Version 5.10.2 (16 Sept 2021)
* Fix python install path.
* Fix size in brand-new `link-generator` (hits 32-bit & ARM) #1247
Version 5.10.1 (7 Sept 2021)
* Fix perl bindings build fail. #1248
Version 5.10.0 (4 September 2021)
* Expanded English vocabulary
* Support dictionary "#define allow-duplicate-words true". #1204
* Fix crash for sentences containing wildcard words. #1206
* Connector names starting with "ID" are no longer reserved. #1208
* Connector names starting with underbar are reserved for internal use.
* ".I" subscripts are no longer reserved; "._" subscripts are reserved.
These last three changes introduce linkage incompatibilities.
* Fix parsing with nulls when using an sqlite3 dictionary.
* Fix regexes for NetBSD when using libc regexes. #1223
* English dict: fix many "how?" questions.
* English dict: fix conditional sentences #1240
Release 4.2.0 (released Sep 12, 2021)
Features added
* autodoc: Support class properties
* autodoc: Emit a warning if target is a mocked object
* autodoc: Allow to refer NewType instances with module name in Python
3.10 or above
* html theme: Expose the version of Sphinx in the form of tuple as a
template variable ``sphinx_version_tuple``
* manpage: Suppress the title of man page if description is empty
* py domain: ``:py:property:`` directive supports ``:classmethod:``
option to describe the class property
* test: SphinxTestApp can take ``builddir`` as an argument
* C and C++, support more fundamental types, including GNU extensions.
Bugs fixed
* apidoc: apidoc does not generate a module definition for implicit
namespace package
* autodoc: generate incorrect reference to the parent class if the target
class inherites the class having ``_name`` attribute
* autodoc: Some objects under ``typing`` module are not displayed
well with the HEAD of 3.10
* autodoc: typehint for cached_property is not shown
* autodoc: AttributeError is raised on failed resolving typehints
* autodoc: autodoc_docstring_signature does not effect to ``__init__()``
and ``__new__()``
* autodoc: PEP 585 style typehints having arguments (ex. ``list[int]``)
are not displayed well
* autosummary: some warnings contain non-existing filenames
* autosummary: summarise overlined sectioned headings correctly
* autosummary: Type annotations which contain commas in autosummary table
are not removed completely
* c domain: some warnings contain non-existing filenames
* cpp domain: some warnings contain non-existing filenames
* html search: abbreation marks are inserted to the search result if
failed to fetch the content of the page
* html search: The JS requirement warning is shown if browser is slow
* html theme: CSS and JS files added by theme were loaded twice
* py domain: ``:type:`` option for :rst:dir:`py:property` directive does
not create a hyperlink
* py domain: Literal typehint was converted to a cross reference
* comment: C++, fix parsing of defaulted function parameters that are
function pointers.
* smartquotes: don't adjust typography for text with
language-highlighted ``:code:`` role.
* sphinx-build: crashed with the HEAD of Python 3.10
Release 4.1.2 (released Jul 27, 2021)
Incompatible changes
* linkcheck: Disable checking automatically generated anchors on (ex. anchors in reST/Markdown documents)
Bugs fixed
* autodoc: Custom types using ``typing.NewType`` are not displayed well
with the HEAD of 3.10
* autodoc: Some objects under ``typing`` module are not displayed well
with the HEAD of 3.10
* autodoc: crashed if ``autodoc_class_signature = "separated"``
* html search: html_copy_source can't control the search summaries
* linkcheck: Failed to check anchors in
Release 4.1.1 (released Jul 15, 2021)
* sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.0.0 or above
* sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-1.1.5 or above
Bugs fixed
* html: HTML logo or Favicon specified as file not being found on output
Release 4.1.0 (released Jul 12, 2021)
* Support jinja2-3.0
* The ``app`` argument of ``sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment`` becomes
* ``sphinx.application.Sphinx.html_theme``
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary._app``
* ``sphinx.util.docstrings.extract_metadata()``
Features added
* autodoc: Add ``class-doc-from`` option to :rst:dir:`autoclass`
directive to control the content of the specific class like
* autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_type_aliases` now supports dotted name. It
allows you to define an alias for a class with module name like
* autodoc: Special member is not documented in the module
