Commit graph

25 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
7b21bf52f6 Changes
* added configurable key shortcuts for snap+direction player actions
  (probably most useful for recording tool-assisted speedrun (TAS)
  tapes using the single-step mode of the tape recorder)
2010-07-03 07:24:44 +00:00
1c709d81fd Changes
* fixed missing memory allocation in SP engine when saving engine data
  for non-SP game engine snapshots (which also stores SP engine part)
* fixed problem with scrolling in native EM engine in multi-user mode
  (this bug was just introduced with the experimental viewport stuff)
* fixed animation of splashing acid in EM engine with classic artwork
* fixed animation of cracking nut in EM engine with classic artwork
* fixed (implemented) single step mode in native EM and SP engines
* fixed "latest_engine" flag in classic levels (moved to single sets)
* updated SDL library DLLs for Windows to the latest release versions
  (this fixed some mysterious crashes of the game on Windows systems)
* replaced EM and SP set in classic level set with native level files
* finally added a newly written "CREDITS" file to the game package
* removed sampled music loops from classic music set
2010-06-06 08:41:44 +00:00
f78cf59978 Changes
* fixed crash bug when scrolling with cursor keys in editor
* fixed X11 crash bug when scaling images with width/height less than 32
* fixed X11 crash bug when blitting masked title screens over background
* fixed growing steel wall to also leave behind steel wall
* fixed custom element change conditions where a player element is used
* fixed bug with player relocation while the player switches an element
* fixed problems with re-mapping players on playfield to input devices
* fixed wrong behaviour of player option "no centering when relocating"
* added condition "deadly when " for custom elements
* added possibility to reanimate player immediately after his death
* added "element used as action parameter" to element change actions
* added optional initial inventory for players (pre-collected elements)
* added change page actions "set player inventory" and "set CE artwork"
* added switch for EM style dynamite "[ ] explodes with chain reaction"
* moved "level settings" and "editor settings" to two tabbed screens
* added level setting to start a level with always the same random seed
* added CE action "set random seed" to re-initialize random seed in game
2009-01-12 19:22:18 +00:00
d8b79bf554 Changes 3.2.4:
* fixed crash bug in toon drawing functions for large step offset values
* fixed some problems with displaying game panel when quick-loading tape
* fixed (experimental only) redrawing of every tile per frame (even if
  unneeded) for the extended (R'n'D based) EMC graphics engine
* added optimization to only calculate element count for panel display
  if really needed (that is, if element count values defined on panel)
* fixed problem with special editor door redraw when entering main menu
* fixed bug with displaying background for title messages on info screen
* some code cleanup for the extended (R'n'D based) EMC graphics engine
* fixed bug with CE action "move player" always resulting in player 4
  if there was a CE action with no trigger player (because the player
  element was calculated by using log_2() from trigger player bits with
  the value PLAYER_BITS_ANY) -- this is now fixed by also storing the
  triggering player bit mask and handling all players in "move player"
* fixed bug when defined artwork cannot be found for artwork that has
  default artwork cloned from other artwork (without default filename)
* added several fixes to the extended (R'n'D based) EMC graphics engine
* fixed broken editor copy and paste for custom elements between levels
2007-10-13 12:58:47 +00:00
ac27d34c1c Changes 3.2.3:
* fixed malloc/free bug when updating EMC artwork entries in level list
* added workaround (warning and request to quit the current game) when
  changing elements cause endless recursion loop (which would otherwise
  freeze the game, causing a crash-like program exit on some systems)
* fixed nasty string overflow bug when entering too long envelope text
* added feedback sounds for menu navigation "menu.item.activating" and
  "menu.item.selecting" (for highlighting and executing menu entries)
* improved "no scrolling when relocating" to also consider scroll delay
  (meaning that the player is not automatically centered in this case;
  this makes it possible to "invisibly" relocate the player to a region
  of the level playfield which looks the same as the old level region)
* fixed bug with not recognizing "" when active
* fixed bug with displaying masked borders over title screens when
  screen fading is disabled
* fixed infinite loop / crash bug when killing the player while having
  a CE with the setting "kill player X when explosion of <player X>"
* added special editor graphic for "char_space" to distinguish it from
  "empty_space" when editing a level (in-game graphics still the same)
* fixed nasty bug with initialization only done for the first player
* small change to handle loading empty element/content list micro chunks
* uploaded pre-release (test) version 3.2.3-0 binary and source code
* some optimizations on startup speed by reducing initial text output
* added caching of custom artwork information for faster startup times
* fixed graphical bug when using fewer menu entries on level selection
  screen than usual (with "menu.list_size.LEVELS" directive)
* fixed crash bug (Windows/SDL only) caused by BlitBitmap blitting from
  the backbuffer to the backbuffer by error (with identical rectangle)
* fixed bug when displaying titlescreen with size less than element tile
* fixed bug that caused elements with "change when digging <e>" event
  to change for _every_ digged element, not only those specified in <e>
* fixed bug that caused impact style collision when dropping element one
  tile over the player that can both fall down and smash players
* fixed bug that caused impact style collision when element changed to
  falling/smashing element over the player immediately after movement
2007-03-18 18:29:38 +00:00
60afa0b9e9 Updated to version 3.2.0.
