All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes.
The following distfiles couldn't be fetched (possibly they are fetched
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-ru/distinfo freeswitch/freeswitch-sounds-ru-RU-elena-32000-1.0.13.tar.gz
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-ru/distinfo freeswitch/freeswitch-sounds-ru-RU-elena-48000-1.0.13.tar.gz
./audio/freeswitch-music/distinfo freeswitch/freeswitch-sounds-music-32000-1.0.8.tar.gz
./audio/freeswitch-music/distinfo freeswitch/freeswitch-sounds-music-48000-1.0.8.tar.gz
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-fr/distinfo freeswitch/freeswitch-sounds-fr-ca-june-32000-1.0.18.tar.gz
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-fr/distinfo freeswitch/freeswitch-sounds-fr-ca-june-48000-1.0.18.tar.gz
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-en/distinfo freeswitch/freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-32000-1.0.22.tar.gz
./audio/freeswitch-sounds-en/distinfo freeswitch/freeswitch-sounds-en-us-callie-48000-1.0.22.tar.gz
ncmpc 0.45 - (2021-02-12)
* make "tagtypes" errors non-fatal
* check which tag types are supported by MPD (fixes MPD 0.21 support)
* lyrics: update page title after loading has finished
* lyrics: fix path injection bug
* lyrics: load cached lyrics without plugin
* lyrics: use $XDG_CACHE_HOME/ncmpc/lyrics instead of ~/.lyrics
* lyrics/azlyrics: normalize accented letters (using the "unidecode" library)
* lyrics/azlyrics: unescape HTML entities
ncmpc 0.44 - (2021-02-01)
* fix scrolling problems on help page
* highlight find results on help page
* don't attempt IPv6 connection if IPv6 routing is disabled
ncmpc 0.42 - (2020-10-28)
* file page: repaint after moving cursor with mouse
* file page: handle mouse click on directory
* library page: mouse support
* suppor the mouse wheel
* fix assertion failure on exit
ncmpc 0.41 - (2020-10-16)
* new main loop (copying code from MPD, replacing boost::asio)
* library page: fix crash bug
* lyrics: remove the "lyricwiki" plugin because the site is gone
ncmpc 0.40 - (2020-10-07)
* fix crash when range selection includes ".."
* fix another crash with a very narrow terminal window
* another jumping cursor fix for large scroll-offset values
* show elapsed time of streams
ncmpc 0.39 - (2020-08-21)
* library page: skip tags when there is only one value
* fix jumping cursor with large scroll-offset values
* key bindigs page: fix crash bug
* key bindigs page: eliminate bogus message "Did you forget to Apply your changes?"
ncmpc 0.38 - (2020-04-30)
* add option "timedisplay-type=none" to hide current song time
* fix use-after-free bug
* fix crash after entering empty password
ncmpc 0.37 - (2020-01-24)
* show performer on song page
* show partitions on outputs page (requires libmpdclient 2.18)
* search: add search tag "modified" (requires libmpdclient 2.10)
* fix compatibility with MPD versions older than 0.21
* switch to C++17
ncmpc 0.36 - (2019-11-05)
* screen_keydef: show "Add new key" only if there is room for more keys
* support the Alt modifier in hotkeys
* reduce network transfer
The motivation is to consider meson as an application, so there is only
one copy on the system, and as a python 3 program, it can build python 2
0.35 - (2019-09-14)
* fall back to "AlbumArtist" tag in the default format
* fix crash with a very narrow terminal window
* config: allow escaping single quote with backslash in key bindings
* config: fix bug with deprecated names in "screen-list" setting
ncmpc 0.34 - (2019-04-10)
* show total duration of range selection in status bar
* fix high CPU usage in key bindings check
* fix high CPU usage during text input
* fix background color "none"
* adapt to Boost 1.70.0 API changes
* fixed manual install dir
ncmpc 0.33 - (2018-10-22)
* artist page: rename to "library"
* library page: make tag list configurable
* fix color configuration parser bug
* fix build failure when libpcre is not found
* remove support for liblircclient (only liblirc)
* build: require Meson 0.47
* build: use Meson option type `feature`
* build: remove obsolete option `tcp`
* build: add option to disable regular expression support
ncmpc 0.32 - (2018-10-05)
* fix crash bug on queue page
* fix crash bug on lyrics page
* fix off-by-one buffer overflow bug
* fix manpage installation directory
* fix build breakages with some ncurses builds
* work around GCC 4.9 build failure
* remove doxygen support
* new dependency: Boost
* remove dependency on GLib
ncmpc 0.31 - (2018-09-19)
* fix "No such song" in search screen
* fix progressbar when colors are disabled
* enable colors by default
* allow configuring per-style background colors
* keep current song in xterm title when MPD is paused
* load configuration from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ncmpc/config
* always show the screen list at the top
* fix memory leak
* require MPD 0.19
ncmpc 0.30 - (2018-04-04)
* fix crash after pressing ^W in search screen
* fix crash bug in chat screen
* fix completion list
* new color "progressbar-background"
* switch the code base to C++14
* build manual with Sphinx
ncmpc 0.29 - (2017-11-05)
* fix crash after losing MPD connection
* fix crash after DNS lookup error
* add Meson option "lyrics_plugin_dir"
* fallback libncurses detection without pkg-config
ncmpc 0.28 - (2017-09-21)
* fix crash on lyrics screen
* fix memory leak
* hide the MPD password from the queue screen title
* implement password for asynchronous connect
* build with Meson instead of autotools
ncmpc 0.27 - (2017-03-25)
* work around connect failure if /var/run/mpd/socket does not exist
* remove the status bar clock (option "display-time")
* fix assertion failure after connect failure
* several Windows build fixes
ncmpc 0.26 - (2017-03-20)
* require libmpdclient 2.9
* adapt to lirc 0.9.4
* lyricswiki: update regex
* screen_song: show "f" and "dsd" formats
* connect asynchronously
* fix flickering in color mode
* fix gcc 7 warnings
Problems found with existing distfiles:
No changes made to these file.