* autodoc: The arguments of ``typing.Literal`` are wrongly rendered
* autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_typehints` allows ``'both'`` setting to
allow typehints to be included both in the signature and description
* autodoc: Add :confval:`autodoc_class_signature` to separate the class
entry and the definition of ``__init__()`` method
* autodoc: Support variable comment for alias classes
* autodoc: Add :event:`autodoc-process-bases` to modify the base classes
of the class definitions
* autodoc: Render enum values for the default argument value better
* autodoc: ``autodoc_typehints='none'`` now erases typehints for
variables, attributes and properties
* autosummary: Support instance attributes for classes
* html: Add "heading" role to the toctree items
* html: Add span tag to the return typehint of method/function
* html search: Show search summaries when html_copy_source = False
* html search: Prevent corrections and completions in search field
* html theme: Eliminate prompt characters of code-block from copyable
* i18n: Emit a debug message if message catalog file not found under
* LaTeX: Add xeCJKVerbAddon to default fvset config for Chinese documents
* linkcheck: Support checking anchors on
* linkcheck: Add a new event :event:`linkcheck-process-uri` to modify
URIs before checking hyperlinks
* linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_allowed_redirects` to mark
hyperlinks that are redirected to expected URLs as "working"
* py domain: Support union types using ``|`` in info-field-list
* py domain: :confval:`python_use_unqualified_type_names` supports type
field in info-field-list
* Optimize the parallel build
* Add :confval:`nitpick_ignore_regex` to ignore nitpicky warnings using
regular expressions
* Add ``Sphinx.set_html_assets_policy`` to tell extensions to include
HTML assets in all the pages. Extensions can check this via
* C++, add support for
- ``inline`` variables,
- ``consteval`` functions,
- ``constinit`` variables,
- ``char8_t``,
- ``explicit(<constant expression>)`` specifier,
- digit separators in literals, and
- constraints in placeholder type specifiers, aka. adjective syntax
(e.g., ``Sortable auto &v``).
* C, add support for digit separators in literals.
* LaTeX: support containers in LaTeX output
Bugs fixed
* autodoc: stacked singledispatches are wrongly rendered
* autodoc: a docsting having metadata only should be treated as
* autodoc: typehints for overloaded functions and methods are inaccurate
* autodoc: The inherited method not having docstring is wrongly parsed
* autodoc: autoattribute directive failed to generate document for an
attribute not having any comment
* autodoc: single element tuple on the default argument value is wrongly
* autodoc: AttributeError is raised on processing a subclass of Tuple[()]
* autodoc: TypeError is raised on processing dict-like object (not a
class) via autoclass directive
* html: Pushing left key causes visiting the next page at the first page
* html: URL for html_favicon and html_log does not work
* html theme : pyramid theme generates incorrect logo links
* manpage: The name of manpage directory that is generated by
:confval:`man_make_section_directory` is not correct
* manpage: Fix font isn't reset after keyword at the top of samp role
* Linkcheck reports broken link when remote server closes the connection
on HEAD request
* py domain: "exceptions" module is not displayed
* py domain: a Callable annotation with no parameters
(e.g. ``Callable[[], None])`` will be rendered with a bracket missing
(``Callable[], None]``)
* quickstart: Make sphinx-quickstart exit when already exists
* xml: XML Builder ignores custom visitors
* ``:param:`` and ``:type:`` fields does not support a type containing
whitespace (ex. ``Dict[str, str]``)
* when transforming typed fields, call the specified role instead of
making an single xref. For C and C++, use the ``expr`` role for typed fields.
Release 4.0.3 (released Jul 05, 2021)
Features added
* C, add C23 keywords ``_Decimal32``, ``_Decimal64``, and ``_Decimal128``.
* C, add :confval:`c_extra_keywords` to allow user-defined keywords
during parsing.
* Revert the removal of ``sphinx.util:force_decode()`` to become some 3rd party
extensions available again during 5.0
Bugs fixed
* changeset domain: :rst:dir:`versionchanged` with contents being a list
will cause error during pdf build
* LaTeX: complex table with merged cells broken since 4.0
* LaTeX: backslash may cause Improper discretionary list pdf build error
with Japanese engines
* C, remove special macro names from the keyword list.
See also :confval:`c_extra_keywords`.
