1.50 2018-08-01
- The %F strftime pattern incorrectly zero-padded numbers less than four
digits. According to POSIX::strftime, this should output the year as-is
without padding. Reported by Andy Lester. GH #83.
MooseX::Types::DateTime::MoreCoercions builds on MooseX::Types::DateTime to add
additional custom types and coercions. Since it builds on an existing type, all
coercions and constraints are inherited.
C Extensions code does not seem supported when it is built with Python 2.7.
Pass the environment variable to avoid compiling it and failing and adjust PLIST
Reported via #pkgsrc by Juraj Lutter, thanks!
Fixed handling of pytz timezones.
Fixed some formatter's tokens handling.
Fixed errors on some systems when retrieving timezone from localtime files.
Fixed diff methods.
Fixed closest()/farthest() methods.
Each R package should include ../../math/R/Makefile.extension, which also
defines MASTER_SITES. Consequently, it is redundant for the individual
packages to do the same. Package-specific definitions also prevent
redefining MASTER_SITES in a single common place.
Performing substitutions during post-patch breaks tools such as mkpatches,
making it very difficult to regenerate correct patches after making changes,
and often leading to substituted string replacements being committed.
1.28 2018-06-12
- Some tests which required support for epoch values larger than 2**32 were
not being skipped when the underlying Perl did not support that.
Version 0.16.6
*released on 13 June 2018*
- **Packagers:** Documentation building no longer needs a working installation
of vdirsyncer.
Version 0.16.5
*released on 13 June 2018*
- **Packagers:** click-log 0.3 is required.
- All output will now happen on stderr (because of the upgrade of ``click-log``).
Fixed the weeks property for negative Period instances.
Fixed start_of() methods not setting microseconds to 0.
Fixed errors on some systems when retrieving timezone from clock files.
Fixed parsing of partial time.
Fixed parsing not raising an error for week 53 for ordinary years.
Fixed string formatting not supporting strftime format.
Fixed behavior of the YY token in from_format().
Fixed errors on some systems when retrieving timezone from clock files.
Upstream changes:
1.22 2018-06-08
- Update the glibc source data to the data from glibc 2.27.
- Added documentation for this glibc data.
- Reformatted the DateTime::Locale::FromData docs.
1.21 2018-06-08
- Added a new DateTime::Local->register_from_data method. This replaces the
old custom locale registration system with something much simpler. Instead
of providing a new class you simply provide a hash of data for the locale
and it becomes available for use via DateTime::Local->load. Implemented by
Ryley Breiddal. PR #21. Addresse GH #19.
Upstream changes:
1.27 2018-06-09
- This release is identical to 1.26 except that it is a stable release, not a
- Fixed the tests so they will not break in the year 2020. The tests were
passing in 2-digit years on the assumption that a year like "70" would be
treated as 1970, but starting in 2020 this would be treated as 2070
instead. Reported by Bernhard M. Wiedemann. RT #124787.
- Added timelocal_modern and timegm_modern variants as optional exports. These
versions do not munge years at all. They treat the year value that they are
given exactly as-is.
1.26 2018-05-20 (TRIAL RELEASE)
- Fixed the tests so they will not break in the year 2020. The tests were
passing in 2-digit years on the assumption that a year like "70" would be
treated as 1970, but starting in 2020 this would be treated as 2070
instead. Reported by Bernhard M. Wiedemann. RT #124787.
- Added timelocal_modern and timegm_modern variants as optional exports. These
versions do not munge years at all. They treat the year value that they are
given exactly as-is.
Upstream changes:
2.19 2018-05-13
- This release is based on version 2018e of the Olson database. This release
includes contemporary changes for North Korea.
Upstream changes:
1.49 2018-05-20
- Updated the ppport.h with the latest version of Devel::PPPort. This fixes a
compilation warning when compiling with 5.27.11. Reported by Jim
Keenan. Fixed GH #81.
Version 2.7.3:
Data updates
- Update tzdata to 2018e.
- Fixed an issue where decimal.Decimal would cast NaN or infinite value in a
parser.parse, which will raise decimal.Decimal-specific errors.
- Fixed a ValueError being thrown if tzinfos call explicity returns None.
- Fixed incorrect parsing of certain dates earlier than 100 AD when repesented
in the form "%B.%Y.%d", e.g. "December.0031.30".
- Fixed a bug where automatically generated DTSTART was naive even if a
specified UNTIL had a time zone. Automatically generated DTSTART will now
take on the timezone of an UNTIL date, if provided.
Fixed set() not acception the tz keyword argument.
Fixed datetime() not setting the timezone to UTC by default.
Added the datetime() helper.
Added the set() method to set properties.
Added the is_utc() and is_local() methods.
year_(), month_(), day_(), hour_(), minute_(), second_(), microsecond_() are now deprecated.
timezone_() and tz_() are now deprecated.
timestamp_() is now deprecated.
with_date_time(), with_time_from_string() and with_timestamp() are now deprecated.
between() is now deprecated.
min_(), max_(), minimum(), maximum() are now deprecated.
is_today(), is_yesterday(), is_tomorrow() and is_same_day() are now depecreated.
is_sunday() -> is_saturday() are now deprecated.
