* Updated so that stocks fetched from the
Stockholm exhcnage (.ST) are correctly listed as being in
Swedish Krona (SEK).
* Added Finance::Quote::Yahoo::Asia to provide lookup of
Asian stock quotes (not including Japan).
* Patched after currency conversion started to fail.
* Updated documentation in and to note their
current functional unhappiness.
* Added and modules.
* Fixed VWD problem whereby no symbol was being returned.
* Updated TrustNet documentation (#666349).
* Fixed currency conversion problems. (#232075)
* Fixed ASX problems whereby quotes were not being obtained
* Fixed problem where no symbol tag was being defined in ASX.
* Fixed problem where undefined currencies would be returned
as zero, and not undefined as occured in previous versions.
* Fixed tests in currency.t which assumed that conversion
could be done between EUR and former European currencies.
These are no longer supported due to a change in the
lookups provided by Yahoo.
* Updated to indicate its current non-working status.
* Added patches which provide a troweprice_direct method.
* As above, for the Fidelity module. (#666353)
* Accepted David Hampton's patch to Yahoo currencies.
The correct currency will now be flagged on stocks regardless
of the module used to grab them. (#666361)
* Added Keith Refson's module to obtain quotes from
First Trust Portfolios L.P. (#670202).
* Added Ganesan Rajagopal's excellent IndiaMutal module.
* Fixed Cdnfundlibrary to correctly set the success flag
when successful. (#752395).
* Updated with Robert Clark's changes to
work with the new TD Waterhouse website. (#750843).
* Added the BM Nesbitt Burns module (#752423).
* Updated BMONesbittBurns module to provide better date
handling, screening out of high-ascii characters from
fields, and removal of spurious debug output.