devel/p5-Test-Mock-LWP into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 package Test::Mock::LWP provides easy mocking of LWP
packages: HTTP::Request, HTTP::Response, LWP and LWP::UserAgent.
devel/p5-Test-Log4perl into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Test::Log4perl can be used to test that you're
logging the right thing with Log::Log4perl. It checks that we get
what, and only what, we expect logged by your code.
into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Test::Base provides a way to trivially write a
test framework base class. Test::Base concentrates on offering
reusable data driven patterns, it provides some clean ways to
express input and expected output data.
textproc/p5-Template-Declare into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Template::Declare is a pure-perl declarative
HTML/XUL/RDF/XML templating system.
0.02001 as databases/p5-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-IP into The NetBSD
Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::IP is a DBIx::Class
component to declare columns as IP addresses and treat them as
NetAddr::IP objects.
textproc/p5-String-Koremutake into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module String::Koremutake convert to/from Koremutake
Memorable Random Strings. The term "Memorable Random String" was
thought up by Sean B. Palmer as a name for those strings like
dopynl, glargen, glonknic, spoopwiddle, and kebble etc. that don't
have any conventional sense, but can be used as random identifiers,
especially in URIs to keep them persistent.
as devel/p5-Test-Fixture-DBIC-Schema into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module Test::Fixture::DBIC::Schema is a fixture data
loader for DBIx::Class::Schema.
into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
Kwalify is a parser, schema validator, and data binding tool for
YAML and JSON. This package provides a Perl 5 implementation of
as databases/p5-DBIx-Class-Fixtures into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module DBIx::Class::Fixtures allows to dump fixtures
from source database to filesystem then import to another database
(with same schema) at any time. Use as a constant dataset for
running tests against or for populating development databases when
impractical to use production clones. Describe fixture set using
relations and conditions based on your DBIx::Class schema.
Version 1.2.2 (released 2008-08-26) hilights:
* Fixed a security issue where it was possible to recreate/hijack already
existing accounts.
* Various stability improvements and minor feature enhancements.
PAM_putText() would set pointer resp->resp to buffer. This will work
until memory is reused. Thanks to Howard Kash <hmkash AT>.
"Esc" key now resets password entry. Do not put an escape in your
password. This should behave the same as Control-U.
-showdate added. +showdate allows you to turn off date in password
window. Also fixed centering for this.
Inverted bitmap for xlock. Added a icon for VMS.
Updated the Java launcher in xlock.
antic cleanups. It found a few minor bugs but mostly makes the code more
readable (without being too overbearing IMHO). The current version trips
on #ifdefs though.
New mode pyro2: -mode pyro2 -msg 'MSGSTR' -fnt 'FONT'
MSGSTR consists of following elements:
EXPLOSION is one of &0, &1, ... &9, &a, .. &f each of which presents a
different type of explosion.
TEXT is a text string like 'linux'. the string may contain blanks.
'\n' is interpreted as a new line.
'\\' is a backslash.
'\&' is an ampercent.
LOGO is the sign #. An exploding penguin or other icon will be shown.
FONT is something like '-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-240-*' the font to be used.
Thanks to Pezhman Givy <phg AT>.
Modifications for +install, -mono, and Windows.
New resource files for Chinese..., resource-msg-zh_TW.h,
xlock-msg-zh_TW.h. Thanks to Wei-Lun Chao <chaoweilun AT>.
Following this example, I split out the different languages from
as it seemed odd when editing and did not want to corrupt anything,
especially if I could not verify it.
Automata modes now have triangular tilings drawn with a black
triangle around it. Fixed dilemma, for it only is interesting with 4 or
8 neighbors.
into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
dbeacon is a Multicast Beacon written in C++. The main purpose of
a beacon is to monitor other beacon's reachability and collect
statistics such as loss, delay and jitter between beacons. dbeacon
supports both IPv4 and IPv6 multicast, collecting information via
ASM and SSM.
dbeacon was originally only IPv6 capable, designed to be used in
the m6bone.
devel/p5-ExtUtils-Command into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module ExtUtils::Command is used to replace common UNIX
commands. In all cases the provided functions work from @ARGV rather
than taking arguments. This makes them easier to deal with in
Makefiles. Call them like this:
perl -MExtUtils::Command -e some_command some files to work on
The module Shell::Command is also included in this package: it
provides the same functions but take arguments normally.
databases/p5-Jifty-DBI into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Jifty::DBI deals with databases, so that you
don't have to. This module provides an object-oriented mechanism
for retrieving and updating data in a DBI-accessible database.