Pkgsrc changes:
  - Cleaned up COMMENT: There are no more separate packages for x11 and sdl.
  - INSTALLATION_DIRS should be extended, not set absolutely.
  - Simplified PLIST handling: no more @exec in PLIST, replaced by OWN_DIRS_PERMS.
  - Simplified installation of sounds/graphics/levels etc. All the files are now
    dynamically added to the PLIST, so the static PLIST is really short now.
  - Use GAMEOWN and GAMEGRP as user and group now.
  - No more substitutions in the pre-configure target and no more patch-aa:
    Replaced by overriding GNU make variables with MAKE_FLAGS.
  - Simplified patch-ab, also with MAKE_FLAGS.
  - Changed mode of top-level score directory so that users cannot see
    the score files. This prevents tampering with high scores :).
  - The do-install target uses now INSTALL_GAME to honor SETGIDGAME (from mk.conf).

Relevant changes since version 3.1.2:
- finished new native game engine for Emerald Mine (Club) levels
- added all new elements from EMC engine also to R'n'D engine
- added selection between ECS and AGA graphics for EMC levels to setup
- added multi-player support for EMC game engine (with up to four players)
- added player switching (visual and quick) to R'n'D and EM game engine
- added key shortcut settings for switching player focus to setup menu
- added custom element actions for CE change page in level editor
- added "CE value" and "CE score" counters for custom elements
- added cascaded element lists to element list in level editor
- added dynamic element list with all elements used in current level
- added special Supaplex animations for Murphy being bored and sleeping
- added setup option to display element token name in level editor
- added up to five title screens for each level set to show after loading
- added credits pages to the "credits" section that were really missing
- lots of bugfixes and internal engine changes (see ChangeLog file)
2006-07-22 23:16:42 +00:00
0b3cf803b4 Changes 3.1.2:
* Fixed level editor bug
2006-01-20 22:37:05 +00:00
89607e2002 Changes 3.1.1:
- added tutorial level set created by Aaron Davidson
- added editor element descriptions written by Aaron Davidson
- added native game engine for Emerald Mine (Club) levels
- added level skipping functionality to main menu
- added support for dumping small-sized level sketches from editor
- added use of "editorsetup.conf" for different level sets
- lots of bugfixes and internal engine changes (see ChangeLog)
2005-08-16 15:35:51 +00:00
8cef6c454b Add RMD160 digests. 2005-02-23 23:11:54 +00:00
9ae2b33e48 Changes 3.1.0:
- fixed obvious bug with wrong "Murphy" graphics (when digging etc.)
- fixed a lot of Emerald Mine and Supaplex game engine emulation bugs
- re-converted Emerald Mine and Supaplex levels to apply engine fixes
- changed default snap/drop keys from left/right Shift to Control keys
- added level loader for loading native Emerald Mine levels
- added level loader for loading native Supaplex packed levels
- added group elements for multiple matches and random element creation
- added elements that can be digged or left behind by custom elements
- added element "Sokoban field with player" missing for Sokoban levels
- added custom element features to allow building of teleporters
- added option to use step limit instead of time limit for level
- added pressing "space" key as valid action to select menu options
- added clipboard (cut and paste buttons) for custom and group elements
- added shortcut to dump brush (type ":DB" in editor) for use in forum
- added network multiplayer code for Windows (still only command line)
- replaced old tutorial level set with far better one by Niko Böhm
- "contributions" levels now separate package to make base set smaller
- too many bugfixes and changes to list them all here (see ChangeLog)
2004-11-03 15:14:17 +00:00
661e32fdf3 Changes 3.0.8:
- added "musicinfo.conf" for menu and level music configuration
- added "editorsetup.conf" for editor element list configuration
- added "copy" and "exchange" functions for custom elements to editor
- added configurable "bored" and "sleeping" animations for the player
- added "awakening" sound for player when waking up after sleeping
- added configurable element animations for info screen
- added configurable music credits for info screen
- added configurable level set information for info screen
- added warnings for undefined token values in artwork config files
- menu entries now also selectable by clicking on entry text
- better sniksnak turning movement (two steps instead of only one)
- fixed turning movement of butterflies and fireflies (no frame reset)
- fixed bug with wrong default impact sound for colored emeralds
- fixed bug with double nut cracking sound
- fixed a very nasty bug in dragon turning code in TurnRoundExt()
- finally fixed tape recording when player is created from CE change
