All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?):
./security/cyrus-sasl/distinfo cyrus-sasl-dedad73e5e7a75d01a5f3d5a6702ab8ccd2ff40d.patch.v2
This notably fixes a security issue, CVE-2020-27197.
Version 1.1.118:
* #247 [CVE-2020-27197] Avoid SSRF on parsing XML (@orsinium)
Version 1.1.117:
* #244 SSL Verify Server not working correctly (@motok) (@nschwane)
* #245 Unicode lxml.etree.SerialisationError on lxml 4.5.0+ (@advptr)
Version 1.1.116:
* #240 PY3 Compatibility changes for HTTP Response Body (@nschwane)
Version 1.1.115:
* #239 Convert the HTTP response body to a string type (PY3 this will be bytes) (@sddj)
Version 1.1.114:
* #237 Support converting dicts to content bindings (@danielsamuels)
* #238 Provide XMLParser copies instead of reusing the cached instance. Prevents future messages to lose namespace
Version 1.1.113:
* #234 Add ability to load a configuration file when executing a script
* #232 Fix TLS handshake failure when a server requires SNI (@marcelslotema)
Version 1.1.112:
* #227 Fixes to poll_client script (Python3 compatibility)
* #226 Clean-up documentation warnings
* #228 Fix 'HTTPMessage' has no attribute 'getheader' (Python3 compatibility)
* #225 Fix checks that involve xpath (lxml) to prevent FutureWarning message
* #230 Fix parsing status message round-trip (@danielsamuels)
Thanks leot@ and pkgsrc's security team for the heads up!
Pull-up to be requested.
Version 1.1.111:
Update to work with Python 2.6, 3.3, 3.5, and 3.6.
Add Python 3.6 support.
Handle Unicode- and byte-strings consistently.
Add timeout parameter to call_taxii_service2 (@mbekavac)
Add support for STIX 1.2.
Add user_agent parameter to call_taxii_service2
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package f-prot-antivirus6-fs-bin: missing distfile fp-NetBSD.x86.32-fs-6.2.3.tar.gz
Package f-prot-antivirus6-ws-bin: missing distfile fp-NetBSD.x86.32-ws-6.2.3.tar.gz
Package libidea: missing distfile libidea-0.8.2b.tar.gz
Package openssh: missing distfile openssh-7.1p1-hpn-20150822.diff.bz2
Package uvscan: missing distfile vlp4510e.tar.Z
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
libtaxii is a Python library for handling TAXII Messages as Python objects and
invoking TAXII Services.
A primary goal of libtaxii is to remain faithful to both the TAXII
specifications and to customary Python practices. libtaxii is designed to be
intuitive both to Python developers and XML developers.