* Fixed CSRF generation logic for multi-process deployments
* Added WTForms >= 3.0 support
* Flask-Admin would not recursively save inline models, allowing arbitrary
* Added configuration properties that allow injection of additional CSS and
JS dependencies into templates without overriding them
* SQLAlchemy backend
- Updated hybrid property detection using new SQLAlchemy APIs
- Added support for association proxies
- Added support for remote hybrid properties filters
- Added support for ARRAY column type
* Localization-related fixes
* MongoEngine backend is now properly formats model labels
* Improved Google App Engine support:
- Added TextProperty, KeyProperty and SelectField support
- Added support for form_args, excluded_columns, page_size and
* Fixed URL generation with localized named filters
* FileAdmin has Bootstrap 2 support now
* Geoalchemy fixes
- Use Google Places (by default) for place search
* Updated translations
* Bug fixes fixes
* Small bug fix release. Fixes regression that prevented usage of "virtual"
columns with a custom formatter.
* Official Python 3.5 support
* Customizable row actions
* Tablib support (exporting to XLS, XLSX, CSV, etc)
* Updated external dependencies (jQuery, x-editable, etc)
* Added settings that allows exceptions to be raised on view errors
* Bug fixes
* Updated and reworked documentation
* FileAdmin went through minor refactoring and now supports remote
file systems. Comes with the new, optional, AWS S3 file management
* Configurable CSV export for model views
* Added overridable URL generation logic. Allows using custom URLs with
parameters for administrative views
* Added column_display_actions to ModelView control visibility of the
action column without overriding the template
* Added support for the latest MongoEngine
* New SecureForm base class for easier CSRF validation
* Lots of translation-related fixes and updated translations
* Bug fixes
1.3.0 (2015-08-23)
* New feature: Edit models in the list view in a popup
* New feature: Read-only model details view
* Fixed XSS in column_editable_list values
* Improved navigation consistency in model create and edit views
* Ability to choose page size in model list view
* Updated client-side dependencies (jQuery, Select2, etc)
* Updated documentation and examples
* Updated translations
* Bug fixes
* Codebase was migrated to Flask-Admin GitHub organization
* Automatically inject Flask-WTF CSRF token to internal Flask-Admin forms
* MapBox v4 support for GeoAlchemy
* Updated translations with help of CrowdIn
* Show warning if field was ignored in form rendering rules
* Simple AppEngine backend
* Optional support for Font Awesome in templates and menus
* Bug fixes
Mostly bug fix release. Highlights:
* Inline model editing on the list page
* FileAdmin refactoring and fixes
* FileUploadField and ImageUploadField will work with Required() validator
* Bug fixes
* Bootstrap 3 support
* WTForms 2.x support
* Updated DateTime picker
* SQLAlchemy backend: support for complex sortables, ability to search
for related models, model inheritance support
* Customizable URL generation logic for all views
* New generic filter types: in list, empty, date range
* Added the ``geoa`` contrib module, for working with
`geoalchemy2 <http://geoalchemy-2.readthedocs.org/>`_
* Portugese translation
* Lots of bug fixes
* Cleaned up documentation, many thanks to Petrus Janse van Rensburg.
* More flexible menu system, ability to add links to menus
* Human-readable filter URLs
* Callable filter `options`
* `EmailField` filter
* Simple accessibility fixes
* `InlineFormField` now accepts `widget_args` and `form_rules` arguments
* Support for newer wtforms versions
* `form_rules` property that affects both create and edit forms
* Lots of bugfixes
Changes since 1.0.6:
* Python 3 compatibility fixes
* Redis CLI
* Dropped Flask-WTF dependency
* Upgraded to Select2 3.4.0
* Additional unit tests
* Separate loggers for each Flask-Admin component
* New, much more configurable datetime picker
* Spanish translation
* Form rendering rules
* Models: AJAX drop-down population for related models
* Models: Filter options can be translated
* Models: on_model_change now accepts third parameter is_created
* Models: New configurarion property form_extra_columns
* Models: Proper child field error highlighting
* Models: Save and continue button for edit views
* Models: FileUploadField and ImageUploadField
* Models: If Flask is running in debug mode, rethrow all exceptions
* Models: Backrefs are now displayed by default
* Models: If there are no models in the list view, message will be displayed
* MongoEngine: GridFS support for file and image uploads
* MongoEngine: Backend supports form_overrides, choices and other field
configuration properties
* MongoEngine: URLField and EmailField are now searchable
* MongoEngine: Embedded document configuration
* SQLAlchemy: Backend was renamed as flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla
* SQLAlchemy: Automatic join for many-to-many relations
* SQLAlchemy: Fixed ambiguous primary key when building complex search query
in SQLAlchemy backend
* SQLAlchemy: Use joinedload for related model instead of subqueryload for
performance reasons
* SQLAlchemy: Improved inline model handling logic
* SQLAlchemy: Initial multi-pk support for inherited models
* SQLAlchemy: BigInt filtering support
* Model views now support default sorting order
* Model type/column formatters now accept additional view parameter
* is_visible for administrative views
* Model views have after_model_change method that can be overridden
* In model views, get_query was split into get_count_query and get_query
* Bootstrap 2.3.1
* Bulk deletes go through delete_model
* Flask-Admin no longer uses floating navigation bar
* Translations: French, Persian (Farsi), Chinese (Simplified/Traditional),
* Bug fixes
* SQLAlchemy 0.8 support
* Choices and PostgreSQL Enum field type support
* Flask-BabelEx will be used to localize administrative interface
* Simple text file editor
* File admin has additional hooks: rename, edit, upload, etc
* Simple text file editor
* External links in menu
* Column descriptions
* Possibility to override master template
* Reworked templates. New âlayoutâ sample with completely different
administrative UI
* Ability to customize wtforms widget rendering through form_widget_args
* German translation (WIP)
* Updated documentation
* Lots of bug fixes