* KeyError is raised on PropagateDescDomain transform
Release 4.0.2 (released May 20, 2021)
* Support jinja2-3.0
Incompatible changes
* Update Underscore.js to 1.13.1
* manpage: Stop creating a section directory on build manpage by default
(see :confval:`man_make_section_directory`)
Bugs fixed
* viewcode: crashed if non importable modules found on parallel build
* Unknown node error for pending_xref_condition is raised if an extension
that does not support the node installs a missing-reference handler
Release 4.0.1 (released May 11, 2021)
Bugs fixed
* autodoc: crashed when ValueError is raised on generating signature
from a property of the class
* autosummary: warning is emitted if list value is set to
* html search: tags for search result are broken
* i18n: Babel emits errors when running compile_catalog
* py domain: The :canonical: option causes "more than one target for
cross-reference" warning
* websupport: UndefinedError is raised: 'css_tag' is undefined
Release 4.0.0 (released May 09, 2021)
* Drop python 3.5 support
* Drop docutils 0.12 and 0.13 support
* LaTeX: add ``tex-gyre`` font dependency
* Support docutils-0.17. Please notice it changes the output of HTML builder.
Some themes do not support it, and you need to update your custom CSS to
upgrade it.
Incompatible changes
* autodoc: info-field-list is generated into the class description when
``autodoc_typehints='description'`` and ``autoclass_content='class'`` set
* extlinks: "%s" becomes required keyword in the link caption string
* domain: The ``Index`` class becomes subclasses of ``abc.ABC`` to indicate
methods that must be overridden in the concrete classes
* py domain: The structure of python objects is changed. A boolean value
is added to indicate that the python object is canonical one
* MathJax: The MathJax was changed from 2 to 3. Users using a custom
MathJax configuration may have to set the old MathJax path or update their
configuration for version 3. See :mod:`sphinx.ext.mathjax`.
* i18n: The msgid for alt text of image is changed
* napoleon: :confval:`napoleon_use_param` also affect "other parameters"
* manpage: Make a section directory on build manpage by default (see
* html: Change the default setting of
:confval:`html_codeblock_linenos_style` to ``'inline'``
* html search: search results are wrapped with ``<p>`` instead of
* html theme: Move a script tag for documentation_options.js in
basic/layout.html to ``script_files`` variable
* html theme: Move CSS tags in basic/layout.html to ``css_files`` variable
* html theme: Emit a warning for sphinx_rtd_theme-0.2.4 or older
* LaTeX: uplatex becomes a default setting of latex_engine for Japanese
* py domain: ``:var:``, ``:cvar:`` and ``:ivar:`` fields do not create
* The ``align`` attribute of ``figure`` and ``table`` nodes becomes
``None`` by default instead of ``'default'``
* LaTeX refactoring: split sphinx.sty into multiple files and rename
some auxiliary files created in ``latex`` build output repertory
* Use explicit title instead of <no title>
* The :file: option for csv-table directive now recognizes an absolute
path as a relative path from source directory
* Change the CSS classes on :rst:role:`cpp:expr` and
* :confval:`html_codeblock_linenos_style`
* ``favicon`` and ``logo`` variable in HTML templates
* ``sphinx.directives.patches.CSVTable``
* ``sphinx.directives.patches.ListTable``
* ``sphinx.directives.patches.RSTTable``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.directive.DocumenterBridge.filename_set``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.directive.DocumenterBridge.warn()``
* ``sphinx.registry.SphinxComponentRegistry.get_source_input()``
* ``sphinx.registry.SphinxComponentRegistry.source_inputs``
* ``sphinx.transforms.FigureAligner``
* ``sphinx.util.pycompat.convert_with_2to3()``
* ``sphinx.util.pycompat.execfile_()``
* ``sphinx.util.smartypants``
* ``sphinx.util.typing.DirectiveOption``
Features added
* autodoc: Support ``bound`` argument for TypeVar
* autodoc: Support typehints for properties
* autodoc: Allow to refer to a python class using its canonical name
when the class has two different names; a canonical name and an alias name
* autodoc: Add :confval:`autodoc_typehints_description_target` to control
the behavior of ``autodoc_typehints=description``
* autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_docstring_signature` will continue to look
for multiple signature lines without backslash character
* autosummary: Enable :confval:`autosummary_generate` by default
* extlinks: Allow %s in link caption string
* py domain: Add ``:canonical:`` option to python directives to describe
the location where the object is defined
* py domain: Add :confval:`python_use_unqualified_type_names` to suppress
the module name of the python reference if it can be resolved (experimental)
* py domain: Add :rst:dir:`py:property` directive to describe a property
* i18n: The alt text for image is translated by default (without
:confval:`gettext_additional_targets` setting)
* html: :confval:`html_favicon` and :confval:`html_logo` now accept URL
for the image
* html search: Support searching for 2characters word
* html theme: Allow to inherite the search page
* imgconverter: Show the error of the command availability check
* Add debug logs for change detection of sources and templates
* Emit a warning if toctree contains duplicated entries
* ``master_doc`` is now renamed to :confval:`root_doc`
* C++, add support for the C++20 spaceship operator, ``<=>``.
