Update ruby-faraday to 0.17.3. This is not latest version of faraday but
www/ruby-faraday_middleware require prior to 1.0.
## v0.17.3
* Reverts changes in error classes hierarchy. #1092 (@iMacTia)
* Fix Ruby 1.9 syntax errors and improve Error class testing #1094 (@BanzaiMan,
@mrexox, @technoweenie)
* Stops using `&Proc.new` for block forwarding. #1083 (@olleolleolle)
* Update CI to test against ruby 2.0-2.7 #1087, #1099 (@iMacTia, @olleolleolle,
* require FARADAY_DEPRECATE=warn to show Faraday v1.0 deprecation warnings
#1098 (@technoweenie)
## v0.17.1
Final release before Faraday v1.0, with important fixes for Ruby 2.7.
* RaiseError response middleware raises exception if HTTP client returns a nil
status. (#1042)
* Fix Ruby 2.7 warnings (#1009)
* Add `Faraday::Deprecate` to warn about upcoming v1.0 changes. (#1054, #1059,
#1076, #1077)
* Add release notes up to current in CHANGELOG.md (#1066)
* Port minimal rspec suite from main branch to run backported tests. (#1058)
## v0.17.0
This release is the same as v0.15.4. It was pushed to cover up releases
## v0.15.4
* Expose `pool_size` as a option for the NetHttpPersistent adapter (#834)
Update ruby-mustermann to 1.1.1.
Mustermann 1.1.1 (2020-01-04)
* Make sure that requireing ruby2_keywords when needed. Fixes#102 @Annih
Mustermann 1.1.0 (2019-12-30)
* Proper handling of Mustermann::ExpandError. Fixes#88 @namusyaka
* Support Ruby 3 keyword arguments. @mame
o At the same time, we dropped a support that accepts options
followed by mappings on Mustermann::Mapper. Reference commit
* Improve documentation and development. @horaciob, @epistrephein,
@jbampton, @jkowens, @junaruga
Version 0.3.8
Add Python 3.8 support
Fix wrongly parsed Decimal fields
Fix overridden response when calling abort with Response
Various small fixes and updates to documentation
Version 1.8.0
- **BREAKING:** Removed support for Python 2. Python 3.5 and upwards are
supported as of now.
- Add option to specify if ``None`` is a cached value or not.
- Allow to use ``__caching_id__`` rather than ``__repr__`` as an object
caching key.
- The RedisCache backend now support generating the key_prefix via a callable.
- Emit a warning if the ``CACHE_TYPE`` is set to ``filesystem`` but no
``CACHE_DIR`` is set.
- Fixes Google App Engine Memcache backend.
- Various documentation updates and fixes.
Update ruby-net-http-persistent to 3.1.0.
=== 3.1.0 2019-07-24
New features:
* Support ruby 2.6 Net::HTTP#write_timeout=. Pull request #99 by Víctor
Roldán Betancort.
* Support setting TLS min/max version. Pull request #94 by Bart.
Bug fixes:
* Reduce potential for memory leak through Hash default proc bindings. Pull
request #64 by Dominic Metzger.
* Test proxy auto detection from no_proxy in ENV. Pull request #60 by
* Add missing timestamp for 3.0 release. Pull request #78 by Joe Van Dyk.
* Support IPv6 URLs in proxy checks. Pull request #82 by Nicolás Sanguinetti.
* Use Net::HTTPGenericRequest#method to check idempotence for improved
compatibility. Pull request #83 by Fotos Georgiadis.
* Run net-http-pipeline tests in travis. Pull request #86 by T.J. Schuck.
* Correct +no_proxy+ support to override Net::HTTP proxy fallback. Pull
request #88 by Jared Kauppila.
* Mitigate memory leak when combined with faraday. Pull request #105 by Yohei
* Set default connection pool size for Windows. Pull request #90 by Jared
* Fix missing +name:+ argument in documentation. Pull requests #85 by T.J.
Schuck, #84 by James White.
* Fix memory leak from connection pooling. Pull request #97 by Aaron
* Update tests for minitest assert_equal deprecation. Pull request #92 by
Olle Jonsson.
* Fix typo in Net::HTTP::Persistent#pipeline. Pull request #91 by Kazuma
* Added bundler hoe plugin. Pull request #103 by Michael Grosser.
* Updated ruby versions in Travis CI. Pull request #93 by Olle Jonsson. Pull
request #103 by Michael Grosser.
Update ruby-patron to 0.13.3.
### 0.13.3
* Fix a number of specs that were failing due to use of threads
### 0.13.2
* Eagerly initialize libCURL handle when creating the Session instance instead of initializing it lazily
* Remove special treatment of `Session#reset` and make it the same as `Session#interrupt`
Update ruby-rails-html-sanitizer to 1.3.0.
## 1.3.0
* Address deprecations in Loofah 2.3.0.
*Josh Goodall*
## 1.2.0
* Remove needless `white_list_sanitizer` deprecation.
By deprecating this, we were forcing Rails 5.2 to be updated or spew
deprecations that users could do nothing about.