This module is the direct descendent of DBIx::SearchBuilder. If
you're familiar with SearchBuilder, Jifty::DBI should be quite
familiar to you.
time/p5-Time-Duration-Parse into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
Time::Duration::Parse is a Perl 5 module to parse human readable
duration strings like 2 minutes and 3 seconds to seconds. It does
the opposite of duration_exact function in Time::Duration.
Updated net/p5-Net-Pcap to 0.16
Updated net/p5-Net-Write to 1.03
Updated net/p5-Nmap-Parser to 1.16
Updated net/p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS to 1.00
Added devel/p5-Term-Cap version 1.12
Updated devel/p5-POE to 1.003
devel/p5-Scalar-Defer into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Scalar::Defer exports functions for constructing
values that are evaluated on demand and to force evaluation of a
deferred value.
devel/p5-Class-InsideOut into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Class::InsideOut s a simple, safe and streamlined
toolkit for building inside-out objects. Unlike most other inside-out
object building modules already on CPAN, this module aims for
minimalism and robustness:
* Does not require derived classes to subclass it
* Uses no source filters, attributes or CHECK blocks
* Supports any underlying object type including black-box inheritance
* Does not leak memory on object destruction
* Overloading-safe
* Thread-safe for Perl 5.8.5 or better
* mod_perl compatible
* Makes no assumption about inheritance or initializer needs
It provides the minimal support necessary for creating safe inside-out
objects and generating flexible accessors.
devel/p5-Object-Declare into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Object::Declare provides a declare() function
for building named objects with a declarative syntax, similar to
how Jifty::DBI::Schema defines its columns.
into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module IPC::PubSub provides a simple API for publishing
messages to channels and for subscribing to them.
databases/p5-DBM-Deep into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module DBM::Deep is a unique flat-file database module,
written in pure perl. True multi-level hash/array support (unlike
MLDBM, which is faked), hybrid OO / tie() interface, cross-platform
FTPable files, ACID transactions, and is quite fast. Can handle
millions of keys and unlimited levels without significant slow-down.
Written from the ground-up in pure perl -- this is NOT a wrapper
around a C-based DBM. Out-of-the-box compatibility with Unix, Mac
OS X and Windows.
devel/p5-FileHandle-Fmode into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module FileHandle::Fmode provides functions to determine
whether a filehandle is opened for reading, writing, or both.
into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Hash::Merge merges two arbitrarily deep hashes
into a single hash. That is, at any level, it will add non-conflicting
key-value pairs from one hash to the other, and follows a set of
specific rules when there are key value conflicts.
0.02 as www/p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder into The NetBSD Packages
The Perl 5 module HTTP::Server::Simple::Recorder allows you to
record all HTTP communication between an HTTP::Server::Simple-derived
server and its clients.
as www/p5-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Test::HTTP::Server::Simple is a mixin class
providing methods to test an HTTP::Server::Simple-based web server.
into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module HTML::Lint checks for HTML errors in a string or
file. HTML::Lint also comes with a wrapper program called weblint
that handles linting from the command line.
devel/p5-Exporter-Lite into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Exporter::Lite is an alternative to the module
Exporter intended to provide a lightweight subset of its functionality.
It supports import(), @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK and not a whole lot
devel/p5-Data-Serializer into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Data::Serializer provides a unified interface to
the various serializing modules currently available. Adds the
functionality of both compression and encryption.
devel/p5-PHP-Serialization into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module PHP::Serialization provides simple flexible means
of converting the output of PHP's serialize() into the equivalent
Perl memory structure, and vice versa.
devel/p5-Compress-PPMd into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Compress::PPMd is a wrapper around Dmitry Shkarin
PPMd compression library.
devel/p5-Data-Denter into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Data::Denter is an (deprecated) alternative to
Data::Dumper and Storable.
use YAML; # Instead!!!
into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Data::Taxi is a data serializer with several handy features:
Taint aware
The data to be serialized does not have to be trusted. None of
the input data is executed.