* A new node, ``sphinx.addnodes.pending_xref_condition`` has been added.
It can be used to choose appropriate content of the reference by conditions.
* autodoc: Super class having ``Any`` arguments causes nit-picky warning
* autodoc: TypeError is raised on processing broken metaclass
* autodoc: metadata of GenericAlias is not rendered as a reference in
* html: copy-range protection for doctests doesn't work in Safari
* LaTeX: imgconverter: conversion runs even if not needed
* py domain: Ellipsis in info-field-list causes nit-picky warning
* py domain: duplicated warning is emitted when both canonical and its
alias objects are defined on the document
* More CSS classes on domain descriptions, see :ref:`nodes` for details.
* mathjax: Rename :confval:`mathjax_config` to
:confval:`mathjax2_config` and add :confval:`mathjax3_config`
Bugs fixed
* autodoc: Raises a warning if function has wrong __globals__ value
* autodoc: a TypeVar imported from other module is not resolved (in
Python 3.7 or above)
* autodoc: Failed to resolve types.TracebackType type annotation
* html: html_add_permalinks=None and html_add_permalinks="" are ignored
* html search: Paragraphs in search results are not identified as ``<p>``
* html theme: The translation of sphinx_rtd_theme does not work
* Emit a warning if a unknown domain is given for directive or role (ex.
* LaTeX: No wrapping for ``cpp:enumerator``
* LaTeX: backticks in code-blocks trigger latexpdf build warning (and font
change) with late TeXLive 2019
* LaTeX: Figures with no size defined get overscaled (compared to images
with size explicitly set in pixels) (fixed for ``'pdflatex'/'lualatex'`` only)
* LaTeX: The depth of bookmarks panel in PDF is not enough for navigation
* LaTeX: the fix to two minor Pygments LaTeXFormatter output issues ignore
Pygments style
* LaTeX: 3.5.0 ``verbatimmaxunderfull`` setting does not work as
* LaTeX: missing line break in ``\pysigline``
* LaTeX: legacy ``\pysiglinewithargsret`` does not compute correctly
available horizontal space and should use a ragged right style
* LaTeX: "release" value with underscore leads to invalid LaTeX
* C++: remove the longest matching prefix in
:confval:`cpp_index_common_prefix` instead of the first that matches.
* C, properly reject function declarations when a keyword is used
as parameter name.
* viewcode: Failed to create back-links on parallel build
* C and C++, fix rendering of (member) function pointer types in
function parameter lists.
* C++, fix linking of names in array declarators, pointer to member
(function) declarators, and in the argument to ``sizeof...``.
* C, fix linking of names in array declarators.
* C, C++, fix ``KeyError`` when an ``alias`` directive is the first C/C++
directive in a file with another C/C++ directive later.
* html: Failed to add CSS files to the specific page
-syntect-printer supports text-wrapping. Longer lines than terminal width are
now wrapped by default. It can handle wide characters including special emojis
with zero-width joiner (U+200D)
-syntect-printer highlights matched regions in matched lines with a searched
text color. Since match positions in matched lines are not included in output
from grep -nH, currently this is only supported by combination of
syntect-printer feature and ripgrep feature
-syntect-printer now uses light dashed lines for the separator of snippets
-Add --wrap MODE option where MODE is one of char or never (the default value
is char). More modes may be implemented in the future
-In favor of --wrap option, --no-wrap flag is now deprecated and will be
removed at v0.2.0. Use --wrap never instead
-When building binaries for Windows, link C runtime statically. This avoid
depending on vcruntime DLL at runtime
-Critical section of syntect-printer was optimized. It slightly improved
performance (around 4% faster in benchmarks)
-Enable thin LTO for release build. It slightly improved performance
(0~6% faster in benchmarks)
Release 0.18 (2021-10-26)
* docutils/
- Don't change a list while looping over it (in
document.set_name_id_map()). Thanks to Mickey Endito.