That's pointless and I'm sorry for adding that!
Now there's no deprecation warning and Rails 5.2 works out of the box, while
Rails 6 can use the updated naming.
*Kasper Timm Hansen*
## 1.1.0
* Add `safe_list_sanitizer` and deprecate `white_list_sanitizer` to be removed
in 1.2.0. https://github.com/rails/rails-html-sanitizer/pull/87
*Juanito Fatas*
* Remove `href` from LinkScrubber's `tags` as it's not an element.
*Juanito Fatas*
* Explain that we don't need to bump Loofah here if there's CVEs.
*Kasper Timm Hansen*
Update to ruby-raindrops to 019.1.
pkgsrc change: update HOMEPAGE.
=== raindrops 0.19.1 / 2020-01-08 09:31 UTC
This release fixes some warnings on newer Rubies.
We're no longer on bogomips.org since it's due
for expiry and I can't pay extortionists for a .org, so
s/bogomips.org/yhbt.net/ for now, and be prepared to move again
when extortionists move onto extorting the .net TLD.
doc: switch homepage to dark216
ext/raindrops/extconf: fix cflags reset on ancient CC
fixes for newer rubies
replace bogomips.org with yhbt.net
Update to ruby-rest-client to 2.1.0.
# 2.1.0
- Add a dependency on http-accept for parsing Content-Type charset headers.
This works around a bad memory leak introduced in MRI Ruby 2.4.0 and fixed in
Ruby 2.4.2. (#615)
- Use mime/types/columnar from mime-types 2.6.1+, which is leaner in memory
usage than the older storage model of mime-types. (#393)
- Add `:log` option to individual requests. This allows users to set a log on a
per-request / per-resource basis instead of the kludgy global log. (#538)
- Log request duration by tracking request start and end times. Make
`log_response` a method on the Response object, and ensure the `size` method
works on RawResponse objects. (#126)
- `# => 200 OK | text/html 1270 bytes, 0.08s`
- Also add a new `:stream_log_percent` parameter, which is applicable only
when `:raw_response => true` is set. This causes progress logs to be
emitted only on every N% (default 10%) of the total download size rather
than on every chunk.
- Drop custom handling of compression and use built-in Net::HTTP support for
supported Content-Encodings like gzip and deflate. Don't set any explicit
`Accept-Encoding` header, rely instead on Net::HTTP defaults. (#597)
- Note: this changes behavior for compressed responses when using
`:raw_response => true`. Previously the raw response would not have been
uncompressed by rest-client, but now Net::HTTP will uncompress it.
- The previous fix to avoid having Netrc username/password override an
Authorization header was case-sensitive and incomplete. Fix this by
respecting existing Authorization headers, regardless of letter case. (#550)
- Handle ParamsArray payloads. Previously, rest-client would silently drop a
ParamsArray passed as the payload. Instead, automatically use
Payload::Multipart if the ParamsArray contains a file handle, or use
Payload::UrlEncoded if it doesn't. (#508)
- Gracefully handle Payload objects (Payload::Base or subclasses) that are
passed as a payload argument. Previously, `Payload.generate` would wrap a
Payload object in Payload::Streamed, creating a pointlessly nested payload.
Also add a `closed?` method to Payload objects, and don't error in
`short_inspect` if `size` returns nil. (#603)
- Test with an image in the public domain to avoid licensing complexity. (#607)
Update ruby-sass-rails to 6.0.0.
6.0.0 (2019-09-04)
Breaking change
* Move the implementation to sassc-rails.
* This gem is now only just a wrapper around sassc-rails. For more
information on how sassc differs from Ruby sass see
Add ruby-rails60 package version
Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web framework optimized for programmer
happiness and sustainable productivity. It encourages beautiful code
by favoring convention over configuration.
This is for Ruby on Rails 6.0.
Add ruby-actioncable60 package version
# Action Cable - Integrated WebSockets for Rails
Action Cable seamlessly integrates WebSockets with the rest of your Rails
application. It allows for real-time features to be written in Ruby in the
same style and form as the rest of your Rails application, while still being
performant and scalable. It's a full-stack offering that provides both a
client-side JavaScript framework and a server-side Ruby framework. You have
access to your full domain model written with Active Record or your ORM of
This is for Ruby on Rails 6.0.
Add ruby-actionpack60 package version
Action Pack is a framework for handling and responding to web requests. It
provides mechanisms for *routing* (mapping request URLs to actions), defining
*controllers* that implement actions, and generating responses by rendering
*views*, which are templates of various formats. In short, Action Pack
provides the view and controller layers in the MVC paradigm.
This is for Ruby on Rails 6.0.
Add ruby-actionview60 package version
Action View provides simple, battle-tested conventions and helpers for
building web pages.
This is for Ruby on Rails 6.0.
Add ruby-sassc-rails package version 2.1.2.
We all love working with Sass, but compilation can take quite a long time for
larger codebases. This gem integrates the C implementation of Sass, LibSass,
into the asset pipeline.