Added timer label, minutes and seconds to restart detail message.
Fixed color setting bug involving null attr. Set 'no context' and 'no keyword' when appropriate. Make F1 (help) and F2 (calendar) act as toggles that also work when the entry bar is active. Add memoized hash for clip so that ^S will always save the current view to the clipboard.
Fixed attr = None bug in OL.htm.
Added icalendar to 'install_requires' in
Fixed negative sign bug in date_calculator.
Added ~ to ` as triggers for leader.
Improved error handling for date calculator.
Added calc_days to both the gui and command line.
Added diff_days to calculate the difference in days between two dates. Bound to c in the gui.
Only process D, f, m an u in agenda and list views.
When displaying ids, restore the scroll position to its prior position.
Added max_width setting to class OL and wrapping to this width in reckoning reports. Removed depreciated 'extent' setting from rc.
Fixed bug in processing option for ending date (-e). Fixed bug in setting default colors for entry bar to black on black. Display c_position, d_position, k_level and itemize settings in reckoning title.
Cleaned up comments.
Use default colors from main screen for entry bar when inactive. Use separate settings when active.
Added separate print color settings to etmrc.
Allow setting a special color for the entry bar text.
Added filtering to agenda view.
Added support for setting background and font colors in the gui.
Fixed missing key error for repeating tasks without an 'o' in
Run check_rotating when changes.
Fixed bug in process_entry involving appending to an undefined list.
Fixed bug in which open_project failed to set changed = True.
Removed broken support for remind style reminders. Fixed documentation to reflect this change.
Changed prompt for modifying and creating to reflect the action.
Alert queue display tweaks.
Various documentation tweaks. When alert queue is empty, state it instead of showing an empty queue.
Restored use of GenStaticText which had inadvertently been eliminated.
Made alert queue display more succent.
Make defaults for colors, fonts and window sizes different for mac and not mac.
Switched details bar to wx.lib.stattext.GenStaticText to avoid bgcolor problems in linux.
Fixed bug in checking the length of an undefined list in get_next.
Moved 'etm' from the title bar to the detail bar in the gui.
Strip entrybar text to avoid key errors. Fixed footer in console cur output.
Changed fault font specification that raised exception under windows.
Show confirmation when saving view to clipboard.
Various documentation tweaks.
Fixed bug in which a task without a due date would not be processed properly.
Store calendar_html output to self.html to allow printing.
Fixed bug in pre formatting.
Fixed bug in reckoning in which time_hash was not being reset. Added save view to clipboard.
More str() removals.
Removed str() constructs to avoid unicode problems in linux.
Removed advance formating requiring python 2.6.
Fixed bug in which starting and ending times would not be displayed for list-only events.
Added 'T' as an alternative to 't' in show to limit display to unfinished tasks.
Fixed locale for calendar and allow entry and display of unicode characters.
Fixed locale bug in calendar.
Fixed bug in marking the last rep of a list-only task complete.
Added wxwidth and wxheight to rc. Fixed bug in setting html column widths.
Background color tweaks for linux.
Changed binding for return in entry_bar to work in linux.
Use htmlfont setting from rc.
Removed locale stuff and added codecs as in wxremind.
Added font sizes to rc. Set in etm_wx show_view.
363 b1834d30d148 2009-11-15 13:23 -0500 daniel
Test for ability to load wx modules.
362 fd111da14ff6 2009-11-15 12:25 -0500 daniel
Fixed bug in setting .etmrc in
361 00231d230b15 2009-11-15 11:49 -0500 daniel
Various tweaks. Added <space> as an alternative for agenda with defaults. Added left and right arrow keys for advancing list display.
360 8d3c64833383 2009-11-14 12:22 -0500 daniel
Only show idnum when modifying, finishing, deleting and put it at the beginning of the title.
359 56ebf2ea51a9 2009-11-14 08:26 -0500 daniel
Added hide/show details to prompt for a and l views.
358 18499745e590 2009-11-14 07:45 -0500 daniel
Modified parsers to work with python 2.5.
357 38a4940db9af 2009-11-14 00:22 -0500 daniel
Fixed bug in process_alerts when item_hash has no key for today.
356 0ed4d9044889 2009-11-13 17:55 -0500 daniel
Various tweaks for error processing and display and for autorefreshing.
355 136c66eb7d8e 2009-11-13 15:48 -0500 daniel
More get_next tweaks.
