Local changes:
- add test target
- build and install optional modules (right now: oo, tree, binary,
readline, rlprompt, mk, tclprefix, sqlite3, zlib, win32)
- install shared library
- simplify usage of the GitHub framework
- use --docdir instead of the SUBST framework
Upstream changelog
This release contains some bug fixes plus a number of additional features. A summary is below. See git for the full changelog.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release.
Bugs fixed in version 0.77
exec - better handline of pipeline abnormal termination
exec - fix append redirection on Windows
regsub - fix substitution with trailing backslash
expr - improved mathfunc handling and pow/**
chained tailcalls were not always being run
Features added in version 0.77
Add support for configure --docdir=...
Add support for jimsh --help
Add support for booleans in string is and expressions (true, false, on, off, yes, no)
aio - add sync, openssl bindings, posix locking
expr - add support for atan2, hypot and fmod
regexp, regsub:
Add support for \D, \W and \S
Add partial support for \A, \Z
Add support for all character classes: [[::blank:]], [[::xdigit::]], etc.
Update included sqlite3 to v3.14.1
Add $tcl_platform(engine)
Add basic (optional) zlib support
Add interp child interprester support
Add support for constructor, runs on new object creation
Add support for unknown method
Add Travis and AppVeyor continuous integration support
Use pkg-config in configure to find packages if possibe
Steve Bennett (steveb@workware.net.au)
-- http://jim.tcl.tk/fossil/doc/www/www/news/
Jim is an opensource small-footprint implementation of the Tcl programming
language. It implements a large subset of Tcl and adds new features like
references with garbage collection, closures, built-in Object Oriented
Programming system, Functional Programming commands, first-class arrays and UTF-
8 support. All this with a binary size of about 100-200kB (depending upon
selected options).
The Jim core is very stable. Jim passes over 3000 unit tests and many Tcl
programs run unmodified. Jim is highly modular with the possiblity to configure
many components as loadable modules, or omitted entirely. A number of extensions
are included with Jim which may be built as loadable modules.