* docutils/parsers/
- Test and update to work with recommonmark version 0.6.0.
Still experimental.
Unfortunately, recommonmark_ is `no longer maintained`__.
* docutils/parsers/rst/directives/
- Fix bug 424 Wrong circular inclusion detection.
Use a "magic" comment instead of line numbers
to keep a log of recursive inclusions.
* docutils/parsers/rst/
- Use a "magic" comment to update the log of recursive inclusions.
* docutils/writers/html5_polyglot/
- New option "image_loading". Support "lazy" loading of images.
Obsoletes "embed_images".
* docutils/writers/
- Fix spelling of option "detailed".
* tools/
- Read settings from standard configuration files.
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?):
-Fix highlighting was broken on 256 colors terminals when using bat-printer.
-bat-printer enables text wrapping by default as bat command does. --no-wrap
can disable text wrapping.
-bat-printer now looks at bat's cache directory when --custom-assets flag is
given. This is useful if you use some custom syntax highlighting or theme.
Note that this may not work fine with some versions of bat command.
-bat-printer automatically uses 'ansi' theme for terminals which enable only
16 colors since other themes don't work.
-Add --terminal-width option to give the width of terminal explicitly. This is
useful when piping the results to other command like less.
-Fix build failure due to lack of assets (#4).
-Fix some newlines were missing when printing results with syntect-printer.
-Use terminal_size crate directly instead of using console crate. It removes
3 dependencies when bat-printer feature is not enabled.
-The document has been improved. Especially if you like a pager such as less,
I recommend to check 'Set default command options' section.
-(Dev) Several tests and benchmarks for syntect-printer were added.
-Add new experimental syntect-printer feature built with syntect library.
-It is much faster than current printer built on bat (2x~4x faster).
-Its output layout is optimized for our use case. For example, line numbers at
matches are highlighted in different color.
-It supports painting background colors with --background flag. This is useful
when your favorite theme does not fit to your terminal's background color.
-See bat printer v.s. syntect printer section for comparison of the two
-Add --printer (-p) flag to specify printer to use. It takes argument bat or
syntect. -p syntect enables the new experimental printer
-bat printer is now optional through bat-printer feature gate. Note that at
least bat-printer or syntect-printer must be enabled. Both printers are enabled
by default. See Feature flags section for more details.
-hgrep is now available for NetBSD. See the instruction (thanks @0323pin, #3)
We made ugrep even better with Unicode 14 support, Windows filename globbing, new --format fields, and updated option -t filename patterns. More coming soon!
all changes for pthai.el
- use (interactive "r") for a few functions
- add simple pthai-mode with some common keybindings
- add pthai-kill-word, pthai-backward-kill-word, pthai-transpose-words & keybindings
- put detailed classifier info in own buffer if "long" result
- add lookup classifier-at-point
- better handling for some misspelled words with single char splits
- customize option for completing-read/ido-completing-read prompts
- for emacs versions < 27, still indicate word misspelled without
giving suggestions instead of erroring
- when spelling, don't spam messages and cursor movements, add
progress reporter, bug fixes
* Near compliance with strict type annotations
* Removed ModelGroup class, merged with XsdGroup
* Some optimizations and fixes from static analysis
Changes in version 1.14.6, released on September 23, 2021
* mdoc(7): automatic tagging improved in many respects
* mdoc(7): new .Tg (tag) macro to explicitly mark a place as defining a term
* man(7): implement some automatic tagging support
* man(1): let -w without argument show the manpath, like in man-db and man-1.6
* -T html: wrap text and phrasing elements in paragraphs unless already
contained in flow containers; never put them directly into sections.
This helps to format paragraphs with the CSS class selector .Pp.