354 20fbcf85c401 2009-11-13 15:30 -0500 daniel
Examples working. Fixes for get_next.
353 435f81e2df61 2009-11-12 16:07 -0500 daniel
Fixed bug in setting 'D' for non-repeating tasks.
352 6aa0d75bc2cc 2009-11-12 14:08 -0500 daniel
Ignore advance for agenda.
351 5b5286a669ac 2009-11-12 13:56 -0500 daniel
Fixed bug in setting agenda title dates.
350 ed333a3bd2ca 2009-11-12 10:34 -0500 daniel
Added new_project and open_project. Fixed bug in displaying D for repeated tasks.
349 e9b4825958d4 2009-11-11 17:32 -0500 daniel
Help text tweaks. Various bug fixes. Adjusted print font size.
348 bfc100d71bd6 2009-11-11 14:17 -0500 daniel
Made entry_bar an expando text ctrl. Added OnKillFocus to keep it from losing focus.
347 604cb5f728f1 2009-11-11 12:19 -0500 daniel
Many tweaks. Details and Entry bars on separate lines.
346 1b2e1de580b5 2009-11-09 19:30 -0500 daniel
Add new, edit and toggle finished seem to work.
345 092f7f4d366e 2009-11-05 14:45 -0500 daniel
Fixed, simplified and cached shift period.
344 a7302c4f74bf 2009-11-05 12:13 -0500 daniel
Big changes. All views work through show_view and results are cached!
Delete leading zero from time in say_alert when use_ampm is true.
Convert !YYYY! in title to 'years since', e.g., in 2009, !1978!
would be converted to '32nd'.
Fixed bug in which unicode strings in caledar output would not
be displayed properly.
Fixed bug in repetitions with overdue = s in which a task more
than one repetition past due resulted in an endless loop.
Fixed gui bug in which pressing F1 after p would crash. Also bug
involving single = signs in year2string().
Fixed to only show chill when different than temp and
to only show calm when wind speed is zero.
Added 'none' as keyword/context group when no keyword/context is provided.
Fixed allignment for 24 hour bug.
Fixed bug in which last time digit in 24hour time would be deleted.
Fixed begin/end date bug in timereport.
Removed curses from package and added Loaded as
textpad if python version < 2.6 to fix the overwrite bug earlier
versions of curses.
Test release. Include curses 2.2 in package to fix overwrite bug
in textpad.
Fixed bug introduced into locale.
Exploring issue with etmwarn.
Another Windows fix. Use os.rename() instead of os.system("mv ").
Another attempt to get locale right.
More locale work for Windows XP.
Removed 'locale' settings which didn't work under Windows.
Fixed bug in setting default paths under Windows.
Major clarification effort. Agenda -> Soon, journal entry ->
action. Reworked docs and added ability to delete (internally)
an item.
Replaced calls to external editor for modifying entries with an
internal process similar to that used for creating entries. Moved
creation and editing of remind events into new_entry and edit_entry,
Fixed bug in @o s with @b > 0.
Fixed starting date in agenda view.
Added ability in list view showing DAYS days to scroll forward
to show the next DAYS days or backwards to show the previous DAYS
Fixed 'p' bug in new_project. Improved examples and added -r
switch for to restore the eg directory to its original
state and prevent examples from being displayed.
Trap attempts to toggle completion off for repeated tasks. Combine
information notices to one screen on startup. Documentation tweaks
both internal and on-line.
Added test suite and FAQ.
Only show the first unfinished repetition with @o r.
new_entry with repetitions now resets @d to the first date from
the recurrence rule that falls on or after the provided value of
@d. This provides a handy check on the recurrence rule by giving
the first date satisfying the rule.
new_entry with repetitions now sets @d to the first date from
the recurrence rule if the provided value is sooner than the
first date.
Caught and fixed subtle bug in repetitons.
Still more documentation tweaks.
More documentation corrections.
Corrected documentation errors.
Improved check for missing or bad project line.
Added check for missing project line.
Added check for missing title.
Fixed another bug in process_reps involving setting duedate.
Fixed bug setting interval in process_reps.
Factored repeated stuff out of process_file and new_entry into
process_reps. This means checks for repeated entries apply both
to files and new entries.
Show alert confirming export in iCal format and showing full ics
file path.
Fixed bug in calling getsunmoon.
Cleaned up extraneous comments.
Catch alerts without a starting time. Display alerts regarding
automatic resets in a manner similar to errors.
