Note: dia may crash if LC_CTYPE is unset. Setting it to
"en_US.ISO8859-1" works for me)
* in FreeType mode, dia now looks for the xfs configuration files too
to retrieve the font path.
* Polish version of the manual added
* a load-time compatibility issue with files produced by 0.88.1 was
found and fixed for some UML objects.
* we now better use the intltool facilities
* increased tolerance to broken XML files
* ER objects can have their text size changed
* a couple bugs (i18n, l10n, p9y) fixed
* from now on, all XML files produced by dia will be encoded as UTF-8.
* Metapost renderer
* Faster Postscript files.
* More options in the UML Class dialog.
* An optional menu bar can be added to each display window, in
addition to the popup menu.
* All RenderObjects have been replaced by equivalent shapes, and
RenderObject support code removed.
* All Lazyprop objects have been converted to Standard Properties
instead. Lazyprop support code removed.
* lots of internal changes and cleanups in the StdProp code. This
breaks binary compatibility.
* Shapes can now have a <svg:text> element.
* polybeziers and beziergons now have their bounding box properly computed.
* a few new shapes have been added.
* crashes in the right-click menu have been nailed.