* man.conf(5): remove support for the "_whatdb" configuration directive
that was deprecated in 2015; please use "manpath" instead
* man(1): switch the default pager from "more -s" to "less"
* man(1): in the fallback code to look for manual pages without using
mandoc.db(5), accept files "man<one-digit-section>/<name>.<full-section>"
in addition to the already supported "man<full-section>/name.[01-9]*"
* if messages are shown and output is printed without a pager, display
a heads-up on stderr at the end because otherwise, users may easily
miss the messages
* man.cgi(8): add a Content-Security-Policy HTTP header
* man.cgi(8): switch off autocomplete and autocapitalize
* mandoc.css: support prefers-color-scheme: dark
* -T html: add meta viewport element to help mobile devices
* -T html -O tag: let this pass a file:// URI to the pager
* tbl(7): implement the "nospaces" option
* tbl(7) -T html: implement the "a" (em indent) layout specification
* tbl(7) -T html: implement the "b" (bold) and "i" (italic) layout modifiers
* tbl(7): support two-character font names in the layout font modifier
* tbl(7) -T html: support horinzontal rulers in individual cells
* tbl(7) -T tree: print more details about columns, options, rows, and cells
* roff(7): implement the .break request (break out of a .while loop)
* roff(7): support the CB and CI fonts in \f and .ft
* -T lint: new STYLE message if a file name extension contradicts .Dt/.TH
* -T lint: new STYLE message about overlong text lines
* -W style: check .Xr links along the full manpath
* man(1): do not segfault if /tmp/ is not writeable
* man(1): do not access a NULL pointer when both -l and -w are given
* makewhatis(8): do not crash when a manpath directory contains
a symbolic link that points to a directory
* man(7): fix an assertion failure caused by doubly nested next-line scopes
* tbl(7): fix a crash when the last column is only reached by spans
* tbl(7): fix a NULL pointer access in some cases of two spans on one row
* tbl(7) -T ascii: fix a NULL pointer access on empty data cells
* tbl(7) -T ascii: fix a NULL pointer access on a line next to a short row
* tbl(7): fix an assertion failure caused by excessive spacing modifiers
* tbl(7): fix an infinite loop for some overlapping horizontal spans
* roff(7): fix a rare case of writing one byte past the end of the input buffer
* roff(7): do not call abort(3) when \*[.T] is encountered
* roff(7): fix an assertion failure caused by a macro inside .ce .if
* roff(7): fix assertion failures for .ti and .po with excessive arguments
* roff(7): avoid near-infinte output for .ce inside explicit no-fill mode
* -T ascii/utf8: fix assertion failures caused by excessive spacing
* -T html: fix an assertion failure caused by .ft in rare situations
* -T man: fix an assertion failure caused by tbl(7) and eqn(7) input
* rename HOMEBREWDIR to READ_ALLOWED_PATH, allow it to contain more than
one directory, and explain how to use that for NixOS and GNU Guix Linux
* configure: stop trying to ask make(1) what the default compiler is
because that test was too fragile; just use "cc" by default
* configure: various simplifications and improved robustness
* configure: only compile compat_*.c implementations that are needed
* configure: provide feature tests for __attribute__(()) and mkstemps(3)
* compat_*: sync with upstreams for security, functionality, and style
* in, avoid the non-portable options sed(1) -i and echo(1) -n
* in the regression suite, avoid file names that differ only by case
* man(1) -h: for pages lacking a SYNOPSIS, show the NAME section
* man(1): when the first argument starts with a digit, optionally
followed by a letter, and at least one more argument follows,
interpret the first argument as a section name even when additional
characters follow after the digit and letter
* man(1): with a specific section requested, try harder to find
the best match; use this order of preference:
