- Regression Fix: myip ACL not accepted in config
- Bug 2795: acl arp lookups including port
- Bug 2794: ESI parsing fails on FreeBSD
- Bug 2778: fix linking issues using SunCC
- Bug 2724: eCAP build failure unless ICAP enabled
- Bug 2628: Correct default PID location to PREFIX/var/run/squid.pid
- Bug 2617: Performance degradation during processing list of dstdomain ACL's
- Bug 2374: Support ICY / ICEcast / SHOUTcast streaming protocol.
- Fix: 64-bit filesize issue in squidclient POST of large files
- Fix: send correct Connection: header on intercepted replies
- Support libtool 2.x
- ESI libraries libexpat and libxml2 now optional
- ESI support default enabled
- Bump libcap minimum requirement to libcap 2.09+
- ARP / MAC support fixes for IPv6-mode
- Add outstanding IPv6 settings to squid.conf (localnet, localhost)
- ... and many additions to the background testing structure
- ... and very many minor build and code cleanups for non-GCC compilers.
KDE SC 4.3.4 has a number of improvements:
* A bugfix in Plasma's pixmap cache makes the workspace more responsive
* Okular, the document viewer improved stability in certain situations
* Marble, the desktop globe has seen some polish
* Passphrases with non-ASCII characters have been fixed in the KGpg
encryption tool
* meta: Generate meta description tags even when the html scrubber is enabled.
* meta: Allow use of DESCRIPTION in templates to get at the meta
description value. (Thanks, NicolasLimare)
* inline: Use caching of inlined pages to speed up builds of inlines
that include feeds. Speedup of about 25% for small inlines; could
be much larger for inlines of many, or complex pages.
* Added (incomplete) Turkish po file. Closes: #556744 Thanks, Recai Oktas
* date: New plugin that allows inserting date directives that expand
to pretty-printed dates, using the same formatting as used for page
modification date display, etc.
* htmllink: Allow a title attribute to be specified.
* calendar: Add title attributes for all links in the calendars.
* calendar: Fix month wraparound error that broke in December.
pkgsrc changes:
* In the automated setup, recognize CVS as a VCS (found by agc@).
* In MESSAGE, link to <URL:http://ikiwiki.info/setup/> (ditto).
* WWW::Mechanize::List is gone!
* Use Nokogiri as the default HTML parser (you may switch to Hpricot by using WWW::Mechanize.html_parser =
See full list of changes since 0.7.5:
Changes since 1.0.0:
* Bump remainder of rack.versions.
* Support the pure Ruby FCGI implementation.
* Fix for form names containing "=": split first then unescape components
* Fixes the handling of the filename parameter with semicolons in names.
* Add anchor to nested params parsing regexp to prevent stack overflows
* Use more compatible gzip write api instead of "<<".
* Make sure that Reloader doesn't break when executed via ruby -e
* Make sure WEBrick respects the :Host option
* Many Ruby 1.9 fixes.
Patron is a Ruby HTTP client library based on libcurl. It does not try
to expose the full "power" (read complexity) of libcurl but instead
tries to provide a sane API while taking advantage of libcurl under
the hood.
vulnerability in ruby-actionpack.
Major changes:
- Improved compatibility with Ruby 1.9
- RailsXss plugin availability
- Fixes for the Nokogiri backend for XmlMini
Geeklog 1.6.1
New Features and Improvements
* Geeklog now lets you enter meta descriptions and meta keywords for the main
page, for stories, topics, static pages, and polls. Please note that these
meta tags may not be used by some search engines.
* You can now have one featured story per topic (for stories set to "Show
only in Topic").
* New autotags now allow you to embed polls in stories and everywhere else
where autotags are allowed.
* The Migrate option in the install script can now also be applied to an
existing database (i.e. you don't need to import a database dump to update
your URLs and paths).
* The Database Backup admin panel now includes options to optimize the
database and convert tables to InnoDB (MySQL only).
* Improved timezone support and let users actually set their own timezone.
* Minor security enhancements:
+ "Important" cookies (like the session cookies) are now created with the
HttpOnly flag set. This will help avoid some XSS attacks, provided your
browser supports this flag.
+ Template errors will now trigger the standard error handler instead of
exposing the template path.
+ Fixed inclusion protection for some of the Spam-X class files.
Please also see the list of theme changes.
* Fixed automatic closing of stories for comments after a certain amount of
days. If you need to re-open comments on stories that were closed due to
this bug, you can use this SQL request:
UPDATE gl_stories SET commentcode = 0, comment_expire = 0 WHERE commentcode
= 1;
* The comment speed limit was being ignored.
* Fixed a bug in the Group Editor that didn't let you add groups to other
groups (this problem was only introduced in Geeklog 1.6.0).
* The admin group for the Static Pages plugin was created with a wrong name
in Geeklog 1.6.0 (fresh installs only).
* Several tweaks and minor fixes (e.g. compatibility with PHP 4) in the
Fri Nov 20 03:34:19 GMT 2009 - surfraw 2.2.6
* New elvi:
+ by Sumant Oemrawsingh:
* cliki - search the common lisp wiki.
* l1sp - search lisp documentation.
* mathworld - search Wolfram MathWorld.
* mininova - search mininova for torrents.
* youtube - search youtube for videos.
+ by fittabile@lifegate.it:
* acronym - find acronyms
* gcache - search google cache.
+ by Nick White:
* genbugs - search gentoo bug tracker
+ by Ian Beckwith:
* debpkghome - view home page of a debian package.
* debvcsbrowse - browse vcs of a debian package
* rpmsearch - search for packages in rpm-based distros.
* finkpkg - search Fink packages.
* macports - search macports packages.
