Fixed an issue with related-widget-links display after filer widgets
Fixed an issue with related-widget-links when only change link was showing up after selects
Added css regression tests framework
Fixed an issue with datetime fields being displayed incorrectly
Fixed a bug with related-widget add/change buttons inside changelist
Fixed an issue with login screen on Django 1.9
Fixed an issue with calendar display in Django 1.9
Fixed inline grouped field with
Synced translations with Transifex
* Adds cancel link to delete confirmation page
* Adds documentation link to dropdown
* Fix hidden ckeditor toolbar under the django cms main toolbar
* Floats related widget wrapper links next to select field
* Fix cropped input text
* Adds djangocms-admin-style class to body
* Floats calendar and date pickers next to input field
* Floats calendar and date fields in modal
* Removes disabled action button border
* Adds highlighted area to error messages