1. The section in both the directory name and the file name matches exactly.
2. The section in the file name matches exactly.
3. The section in the directory name matches exactly.
4. Neither of them matches exactly.
* man(1): if no tags were generated at all, unlink(2) the empty tags file
as soon as the condition can be detected and do not pass it to less(1)
* makewhatis(8): handle both dangling symlinks and .so links
in manual page directories more gracefully
* man.cgi(8): for invalid queries and for valid queries returning
no result, return the appropriate 40x status code rather than 200
* mdoc(7): let .Dd concatenate all arguments and default to the empty string
* mdoc(7): convert ".Fl Fl" to ".Fl \-" during validation, improving -T html
* mdoc(7): improve output of .At 32v
* man(7): no longer print multiple blank lines before NAME and page footer
* tbl(7) -T utf8: improved rendering of horizontal lines
* tbl(7) -T html: in "n" cells, align by padding numbers on the right
* tbl(7): no longer leak tabulator settings to subsequent roff(7) code
* mdoc(7) -T html: for .Bl -tag, use "column-count: 1" rather
than "overflow: auto" to avoid the ugly side effects
* mdoc(7) -T html: render .Bd -unfilled in proportionally-spaced font
* mdoc(7) -T html: format .Nd with <span> rather than <div>
* mdoc(7) -T lint: do not warn about Mdocdate without an actual date
* mdoc(7) -T lint: do not complain about function types of the
form "ret_type (fname)(args)", but otherwise check names more strictly
* -T html: append .html suffix to temporary files to please browsers
* -T markdown: print a BAGARG message if called on man(7) input
* man(1): do the search for each name independently, and
show the results in the order of the command line argument
* man(1): escape shell wildcard characters in name arguments before glob(3)
* man(1): when asking for a single manual page by name, prefer file name
matches over .Dt/.TH matches over first NAME matches over later NAME
matches, but do not change the ordering for apropos(1) nor for man -a
* man(1): correctly extract the section name from the file name extension
of gzipped manual page files
* makewhatis(8): fix file type tests putting wrong data into mandoc.db(5)
* man.cgi(8): fix section number in the <title> element for preformatted pages
* tbl(7): correct handling of T& after horizontal rulers in the layout
* tbl(7): correct column widths if rows have different numbers of cells
* tbl(7): empty columns are 1n wide rather than 0n
* tbl(7): correctly calculate required column widths for tables containing
cells that horizontally span columns which contains "n" (number) formatted
cells on other rows
* tbl(7): skip escape sequences when looking for column separators
* eqn(7): skip whitespace before tokens
* roff(7): when calling an empty macro, do not clobber existing arguments
* roff(7): recognize \} on lines closing a macro definition request
* roff(7): do not throw a bogus warning for "'br\}" and similar lines
* roff(7): stop generating comment nodes when encountering the first content
* mandoc_char(7): make \0 (digit-width space) non-breaking
* mdoc(7) .Bl -column: parse Macro in .It "word<tab>word" Ta word Macro<eol>
* mdoc(7) -T html: display straight quotes, not curly quotes, for .Qq/.Qo
* -T html: remove some spurious line breaks, in particular inside <pre>
* -T html: use <br/> for a space character at the beginning of an input line
* -T html: use ~%d for ordinal fragment suffixes, reserve '~' for that purpose
* introduce the concept of semantically transparent syntax tree nodes,
allowing improved decisions in various validators and formatters
* move some code out of the giant main() into separate functions
doing one well-defined task each
* clearly separate parser state (struct curparse) and formatter state
(struct outstate), don't mix them in the same struct
* in the HTML formatter, assert(3) that no HTML nesting violation occurs
* let html_close_paragraph() close any phrasing context
hgrep is a grep tool to search files with given pattern and print the matched
code snippets with human-friendly syntax highlighting.
In short, it's a fusion of bat and grep or other alternatives like ripgrep.
This is similar to -C option of grep command, but hgrep focuses on human
readable outputs. hgrep is useful to survey the matches with contexts around
When some matches are near enough, hgrep prints the lines within one code
snippet. Unlike grep -C, hgrep adopts some heuristics around blank lines to
determine efficient number of context lines.
As an optional feature, hgrep has builtin grep implementation thanks to ripgrep
as library. It's a subset of rg command. And it's faster when there are so many
matches since everything is done in the same process.
Version 0.9.2, 2021-10-08
Significantly improve -Tterm output, both in terms of styles and layout.
Terminal output styles are easy to set as compile-time constants by editing
term.h. If you're going to edit this for a downstream installation of
lowdown, please let me know and I can stash it in a styles directory!
Add --term-no-ansi to disable all ANSI escapes in output. This produces a
clean, undecorated terminal-formatted document.
- Reworked the option parsing to run correctly with Getopt::Long 2.38.
- Added support for the Elm language. (GH#316)
- Added support for the Purescript language. (GH#317)
- Added support for the Bazel build tool. (GH#327)
- Add test for "file://" URLs (RT 12242)
- Switch to using Test::LWP::UserAgent so we don't require an internet
connection for the tests.
- Remove "use_test_base" from (Test::Base wasn't used and it
brought in a copy of Test::Builder that seems to break stuff).
- Add .atom as a possible feed extension.
- Temp fix to the tests (because the original domain has gone).
