!)
Version 4.06, 2009/08/12
+ No longer fatals out on corrupted images
(Thanks Alex Roper, alexr ugcs caltech edu)
* Fixed missing files in packages
Version 4.05, 2008/12/21
+ WINDOWS GUI (galbum)
+ Windows ActiveState Perl theme support!
+ New hooks added for media style plugins (like media/flv)
+ Added media/flv plugin for FLV support!
+ Added album:: routines for plugins add_head, add_header, add_footer
+ Added piclens plugin for piclens slideshow support!
(Thanks Reidar D. Midtun, reidar midtun dyndns org)
+ Added exif/gps plugin for gps exif support
(Thanks Andreas K Huettel, http://www.akhuettel.de/)
+ New plugin: format/google_analytics
+ Added Hungarian docs (Thanks György Károly http://www.me.bme.hu/~karolyi/indexe.html)
* digikam.alp fix for finding top directory (Thanks Kevin Barter)
* Overlay type (Thanks again Laura Baldwin, boojum mit edu)
* Now checking for -medium changes to deciding if we need to rewrite img pages
(Thanks Rick Baartman, baartman lin12 triumf ca)
+ Added -crf and -license options for GUI support
Version 4.04, 2008/03/13
* Fixed overlay of images (now needs "px"?) (Thanks Laura Baldwin, boojum mit edu)
+ Added wmv to movie types (Thanks Kevin Walton, kevin unseen org)
Version 4.03, 2007/12/20
+ Fixed up album for CygWin changes - files are no longer quoted, no spaces in filenames!
(Thanks to the patient Amarsena Reddy, Amarsena.Reddy varian com)
+ Added -usage for seeing as many options as you want
+ Added -thumb_post (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
+ Added -folder_count (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
+ Added hidden -dtheme and -Dtheme options
* Fixed deprecated option output
* Fixed dependency checking for image HTML lost in v4.00
* exif/mouseover plugin now works for child albums
(Thanks George Hansper, georgeh anstat com au)
* Improved XHTML output (replaced 'td background=...')
+ Language: French is mostly complete, as well as docs
+ Better handling of convert animated gif file renaming bugs (Thanks Jon Daley)
* Proper handling of thumbs in other dirs (due to plugins) (Thanks Dave Hansen)
Version 4.02, 2007/01/19
+ Language: German now 100%, added Spanish and Catalan
* Bugfix for new installs (two subs named 'install_language')
Version 4.01, 2007/01/08
+ New languages: fr, zh-cn, cs, it, ko, de
+ Themes can now support multi-lingual images.
(Easy using update of simmer_theme) See example: Themes/Blue/lang/nl/
+ Themes have more translations (number of images, More albums, etc..)
+ Added -check_lang and -list_html_trans support
+ New plugin: images/xy_cache
* Fixed empty directory thumbnail bug
* Fixed/improved _curr_plugin/_curr_hook API.
* Plugged captions/db/digikam db resource leak (Thanks Anders Bolager, anders bolager com)
* Fixed '\\' bug with -make_lang
* Small get_option fix for plugins (and option_changed)
Version 4.00, 2006/12/17
+ Full language/i18n support! See -lang, -list_langs, and -lang_path
+ New languages: (en), he, nl, pl as well as banner, l33t and swedish_chef
+ Option -make_lang for creating easy language templates
+ New plugin: captions/exif/mouseover
+ New plugin: org/link
(Thanks Matt Forrest, mforrest scs ryerson ca)
+ Added 3gp support using ffmpeg. Another other movie formats people need?
+ Added -nothumbs support (Thanks Marten van Wezel, marten arago utwente nl)
+ Changed -hash_width option to -screen_width
* Fixed save_conf multiple-saving of multiple array/code values
* Errors now pass non-zero exit value
* Fixed -noknown_images (Thanks Dougie Nisbet, album highmoor co uk)
* Return to XHTML valid (Thanks Markus Mayer, mmayer blastwave org)
Version 3.13, 2006/10/10
+ New plugin: format/meta
+ Cleaned up image preloading and added "AddOnload" javascript for plugins
(Update your themes for proper image preloading)
+ Themes can now do num(This_Image) (Thanks Daniel K, DKml xs4all nl)
* Better fix for double exif captioning (Thanks Joseph Dery, joedery gmail com)
* Fix for medium_scale_opts (Thanks Glyn Davies, agdavies gmail com)
* Removed unnecessary zips and tars in Themes packaging
Version 3.12, 2006/06/14
+ Added -create_plugin plugin code
+ New -slideshow support (for most themes)
+ Added overlay thumbnail support. Themes are simpler and cooler!
See FunLand as an example. Also updated simmer_theme.
