0.9.10 - 2017/10/04
* Removing unneeded rb_define_const to fix libxslt 1.30 compatibility
XSLT_NORM_SAXON_NAMESPACE is no longer defined in libxslt 1.30
3.0.0 - 2017-12-30
Breaking Changes
* Remove xpath/html
* Rename name to qname, closes#76
* Contains word function for matching space separated attributes
* Unary band as alias of not
* not_equals
* None
2.0.1 2018/02/17
* avoid prefix duplication
* get rid of unnecessary assignment expression
the `base` does not respond to `conditions` permanently.
* documentation improvement
2.0.1 / 2018-02-17
* Repair nested namespaces, by avoiding prefix duplication #1322. Fixes#1310
by Kunpei Sakai
* Add pattern matches to values for Mustermann::Concat #1333. Fixes#1332 by
Dawa Ometto
* Ship the VERSION file with the gem, to allow local unpacking #1338 by Olle
* Fix issue with custom error handler on bad request #1351. Fixes#1350 by
Jordan Owens
* Override Rack::ShowExceptions#pretty to set custom template #1377. Fixes
#1376 by Jordan Owens
* Enhanced path validation in Windows #1379 by Orange Tsai
* Improve development support and documentation by Faheel Ahmad, Shota Iguchi,
Olle Jonsson, Manabu Niseki, John Hope, Horacio, Ice-Storm, GraniteRock,
Raman Skaskevich, Carlos Azuaje, 284km, Dan Rice and Zachary Scott
# [0.9.12] - November 26th, 2017
[0.9.12]: https://github.com/lsegal/yard/compare/v0.9.11...v0.9.12
- Be more explicit about lack of support for absolute paths in extra files
specified by `yard doc` command.
# [0.9.11] - November 23rd, 2017
[0.9.11]: https://github.com/lsegal/yard/compare/v0.9.10...v0.9.11
- Fixed security issue in `--readme` that allowed for arbitrary file reads on
disk. Credit to ztz <ztz@ztz.me> for discovering this issue.
- Improved styling for inline code blocks (#1142).
# [0.9.10] - November 18th, 2017
[0.9.10]: https://github.com/lsegal/yard/compare/v0.9.9...v0.9.10
- Added `--fail-on-warning` option for `yard doc` which exits with a non-zero
code if there are any warnings (#1093).
- Added support for parsing inside `Struct.new` blocks (#1099).
- Added support new ripper AST tokens (#1104, #1124).
- Fixed an issue where `@see (obj)` reference tags would fail (#1111)
- Fix sorting in `yard stats` (#1123).
### 0.12.1
* Ensure HTTP2 response headers/status lines are correctly handled
### 0.12.0
* Replace StringScanner in HeaderParser with StringIO, fix Webmock regression when the headers string would
not have an empty CRLF-terminated line at the end - which would cause the parser to return a nil.
* Added `Session#dns_cache_timeout` as a config option for CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT
### 0.11.1
* Make sure StringScanner is available to HeaderParser.
### 0.11.0
* Added `Session#progress_callback` which accepts a callable object, which can be used to report session progress during request
* Fixed parsing of response headers when multiple responses are involved (redirect chains and HTTP proxies)
### 0.10.0
* Added `Session#low_speed_time` and `Session#low_speed_limit`. When used, they will force libCURL to raise
a timeout if a certain speed limit is not met performing the request. These can be used for better timeout
handling. These are available in all libCURL versions. See https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME.html
and https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT.html
0.14.3 (2018-02-23)
* Move to mustermann
* Drop ruby prior to 2.2.2
* update default_inflections
* Fix params handling which broke with Sinatra 2.0.1 by removing guard clause
to not initialize @params if already defined
0.14.2 (2018-01-02)
* FIX router in non-Padrino applications (@adam12)
* FIX padrino-admin haml layout
* FIX Datamapper tasks (@adam12)
* FIX#1979 default test or spec task
* FIX#2150 refuse invalid database adapters
* FIX#2152 using open without requiring 'open-uri'
* NEW #2161 allow array as tag attribute (@aeris)
* FIX#2163 preserve spaces in args of padrino gen
* update Sequel usage
* update ActiveRecord::Migration usage (@adam12)
#Version 2.18.0
Release date: 2018-02-12
### Fixed
* Firefox/geckodriver setting of contenteditable childs contents
* Ignore Selenium::WebDriver::Error::SessionNotCreatedError when quitting driver [Tim Connor]
### Removed
* Headless chrome modal JS injection that is no longer needed for Chrome 64+/chromedriver 2.35+
# Version 2.17.0
Release date: 2018-01-02
### Added
* `have_all_of_selectors`, `have_none_of_selectors` RSpec matchers for parity with minitest assertions [Thomas Walpole]
### Fixed
* Allow xpath 3.x gem [Thomas Walpole]
* Issue when drivers returned nil for `current_path` and a matcher was used with a Regexp [Thomas Walpole]
* Error message when visible element not found, but non-visible was [Andy Klimczak]
# Version 2.16.1
Release date: 2017-11-20
### Fixed
* Fix rack_test driver for rack_test 0.7.1/0.8.0 [Thomas Walpole]
* `accept_prompt` response text can contain quotes when using selenium with headless chrome [Thomas Walpole]
# Version 2.16.0
Release date: 2017-11-13
### Added
* Attempt to move element into view when selenium doesn't correctly do it - See PR #1917 [Thomas Walpole]
* `current_path` matchers will now autodetect path vs url based on string to be matched. Deprecates
`:only_path` in favor of `:ignore_query` option [Thomas Walpole]
* Session#evaluate_async_script [Thomas Walpole]
### Fixed
* Default prompt value when using headless Chrome works correctly [Thomas Walpole]
* Support new modal error returned by selenium-webdriver 3.7 for W3C drivers [Thomas Walpole]
* Calling `respond_to?` on the object passed to `Capybara.configure` block - Issue #1935
# Version 2.15.4
Release date: 2017-10-07
### Fixed
* Visiting an absolute URL shouldn't overwrite the port when no server or always_include_port=false - Issue #1921
# Version 2.15.3
Release date: 2017-10-03
### Fixed
* Visiting '/' when Capybara.app_host has a trailing '/' - Issue #1918 [Thomas Walpole]
# Version 2.15.2
Release date: 2017-10-02
### Fixed
* Include within scope description in element not found/ambiguous errors [Thomas Walpole]
* Raise error when no activation block is passed to modal methods if using headless chrome [Thomas Walpole]
* Don't retry element access when inspecting [Ivan Neverov]
* Don't override a specified port (even if it is default port) in visited url [Thomas Walpole]