This release is largely a bug-fix release, but it does contain a couple of
small new features (next-unread-mailbox, $message_cache_clean).
The "change_folder_next" patches are gone, since a similar feature was added,
and it is now possible to use
bind index , next-unread-mailbox
to use , to cycle mailboxes with new mail
- Remove the mutt-compressed option for now, as it is not updated upstream
- Add a mutt-smtp option (suggested by Brian de Alwis), to enable smtp relay
support in mutt
The keys used are:
!: modified feature, -: deleted feature, +: new feature
- $imap_home_namespace (useless clutter)
+ $check_mbox_size (use size change instead of atime for new mail)
! improved f=f support wraps lines at $wrap if $wrap is not 0
+ $wrap (>0 wraps at $wrap, <0 = $wrapmargin)
+ $assumed_charset, $attach_charset, $ignore_linear_white_space
+ $save_history, $history_file (save history across sessions)
+ $smtp_url (ESMTP relay support)
+ $crypt_use_pka (use GPGME PKA signature verification)