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
ncmpc 0.18 - (09/22/2010)
* screen_song: show song range
* screen_artist: respect artist when adding albums
* po: added Italian translation
ncmpc 0.17 - (06/22/2010)
* screen_queue: fix range selection check on "shuffle"
* screen_browser: check for error before adding song to playlist
* po: added Brazilian Portuguese translation
ncmpc 0.16.1 - (01/17/2009)
* screen_queue: always update the list size
* screen_browser: fixed jump to playlist file
ncmpc 0.16 - (12/25/2009)
* using libmpdclient 2.0 instead of built-in libmpdclient
* require MPD 0.12
* allow multiple queued database updates
* reactivate incremental playlist changes
* optimize "add+play song" with addid/playid
* handle stderr messages from lyrics plugins
* search: eliminate duplicate results
* use the "idle" command to reduce CPU and network usage
* disable the status bar clock by default
* list_window: fix narrow cursor drawing
* screen_play: repaint after the "select-playing" command
* screen_text: start searching at window origin, not bottom
* strfsong: support multiple values for a tag
* screen_browser: different colors for directories and playlists
* screen_browser: display song duration
* screen_queue: move ranges with one single "move" command
* status_bar: fix display_remaining_time while seeking
* status_bar: display elapsed time event when total time is unknown
* charset: added support for zero-width characters
* colors: added support for 256 colors and text attributes
* compatibility fixes for GLib 2.12
builtin wide curses which is recognized by pkgsrc/ncursesw/
is fine.
-Set the keyboard mode to raw() explicitely. ncurses seems to do
this in some magical way, didn't find a hint in documentation.
-Explicitely disable widechar support if the pkgsrc option is deselected -
otherwise it gets enabled unwantedly if widechar support is found in the
normal curses lib.
Changes since 0.14:
* added the "lyrics-autosave" option
* display song duration in the playlist
* added the "hardware_cursor" option
* show plugin error messages on the screen
* fixed NULL pointer dereference when not yet connected
* new translation: Hebrew
ncmpc 0.14 - 2009-04-21
* bell on wrapped search (optionally)
* added new "jump" ('.') command, which queries the user for a string and
jumps to the entry which begins with that string while the user is typing.
* added new "select range" ('v') command, which lets the user perform various
actions (e.g. add to playlist, delete, move, shuffle) on ranges of songs
* added commands ('H', 'M', 'L') to jump to top, middle, and bottom of screen
* added scrolling commands ('^B', '^N', 'B', 'N') to scroll up/down one line
or up/down half a screen
* added screen swap ('`') command to switch to the most recently used screen
* added MPD information and currently playing song to the info screen ('i')
* support for new MPD 0.15 modes: single ('y'), consume ('C')
* added "scroll-offset" option
* new translations: Czech, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Ukrainian, Dutch
Changes for versions since 0.11.1:
ncmpc 0.13 - 2009-01-09
* added output configuration screen, default hotkey F8
* new --disable-locale configure option
* new --disable-multibyte configure option; this allows you to
disable wide character support, retaining multibyte character
* search with regular expressions
ncmpc 0.12 - 2008-12-05
* added artist screen (tag browser)
* added highly experimental lyrics screen (disabled by default)
* removed clock screen
* support wide characters
* optimized memory usage
* always try to reconnect after server failure
* support unix domain sockets for the MPD connection
* added compile-time "mini" option which produces the smallest
possible ncmpc binary
* added LIRC support
* scroll long song names in the playlist
* added command "locate" ('G') which locates a song in the database browser
* added "song" screen ('i') which displays song information
PKGLOCALEDIR and which install their locale files directly under
${PREFIX}/${PKGLOCALEDIR} and sort the PLIST file entries. From now
on, pkgsrc/mk/plist/plist-locale.awk will automatically handle
transforming the PLIST to refer to the correct locale directory.
developer is officially maintaining the package.
The rationale for changing this from "tech-pkg" to "pkgsrc-users" is
that it implies that any user can try to maintain the package (by
submitting patches to the mailing list). Since the folks most likely
to care about the package are the folks that want to use it or are
already using it, this would leverage the energy of users who aren't
file's sole purpose was to provide a dependency on pkg-config and set
some environment variables. Instead, turn pkg-config into a "tool"
in the tools framework, where the pkg-config wrapper automatically
adds PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR to the environment before invoking the real
For all package Makefiles that included pkg-config/, remove
that inclusion and replace it with USE_TOOLS+=pkg-config.