Human readable
Data::Taxi produces a human-readable string that simplifies checking
the output of objects.
Without begin fully XML compliant, Data::Taxi produces a block of
XML-ish data that could probably be read in by other XML parsers.
devel/p5-File-Policy into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module File::Policy purpose is to allow systems
administrators to define locations and restrictions for applications'
file I/O and give app developers a policy to follow. Note that
the module doesn't ENFORCE the policy - application developers can
choose to ignore it (and systems administrators can choose not to
install their applications if they do!).
devel/p5-Test-Assertions into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Test::Assertions provides a convenient set of
tools for constructing tests, such as unit tests or run-time
assertion checks (like C's ASSERT macro). Unlike some of the Test::
modules available on CPAN, Test::Assertions is not limited to unit
test scripts; for example it can be used to check output is as
expected within a benchmarking script. When it is used for unit
tests, it generates output in the standard form for CPAN unit
testing (under Test::Harness).
www/p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module HTML::TokeParser::Simple provides a more intuitive
interface to the module HTML::TokeParser.
mail/p5-Email-Folder into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Email::Folder provides a class for reading all
the messages from a folder as Email::Simple objects.
mail/p5-Email-FolderType into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module Email::FolderType provides a utility subroutine
for detecting the type of a given mail folder
www/p5-CGI-Cookie-Splitter into The NetBSD Packages Collection.
The Perl 5 module CGI::Cookie::Splitter provides a pretty simple
interface to generate small cookies that are under a certain limit,
without wasting too much effort.
Updated time/p5-DateTime-Locale to 0.41
Updated time/p5-DateTime-TimeZone to 0.79
Updated time/p5-DateTime to 0.4304
Updated mail/p5-MIME-Lite-HTML to 1.22
Updated math/p5-Set-Crontab to 1.02
Updated math/p5-Set-Infinite to 0.63
Updated security/p5-Authen-SASL to 2.11
Updated mail/p5-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper to 1.315
Updated www/p5-HTML-LinkExtractor to 0.13
Updated net/p5-Socket6 to 0.21
Updated www/p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader to 0.21
Updated databases/p5-CatalystX-CRUD to 0.28
Updated www/p5-CatalystX-CRUD-Controller-RHTMLO to 0.14
Updated time/p5-DateTime-Format-Pg to 0.16002
Updated net/p5-Net-Amazon-S3 to 0.44
Updated math/p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel to 2.23
Updated devel/p5-Set-IntSpan to 1.13
Added time/p5-DateTime-Precise version 1.05
Updated net/p5-Net-eBay to 0.50
Changes since the 0.6 branch:
0.7.1 - 23 July 2008
o Fixes a memory leak when invalid proposal received
o Some fixes in DPD
o do not set default gss id if xauth is used
o fixed hybrid enabled builds
o fixed compilation on FreeBSD8
o cleanup in network port value manipulation
o gets ports from SADB_X_EXT_NAT_T_[SD]PORT if present in purge_ipsec_sp
o Generates a log if cert validation has been disabled by configuration
o better handling for pfkey socket read errors
o Fixes in yacc / bison stuff
o new plog() macro (reduced CPU usage when logging is disabled)
o Try to works better with huge SPD/SAD
o Corrected modecfg option syntax
o Many other various fixes...
0.7 - 09 August 2007
o Xauth with pre-shared key PSK
o Xauth with certificates
o SHA2 support
o pkcs7 support
o system accounting (utmp)
o Darwin support
o configuration can be reloaded
o Support for UNIQUE generated policies
o Support for semi anonymous sainfos
o Support for ph1id to remoteid matching
o Plain RSA authentication
o Native LDAP support for Xauth and modecfg
o Group membership checks for Xauth and sainfo selection
o Camellia cipher support
o IKE Fragment force option
o Modecfg SplitNet attribute support
o Modecfg SplitDNS attribute support ( server side )
o Modecfg Default Domain attribute support
o Modecfg DNS/WINS server multiple attribute support