* Alexander Leidinger: add non linear psymodel (compile time option,
disabled by default), workaround a bug in gcc 3.0.3 (compiler options,
based upon suggestions from various people, see archives and changelog
for more)
* Steve Lhomme: ACM wrapper (MS-Windows codec)
* Steve Lhomme: less memory copying on stereo (interleaved) input
* Takehiro Tominaga: Inter-channel masking, enables with --interch x
* For buggy versions of gcc compiler (2.96*), back off on some of the
advanced compiler options
Update requested by Brad Forschinger <bnjf@optushome.com.au> in private mail.
Oggasm is a program that makes converting your mp3 collection into oggs
at all but painless process. Using oggenc and mpg321(or mpg123), with perl
glueing it all together, oggasm is able to go through an entire collection,
identify id3 tags and then convert those mp3s into oggs while keeping
the id3 tags intact.
Provided by Rui-Xiang Guo <rxg@netbsd.org> in pkg/16580, slightly modified
by me.
This release is a security update and all users are highly encouraged
to upgrade immediately!
(ChangeLog doesn't give exact details, it was updated 2000-03-01)
Added configuration of radio device.
Added 'save playlist' to main pop up menu.
Added open_file, open_playlist, open_custom, and save_playlist to the skin spec.
Many fixes to the ogg123 support (patch-ac).
gtk specific command line options now work.
Fixed a possible buffer over run in cpu percent usage polling (linux).
SLIK 0.10.0:
Added divider between dirs and files in path selection dialogs.
Fixed a file descriptor leak in skin loader.
Fixed writing of blank focus file name (should not be written at all)
in the editor.
Fixed unhiding of a widget to update it's state first.
Fixed clist in place editing scroll bug.
Fix and guard against a few cases that may cause a crash at startup.
An mpeg 1/2/2.5 audio layer 1,2,3 frame level editor. Allows for
cutting, copying, pasting of individual frames, correction of
common (correctable) errors, removal of bad frames and more.
Quite useful program for maintaining any mp3 collection.
Provided by Rui-Xiang Guo <rxg@netbsd.org> in pkg/16530
The frequency analyser showes the frequency spectrum of the source,
either separately for both channels or together. Roughly speaking
the XY scope draws a plots where the left channel is used for the
x axis and the right channel for the y axis. Thus a audio signal
only present on the left channel produces a horizontal line, whereas
a audio signal only present on the right channel produces a vertical
line. Can be used as a PC-Based RTA.
MusicBrainz is the second generation incarnation of the CD Index.
This server is designed to enable Audio CD and MP3/Vorbis players
to download metadata about the music they are playing. All of the
data collected on the Musicbrainz server is made available to the
public under the OpenContent license.
Provided by Rui-Xiang Guo <rxg@netbsd.org> in pkg/15984
This command-line utility will allow you to modify MP3's id3v2
tags. The are more powerful than the default id3v1; they can store
infomation about what band recorded the song, the song name, etc. and
without string length limits.
Provided by Julio Merino <slink@unixbsd.org> in pkg/16332
from the last set), making ogg playback useful:
- implement ogg123_pipe_open() which opens a pipe and runs the command
supplied in the char **, returning the child pid and fd array from pipe(2).
based on code from ogg123_child_run().
- replace popen() with ogg123_pipe_open() in ogg123_info_get(),
ogg123_comment_get(), and ogg123_comment_set(). now info actually
works for file names which contain wacky shell characters (where
surrounding the file name with quotes just Isn't Enough)
- parse_bitrate(): current bitrate in ogg123 output is now "(NNN.MM kbps)",
so look for that rather than "Bitrate: NNNN"
- when setting the initial bit_rate for a song, use "bitrate_average / 1000"
rather than "bitrate_nominal", since bit_rate is in kbps and bitrate_*
is in bps and bitrate_average is more appropriate that bitrate_nominal.
Changes since 0.2.1:
Fixed a bug involving the processing of 24-bit audio data on
little-endian systems.
Added support for IMA and MS ADPCM.
Added support for the IRCAM file format.
Added support for floating-point data in the AIFF-C and WAVE file
Improved support for compressed data formats in AIFF-C, WAVE, and NeXT
.snd file formats.
Cleaned up code for 64-bit systems.
Cleaned up some compiler warnings.
Added many new tests.
Fixed several small bugs.
Cleaned up code in many places.
Changes unknown, package changes:
* the c-preprocessor should now correctly chose whether to build big-endian
or little-endian specific code
* added support for NetBSD native audio API
Changes are unknown. Package changes:
* the c-preprocessor should now correctly chose whether to build big-endian
or little-endian specific code
* added support for NetBSD native audio API