Problems found locating distfiles:
Package colorls: missing distfile ls.tar.gz
Package molden: missing distfile molden-4.6/molden4.6.tar.gz
Package softmaker-office-demo: missing distfile ofl06trial.tgz
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail. to 1.4.0
INCOMPATIBLE update. If you need compatibility with 1.3.*, put
(setq howm-compatible-to-ver1dot3 t) before (require 'howm) in your
.emacs. See M-x customize-group RET howm-compatibility RET for
Though howm-1.4.0 has a new menu file, your old menu file is not
updated automatically. Copy en/0000-00-00-000000.txt into howm/
directory if you like. Alternatively, you can cut and paste some
parts of it to your howm/0000-00-00-000000.txt by hand. to
small bug fix.
Based on PR#44553 by ISIHARA Takanori.
howm: Write fragmentarily and read collectively.
Howm is a note-taking tool on Emacs. It is similar to emacs-wiki;
you can enjoy hyperlinks and full-text search easily. It is not
similar to emacs-wiki; it can be combined with any format.