0.12.0 (February 9th 2014)
FIX#1578 Fix latvian translations (@graudeejs)
FIX#1576 incorrect nl.yml translations (@fevers)
FIX#1564 do not reload apps with disabled or absent :reload flag (@ujifgc)
FIX#1571 Allow for url generation to accept stringified keys (@jsmpereira)
NEW #1570 add custom index option for form_for abstract form helper (@graudeejs)
FIX#1567 Add :app option to the component generator (@namusyaka)
FIX#1563 Fix behavior of content_tag when use with content that is not a string (@tyabe)
NEW #1422 allow options Hash in protect_from_csrf (@ujifgc)
0.12.0.rc3 (January 20th 2014)
FIX resolve_template should respect :views option (@ujifgc)
FIX#1547 Rename `showexceptions.rb` to `show_exceptions.rb` (@namusyaka)
NEW #1551 Introduce #default method to set application options (@ujifgc)
FIX#1553 Chinese time translations (@gokure)
FIX#1556 German translations (@Signum)
FIX#1555 Fix a problem the before/after filters (@namusyaka)
FIX#1550 Shove LOADING/RELOADING to devel log level
FIX#1445 Drop `PADRINO_ENV` in favour of `RACK_ENV` for further compatibility (@dariocravero)
0.12.0.rc2 (January 5th 2014)
FIX development dependency for padrino-gen (@namusyaka)
FIX#1520 Skip loading models for sequel migration tasks (@ujifgc)
FIX#1493 make admin aware of uri_root (@ujifgc)
NEW #854 allow -a master to rename admin path (@ujifgc)
FIX Get tests passing again on rubinius (@ujifgc)
FIX#1545 Don't raise on protect_from_csrf without sessions (@skade)
FIX#1546 Silence deprecation warnings for File.exists? (@fj)
REMOVE #1516 support for TestSpec component from generator (@ujifgc)
0.12.0.rc1 (December 31st 2013)
FIX#1421 Prevent double-escaped HTML in simple_format (@inkstak)
NEW #1424 Adds task generator for creating new task files (@namusyaka)
FIX#1423 Adds MIT license to gemspec (@ujifgc)
FIX#1121 Modify the encoding of crypted_password (@namusyaka)
NEW #1432 Rewritten Code Reloading (@ujifgc)
FIX#1428 logger constants to match stdlib (@spariev)
FIX#775 track I18n locale files properly (@ujifgc)
FIX#1434 additional fixes for slim templates (@minad)
FIX#1431 incorrect behavior when using content_tag with block (@namusyaka)
FIX#1435 broken slim templates (@namusyaka)
FIX AS4.1 constantize behavior compatibility (@ujifgc)
NEW #1436 support rails-style attribute hash of select options (@ujifgc)
NEW support disabled_options key for select_tag (@ujifgc)
FIX no longer monkeypatch colors onto string (@ujifgc, @nesquena)
FIX#1442 use `=` instead of `-` in slim and haml templating
NEW #1441 cleanup template handling logic (@ujifgc, @namusyaka)
FIX Cleanup file loading logic (@ujifgc)
FIX#1443 Don't step over :session_id setting on admin apps (@dariocravero)
NEW Modified `padrino start` to take an extra `–options` (`-O`) parameter (@dariocravero)
NEW #1018 Replaces Padrino::Cache::Store with Moneta (@minad)
NEW #1455 Steak generator written for acceptance tests (@eturk, @namusyaka)
FIX Better error generation for forms (@ujifgc)
FIX html_safe in labeled group (@ujifgc)
NEW #1452 Allow padrino start to take handler specific options
FIX#1462 cache content_type (@ujifgc)
FIX#1466 Change accepts to empty array to fix latest sinatra
FIX#1457 Major helpers cleanup (@ujifgc)
NEW #1405 Params is now converted to `HashWithIndifferentAccess` (@Ortuna)
FIX#1391 Skip path_traversal protection (@namusyaka)
NEW #1471 allow configuring codes of cascade apps (@ujifgc)
NEW #1477 Add :as option to form_for helper (@graudeejs)
FIX#1481 incorrect namespace of #named_routes (@namusyaka)
FIX Disambiguate the behavior of `url` (@namusyaka)
FIX#1461 Allow to render template with layout that using other template engine (@namusyaka)
NEW #767 introduces App.view_path and App.layout_path (@ujifgc)
FIX#1488 plugin generator url path to github (@bolshakov)
FIX#915 use app.root when mounting if available (@ujifgc)
FIX Allow to use extension with layout method. (@namusyaka)
NEW #1414 drop ruby 18mode, liberate ActiveSupport
NEW #711 Verify render with block now works as expected (@ujifgc)
NEW #1504 allow partial with block (@ujifgc)
FIX#1507 patch jruby utf-8 method naming (@ujifgc)
FIX#1505 Remove charset from json mimetype, fix sinatra edge (@namusyaka)
FIX#1513 Extracting logic to methods to improve readability (@scudelletti)
FIX#1517 correctly set a name of mounted application (@ujifgc)
NEW #1518 Add :flush option to content_for (@namusyaka)
FIX#1523 Add Rakefile tasks to the component generator (@tyabe)
FIX#1526 options on ActiveRecord version 3 (@tyabe)
NEW #1528 Allow asset_folders to be configured in settings
FIX#1529 double escaping of link urls (@ujifgc)
FIX#1532 allow asset_path with no kind (@ujifgc)
FIX#1535 rebase string urls to uri_root (@ujifgc)
NEW #1539 Enable :except option to :protect_from_csrf (@namusyaka)
FIX#1540 generator should abort if constant name already exists (@namusyaka)
NEW #922 resolve templates relative to controller name (@ujifgc)
NEW #1541 Reimplement authenticity token logic (@namusyaka)
= Application Extensions and Helpers (padrino-helpers)
=== Overview
This component provides a great deal of view helpers related to html markup
There are helpers for generating tags, forms, links, images, and more. Most of
the basic methods should be very familiar to anyone who has used rails view