The utc and local properties are now deprecated. Use is_utc() and is_local() instead.
pkgsrc changes:
- Add support for the test suite (this needs gmake as a test tool dependency)
- Fix the shebang of test shell script with REPLACE_BASH and also add a
SUBST to fix a shebang in the middle of scripts (needed in shell script part
of the test suite).
REPLACE_INTERPRETER only adjust the shebang in the first line of the file.
- Add patches/patch-tests_test-lib.sh to just use `date -r' in non-GNU and
non-macOS lands. By default the current date is used and then the test will
definitely fails. While there are no guarantees that the date(1) available on
the system supports `-r' option it is probably better to try using it (indeed
this make all the date tests happy on NetBSD and probably also on FreeBSD and
OpenBSD according a quick skim of their date(1) man pages).
- Also install USAGE.md document (it is referenced by README.md).
## [2.11.0] - 2018-03-26
### Added
- Added support for `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` config file/actions location
- Created [CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md](/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) ([#217])
- Created [CHANGELOG.md](/CHANGELOG.md) ([#218])
### Changed
- Updated `add` command to accept lowercase priority ([#230])
- Clean tests and version file in Makefile. Don't ignore errors in tests.
- Updated [README.md](/README.md) ([#219])
- Update Downloads links to point at the Releases page ([#228])
- Set the executable bit when preparing releases ([#156])
### Fixes
- Update links to use https
- Suppress todo.sh error messages when invoked during completion ([#8])
Version 3.0.3:
* VTODO COMPLETED property can be a DATE-TIME or DATE (for backward compatibility)
* Improved recurrence iteration
Version 3.0.2:
* No longer attempt to detect the need for -DUSE_32BIT_TIME_T with MSVC
* New CMake option ICAL_BUILD_DOCS which can be used to disable the docs target
* Fix threading hang in BSD type systems (OpenBSD, MacOS,...)
* Build with Ninja improvements
Version 3.0.1:
* Built-in timezones updated to tzdata2017c
* Fix a multi-threaded deadlock in icaltimezone_load_builtin_timezone()
* Fix a CMake problem with parallel builds
Version 3.0.0:
* Relicense from MPL 1.0 to MPL 2.0 (keep dual license for LGPL v2.1)
* Requires CMake v3.1.0 or higher along with various CMake and buildsystem fixes
* Added a 'make uninstall'
* Fixed use-after-free issues and some memory leaks
* Built-in timezones updated to tzdata2017b
* More accurate VTIMEZONE generation when using the system time zone data (when
* icalvalue_as_ical_string() returns "TRUE" (non-zero) or "FALSE" (zero) values only.
* New icalvalue.h convenience macros: ICAL_BOOLEAN_TRUE and ICAL_BOOLEAN_FALSE
* Better value type checking of property values when parsing
* icalvalue_new/set_date and icalvalue_new/set_datetime now enforce DATE and DATE-TIME
values respectively
* draft-ietf-calext-extensions (RFC 7986) support added
* Parameter values are now en/decoded per RFC 6868
* Removed is_utc from icaltimetype struct
* Set icaltimetype.zone to icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone() to change a time to UTC
* Use icaltime_is_utc() to check if a time is in UTC
* Added support for VPATCH component
* New publicly available functions:
+ icalproperty_set_parent (icalproperty_get_parent was already public)
+ icalvalue_get_parent (icalvalue_set_parent was already public)
+ icalparameter_set_parent
+ icalparameter_get_parent
+ icalvalue_new_datetimedate (DATE or DATE-TIME)
+ icalvalue_set_datetimedate
+ icalvalue_get_datetimedate
+ icalrecur_iterator_set_start
+ icalcomponent_normalize()
+ icalproperty_normalize()
* Removed deprecated functions:
+ icaltime_from_timet (use icaltime_from_timet_with_zone)
+ icaltime_start_day_of_week (use icaltime_start_day_week)
+ icalproperty_remove_parameter (use icalproperty_remove_parameter_by_kind)
+ icalproperty_string_to_enum (use icalproperty_kind_and_string_to_enum)
* Signature changed for functions:
+ VObject *Parse_MIME_FromFileName(const char *fname)
+ icalgauge *icalgauge_new_from_sql(const char *sql, int expand)
+ const char *icallangbind_property_eval_string(icalproperty *prop, const char *sep)
+ const char *icallangbind_property_eval_string_r(icalproperty *prop, const char *sep)
+ void set_zone_directory(const char *path)
+ icalcalendar *icalcalendar_new(const char *dir)
+ int icalrecur_expand_recurrence(const char *rule, time_t start, int count, time_t *array)
Version 2.0.0:
* WARNING: Version 2 IS NOT Binary Compatible with Older Versions
* Version 2 is Source Compatible with Older Versions
* Lots of source code scrubbing
* [New] RSCALE support (requires libicu from http://www.icu-project.org)
* [New] CalDAV attachment support (draft-ietf-calext-caldav-attachments)
* [New] Resurrect the Berkeley DB storage support
* [Bug] issue83: Incorrect recurrence generation for weekly pattern
* Handle RRULEs better
* Handle threading better
Upstream changes:
1.19 2018-04-21
- Fix handling of a locale (nds) that does not provide a native name for its
own locale code. This is a bug in CLDR, but since it exists we should handle
it sanely.
- If you attempted to thaw a DateTime::Locale::FromData object in a process
that had not loaded DateTime::Locale this would fail. Reported by Gregor
Herrmann. GH #18.