* Fixed a bug with non-UTC time zones (thanks @nanto)
* Fixed a broken constructor call (thanks @bbkr)
* Reduced some code complexity
* Added an explicit "use" statement
- 1.19.0 Added slice access to fixed results
Also corrected matching of *full string* vs. *full line*
Fix issue with using digit field numbering and types
- 1.18.0 Correct bug in int parsing introduced in 1.16.0
- 1.17.0 Make left- and center-aligned search consume up to next space
- 1.16.0 Make compiled parse objects pickleable
- Remove arbitrary kwargs.
- Use timezone package as Python 3.5+ is required.
- Assume JWK without the "use" claim is valid for signing as per RFC7517
- Prefer `headers["alg"]` to `algorithm` in `jwt.encode()`.
- Fix aud validation to support {'aud': null} case.
- Make `typ` optional in JWT to be compliant with RFC7519.
- Remove upper bound on cryptography version.
- Add support for Ed448/EdDSA.
* Fix parsing of emphasis before links.
Fixes a regression introduced with commit ed0a4bf.
* Update to Unicode 14.0 (data-man).
* Add `~` to safe href character set.
* Update CMakeLists.txt. Bump the minimum required
CMake to 3.7. Imperatively define output name for static library.
* Fix install paths in libcmark.pc.
`CMAKE_INSTALL_<dir>` can be relative or absolute path, so it is wrong to
prefix CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX because if CMAKE_INSTALL_<dir> is set to an
absolute path it will result in a malformed path with two absolute paths
joined together. Instead, use `CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_<dir>` from
Version 0.9.1, 2021-10-04
Expand support for images having PHP Extra attributes to both links and
images supporting classes, images, and the existing image attributes.
These applies to both reference and inline links.
This deprecates --parse-no-img-ext in favour of the more general
--parse-no-ext-attrs. The same applies to the library's LOWDOWN_IMG_EXT
deprecated by LOWDOWN_ATTRS.
changes mainly for pthai.el
- add spell checking capability, similar to ispell, for word, line,
buffer, region and related functions
- many small clean ups, fix def display when downloading, double
writing of files, always fetching some words, others fixes
- add grep-like function to search dictionary files
- add complete-word function for inserting words
- remove interactive args with \nP
- count nor-nayn as valid single char
- use completing-read instead of ido in a few places
Version 3.1.2, 2021-09-06
* Incompatible change: Python 3.6 is no longer supported.
* Fixed replacing Markdown extensions in document.
* Fixed crash when using TOC backrefs in reStructuredText (issue #14,
thanks Hrissimir for the patch).
Add a default keyword argument to dumps
Add support for Python 3.10
Build 32-bit wheels for Windows
Build PyPy3 wheels for manylinux
Build wheels for musl aarch64 (aka ARM) Linux (musllinux_1_1_aarch64)
Build wheels for musl Linux (musllinux_1_1_x86_64)
Use declarative setup metadata
Wheel building updates
Rename master to main
Replace README.rst with Markdown
Upstream changes:
1.12.5 / 2021-09-27
[JRuby] Address CVE-2021-41098 (GHSA-2rr5-8q37-2w7h).
In Nokogiri v1.12.4 and earlier, on JRuby only, the SAX parsers resolve
external entities (XXE) by default. This fix turns off
entity-resolution-by-default in the JRuby SAX parsers to match the CRuby SAX
parsers' behavior.
CRuby users are not affected by this CVE.
* [CRuby] Document#to_xhtml properly serializes self-closing tags in libxml >
2.9.10. A behavior change introduced in libxml 2.9.11 resulted in emitting
start and and tags (e.g., <br></br>) instead of a self-closing tag (e.g.,
<br/>) in previous Nokogiri versions. [#2324]
ugrep v3.3.7
We made ugrep even better with runtime enabling of of SSE2/AVX2/AVX512BW optimizations; ugrep -V shows this as +sse2, +avx2 and +avx512bw, respectively. New --hyperlink option. Revised and enhanced option -P (PCRE) compatible with GNU grep. Improved query UI option -Q with quick Tab/Shift-Tab directory and file navigation, CTRL-Y file viewing with new option --view to specify a file viewer, and improved CTRL-X/CTRL-R bookmarking to restore the search state. New --hexdump=a option (asterisk) to display conventional * for duplicate hex lines. Fixed a compatibility issue with GNU grep's binary file search results, which should now be the same. Improved option -P (PCRE) search performance. Fixed a bug when the legacy grep GREP_COLOR environment variable is defined (GREP_COLORS is more powerful and preferred). More coming soon!