Added traps for providing bad file numbers at prompts.
Second pass at better error trapping. Content checks date(s),
time, integer(s), presence of @s when @e is given and, when both
are given, that @s < @e.
First step to improved error trapping for problematic data files.
Added check_hash to check for required fields, unknown fields
and suitable content. Display errors nicely formatted by file
and line number and write messages to ~/.etmerrors.
Added location to store exported iCal files to etmrc. Added export
to documentation and updated the on-line documentation. Added
discussion of icalendar and phpicalendar with illustrative screen
shots of the latter.
Updated documentation to reflect option to export list view to
iCalendar format.
Added export to
Added export functions to and removed
Added ability to export the current list view in iCal format.
About to add ical support.
Overrule defaults for c_position, d_position and k_level if any
are set by -C, -D or -K by taking those not explicitly set to be
zero regardless of the defaults.
Fixed bug in new_event in which help text would be appended to
prior text with each call.
In new_event when getting a filenumber, loop until it is either
the number of a file or a period (cancel).
Added pause switch to draw_note. If True (default = False), it
will display msg and wait for 1 second before continuing. Used
to briefly display "Cancelled" when appropriate for new_event
and new_project.
Moved textpad key info to top of new event/project display. Leave
cursor at end of entry.
Modified MyListCtrl to accept a message argument so that the
message will not be lost when the screen is resized.
Fixed bug in which timer msg was not being cleared.
Re-factored new_event to take advantage of modified line2hash.
Fixed chrcode consistency check. Provide default chrcode if
missing from entry.
Fixed bugs in new_task and new_project introduced by journal
entry modifications to line2hash.
Fixed empty line bug.
Fixed bug in auto processing repeated tasks with @o s. Fixed bug
in toggle_completion for repeated tasks with @r l.
Fixed bug in multiline get_response.
Journal entry timer can now be interrupted and restarted and
journal entries display elapsed time rather that starting and
ending times.
Turned off logging. Documentation tweaks for journal entries.
Beta 3 for journal entries and time reports.
Fixed time report bug.
About to fiddle with the process for creating new journal entries.
In gui, recall last entry, if any, for 'a', 'l', 'u', 'U' and
'T'. Time report (beta 2).
Time report (beta).
Added time aggregates (alpha).
Playing with time aggregates.
Added journal entries and the ability to toggle their display.
Added force_start for etm.warn. Separated prompt from entry
textpad in get_response and added a second line for possible
wrapped overflow. Removed any spurious line-ends before writing
to file.
Found and fixed check_update bug.
More check_update tweaks.
Another check_updates bug.
Fixed check_update bug and improved prompt.
Fixed unscheduled time bug in starting and ending minutes.
Made unscheduled time view adjust to window width and wrap time
entries when necessary.
Added graphical display to unscheduled time view. Reduced context,
project and id column widths and widened title column. Abbreviated
the date display when grouping by contexts, projects and keywords.
Changed date format for freetime and fixed typo /usr/bin/evn ->
Fixed another bug in check_updates.
Fixed bug in check_updates.
Fixed bug in setting default startdate and stopdate for the
unscheduled view.
Documentation tweaks.
Bug fixes. Unscheduled now treated as a view parallel to agenda
and list.
Added 'e' column to display. Tweaks.
Unscheduled time support. Added earliest, latest, minimum, extent
(default event length) to Use -u for the command line or
u for the gui. Entering '.' now cancels any operation which calls
for a response to a prompt. ? brings up the help screen in
non-editing mode.
Added column for 'e'. Gui entry for @e now supports entering
either a time or an integer number of minutes.
Added About to fiddle with adding a column for 'e'.
etm is an acronym for Event and Task Manager. It provides a format
for using simple text files to store event and task information,
a command line interface for viewing tasks and events in a variety
of convenient ways and a curses-based GUI for creating and modifying
events and tasks as well as viewing them. Alarms are supported for
events and repetition for both events and tasks in a powerful and
flexible manner.
Compared to the combination of wxRemind and yeaGTD, etm provides
the following advantages:
* an agenda view that shows events and tasks together for the
next few days rather than one day at a time in separate task
and event windows.
* a quick and simple way to enter events and tasks on a single
* support for remind but also an independent way of entering
events with contexts, notes and optional alarms.
* an interactive GUI that uses curses and thus requires nothing
more than a terminal window.