* Move config files to follow XDG basedir spec
This means that if your global config was in /etc/surfraw.conf
it is now in /etc/xdg/surfraw/conf, and local config is
now in $HOME/.config/surfraw/conf. The same applies to bookmarks.
See README for details on configuring config locations, and
for the gory details. The old locations are still supported for
* Support per-user elvi in $HOME/.config/surfraw/elvi/
Patch by James Rowe, idea by Sumant Oemrawsingh.
* Added -o | -o=FILE option, to fetch URL and dump to
stdout or FILE.
* Modified elvi:
+ freebsd: new options -psearch=TYPE -psection=SEC
to conduct a search of type TYPE in section SEC of ports.
+ netbsd: new option -ps to search ports
+ openbsd: new option -ps to search ports
+ debsec: fixed (Thanks to Moritz Muehlenhoff, for this
and all his other work).
+ cia: fixed.
* Added examples/uzbl_load_url_from_surfraw, to integrate surfraw
with uzbl (uzbl.org), thanks to Sumant Oemrawsingh.
spz), and un-modify SUBST targets mistakenly committed in previous.
Should fix build where GNU sed wasn't available, and otherwise result
in no change to the binary package.
pkgsrc changes:
- Adding license definition
- MIME::Base is included in perl core in high enough version
Upstream changes:
0.08 Do 29. Okt 22:09:12 CET 2009
- added LWP::Debug to dependencies...
0.07 Di 27. Okt 20:51:50 CET 2009
- fixed <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=50881>
Thanks to Adam Sjogren.
pkgsrc changes:
- adjusting license definition
- adjusting dependency to Test::More (0.72 is in core, 0.62 is required)
Upstream changes:
0.11 Tue Nov 10 14:14:17 EST 2009
No code changes; add Win32::Event dep for windows platforms
Upstream changes:
0.13 Fri Oct 9 15:01:07 EDT 2009
* Better cleanup temp files after tests
* No longer add a double / in the path when testing for index.html
* Better support for sending custom HTTP statuses in $m->abort
pkgsrc changes:
- Added license definition
- Removed test patch (test runs fine without)
Upstream changes:
2.2 Thu 1 Oct 2009
- Moved Lite.pm into lib directory
- Reversed the Changes file order to reverse chronological
- Moved to Makefile.PL to Module::Install to autodetect more things
- Add no_index entries for the test data
- Remove reliable on (partially) dead website for testing
- Now this module is mature and unlikely to change much, move to
a more stable and less complicated versioning scheme that suffers
less complications in the Perl toolchain. Also, dotted integers
without the use of something like version.pm isn't strictly
Upstream changes:
0.29 2009-11-04
- Fix session being deleted when you have a new session after session
expiry when calling session_is_valid method. Tests for this.
- Allow ->session to be used as a setter method so that you can say
->session( key => $value );
0.28 2009-10-29
- Fix session fixation test with LWP 5.833 by calling $cookie_jar->set_cookie
rather than manually stuffing the cookie in the request.
pkgsrc changes:
- add license definition (perl license)
- move dependecy to Test::Exception to BUILD_DEPENDS (required for
testing only)
Upstream changes:
0.08 2009-11-19
- repackaged with a new version of Module::Install
pkgsrc changes:
- Adjusting dependencies
Upstream changes:
5.80014 2009-11-21 02:51:14
Bug fixes:
- Require MooseX::MethodAttributes 0.17. This in turn requires new
MooseX::Types to stop warnings in Moose 0.91, and correctly supports
role combination of roles containing attributed methods.
- Catalyst::Dispatcher::dispatch_types no longer throws deprecated warnings
as there is no recommended alternative.
- Improved the suggested fix warning when component resolution uses regex
fallback for fully qualified component names.
- Catalyst::Test::local_request sets ->request on the response.
- Log flush moved to the end of setup so that roles and plugins which
hook setup_finalize can log things and have them appear in application
startup, rather than with the first hit.
- Require a newer version of LWP to avoid failing tests.
- Stop warnings when actions are forwarded to during dispatch.
- Remove warnings for using Catalyst::Dispatcher->dispatch_types as this is a
valid method to publicly call on the dispatcher.
- Args ($c->request->args) and CaptureArgs ($c->request->captrues)
passed to $c->uri_for with an action object ($c->action) will now
correctly round-trip when args or captures contain / as it is now
correctly uri encoded to %2F.
- Document no-args call to $c->uri_for.
- Document all top level application configuration parameters.
- Clarify how to fix actions in your application class (which is
deprecated and causes warnings).
- Pod fixes for ContextClosure.
- Fix documentation for go/visit to reference captures and arguments
in the correct order.
- Update $c->forward and $c->state documentation to address scalar
- Pod fix in Catalyst::Request (RT#51490)
- Pod fixes to refer to ::Controller:: rather than ::C:: as the latter
is deprecated (RT#51489)
New features:
- Added disable_component_resolution_regex_fallback config option to
switch off (deprecated) regex fallback for component resolution.
- Added an nginx-specific behavior to the FastCGI engine to allow
proper PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME processing for non-root applications
- Enable Catalyst::Utils::home() to find home within Dist::Zilla built
- Added the Catalyst::Exception::Interface role defining the interface
exception classes need to implement.
- Added Catalyst::Exception::Basic as a basic implementation of
Catalyst::Exception::Interface and made the existing exception classes
use it.
Refactoring / cleanups:
- Remove documentation for the case_sensitive setting
- Warning is now emitted at application startup if the case_sensitive
setting is turned on. This setting is not used by anyone, not
believed to be useful and adds unnecessary complexity to controllers
and the dispatcher. If you are using this setting and have good reasons
why it should stay then you need to be shouting, now.
- Writing to $c->req->body now fails as doing this never makes sense.