+ Added 'album -mv' syntax (just a shortcut for the 'utils/mv' plugin)
+ Added -credit (global footer) (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
+ Added -case_sort option (used to be default!)
(Thanks Samuel Denis D'Ortun, sddproductions.com)
* Changed ImageMagick calls to handle new syntax (~v6.25)
(Thanks John Westlund, john.westlund gmail com)
+ Added -follow_symlinks (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
+ Added hide_album hook (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
+ Add hook 'end_handle_file' (needed for plugin: format/hide_regex)
* Fixed handling of -no_* in plugin options.
* Fixed caption_edit.cgi directory caption problem (upgrade to CGI v1.07!)
(Thanks Kathryn Hogg, kjh flyballdogs com)
* Moved dir_thumb hook so it still counts images/folders
+ Patches: full path to find files
(Thanks Scott Bertin, scottbertin yahoo com)
+ Added data-> head and body_tag
Version 3.11, 2006/04/09
+ Changed ffmpeg option from singlejpeg to mjpeg, ffmpeg also now handles mp4
+ Changed 'do_album*' hooks to skip album generation on false
+ Added hooks: gather_contents, gather_contents_item
* Patches: Fix stop_hashes hook, thumbnail/medium hooks, -burn 'index.html'
(Thanks Scott Bertin, scottbertin yahoo com)
* Double exif captioning (Thanks Roland Rosenfeld, roenv spinnaker de
and John Sellens, jsellens generalconcepts com)
+ Plugin: images/epeg (Thanks Scott J. Bertin, scottbertin yahoo com)
+ New theme: Stamp. Updated theme: W_Peterman
* Change for themes: Get($dir, 'dir') -> Get($dir, 'file')
* Fixed issue with old 'medium *\\>' album.conf options.
(Thanks Waldy Wisniewski, waldy wizfamily co uk)
* Fixed -h/-plugin_usage bug
* Fixed -clean to also include commented out images.
Version 3.10, 2005/11/01
+ Plugin support
+ New plugins: utils/mv, many others
+ Massively improved/corrected/clarified arg saving in conf files
+ Improved dependency checking
+ Use (fast!) Image::Size if available (Thanks Dave Hansen, dave sr71 net)
+ Can now clear array options with -no
* -transform_url fix for %s
* diff_path now handles ActiveState windows paths for all cases
+ Added image overlay support for themes (see simmer_theme.3.03 & OldPhoto)
+ Added "Indexes:" progress bar for slower machines (like mine!)
+ Added -no_virgin_check option (for caption_edit and other CGI)
+ Added -image_headers for no_theme output (and set default to 0)
+ Medium/thumbnail images regenerated only when -medium/-geometry changed.
(Thanks Andy Somerville, andy.somerville gmail com)
* -no_image_loop now works with no_theme output
* Default output is now Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional
(Thanks Goran Sandin, Goran.Sandin abc se)
* Fixed poor quoting of img alt and title tags
+ Added link tags for First/Last and album Up
* Improved -name_length shortening algorithm to avoid bad HTML
+ Replaced -date_sort and -name_sort with -sort [captions,name,date]
+ Added perldocs to caption_edit.cgi
* Fixed saving '#' in config files (Thanks Diego Liziero, diegoliz gmail com)
* Fixed problem with using movies as directory thumbnails
* Fixed inability to add non-images with -no_known_images
* Small path fix for "Your album has moved" false negative
* Fixed stupid split_path bug that disliked the letter 'Q'. The shame..
(also fixed StoryCaption bug and alignment problem)
* Initial config menus now support ~/path (Thanks Dylan G., dylang thock com)
(Thanks Friedrich Pukelsheim, pukelsheim math uni-augsburg de)
* Can handle '# commented' captions with spaces after '#'
(Thanks Matt Roberts, matt.roberts bigfoot com)
* Fixed clean case-sensitivity, -medium_type and parentheses bugs
(Thanks Matthew J. Probst, mprobst probst org)
* Fixed incorrect "Your album has been moved" trigger
(Thanks Dwight Dover, dwidov alltel net)
* Default theme now supports -no_album_captions
* Fixed attempt_require for Cwd so that it doesn't error (nobody told me!)
Do it for all packages that
* mention perl, or
* have a directory name starting with p5-*, or
* depend on a package starting with p5-
like last time, for 5.18, where this didn't lead to complaints.
Let me know if you have any this time.
a) refer 'perl' in their Makefile, or
b) have a directory name of p5-*, or
c) have any dependency on any p5-* package
Like last time, where this caused no complaints.
around at either build-time or at run-time is:
USE_TOOLS+= perl # build-time
USE_TOOLS+= perl:run # run-time
Also remove some places where perl5/buildlink3.mk was being included
by a package Makefile, but all that the package wanted was the Perl