- added new contributed levels
2003-12-15 14:47:37 +00:00
e913943db3 Most important changes since last release version 3.0.6:
- fixed incorrectly displayed animation for attacking dragon
- fixed bug with not setting initial gravity for each new game
- fixed bug with teleportation of player by custom element change
- fixed bug with player not getting smashed by rock sometimes
- fixed serious bug in code for delayed element pushing
- fixed little bug in animation frame selection for pushed elements
- fixed bug when pushing element that can move away to the side
- fixed tape recording when player is created from CE element change
- fixed player animation frame reset for identical animations
- unavailable setup options now marked as "n/a" instead of "off"
- prevent "extended" changed elements from delay change in same frame
- speed-up of reading config file for verbose output
- added configuration option for opening and closing Supaplex exit
- added configuration option for moving up/down animation for Murphy
- added animation for "turning" action (for elements with move delay)
- added turning animations for bug, spaceship and sniksnak
2003-11-19 12:48:47 +00:00
ae5bcac5c8 Changes 3.0.6:
- fixed bug when initializing font graphic structure
- fixed bug with animation mode "pingpong" when using only 1 frame
- fixed bug with extended change target introduced in 3.0.5
- fixed bug where passing over moving element doubles player speed
- fixed bug with elements continuing to move into push direction
- fixed bug with duplicated player when dropping bomb with shield on
- fixed switching bug (resetting flag when not switching but not idle)
- fixed element tokens for certain file elements with ".active" etc.
- added "switching" event for custom elements ("pressing" only once)
- added support for MP3 music for SDL version through SMPEG library
2003-10-08 13:35:25 +00:00
0d009daa16 Changes 3.0.5:
- fixed bug in multiple config pages loader code that could crash the game
- enhanced (remaining low-resolution) Supaplex graphics
- active/inactive sides configurable for custom element changes
- new movement type "move when pushed" available for custom elements
- now four envelope elements available
- font, background, animation and sound for envelope now configurable
- main menu doors opening/closing animation type now configurable
2003-09-30 14:15:33 +00:00
35356c1d7c Changes 3.0.4:
- fixed bug in multiple config pages code that caused crash
- fixed bug in custom definition of crumbled element graphics
2003-09-15 15:20:44 +00:00
43321f0dad Changes 3.0.3:
- fixed bug (missing array boundary check) which could crash the game
- fixed problem with setting mouse cursor in SDL version in fullscreen
- fixed problem with flickering when drawing toon animations
- fixed problem with player animation when snapping and moving
- fixed several nasty bugs that may have caused crashes on some systems
- added envelope content which gets displayed when collecting envelope
- added multiple change event pages for custom elements
- added support for loading various music formats through SDL_mixer
- added music to Supaplex classic level set
2003-09-09 15:05:30 +00:00
9892474e14 Most important changes since last release version 3.0.1:
- fixed bug with messing up custom element properties in 3.0.0 levels
- fixed bug with choosing wrong engine version when playing tapes
- fixed bug with creating inaccessible elements at player position
- fixed bug with not finding current level artwork directory

Most important changes since last release version 3.0.0:
- fixed bug that caused a crash at startup under Solaris
- fixed bug that caused the DOS version not finding its files
- fixed bug with missing graphic for active red disk bomb
- added custom element property for dropping collected elements
- added another 128 custom elements for those who can't get enough
- fixed PCX files in the DOS version ("classic" graphics only)
2003-08-26 15:04:10 +00:00
3f29acc7c3 Changes 3.0.0 (since 2.1.1):
- final version bumped to 3.0.0 due to the massive changes
- graphics and sounds now completely and dynamically customizable
- element animation length, speed and mode now freely configurable
- 128 custom elements with lots of configurable element properties
- advanced custom element settings for powerful, self-created elements
- automatic tape playing function for game engine and level testing
- added support for stereo WAV sound files
- added support for background images for all menu screens
- added some example levels showing how to create custom artwork
- fixed Supaplex gravity tubes
- fixed very nasty bug in SDL_image (and X11) PCX loading routine
- fixed some very nasty bugs in bitmap zoom routine
- fixed very nasty bug in level/artwork loading routine
2003-08-05 15:12:45 +00:00
e294b09d37 Bump package revision to 1. New patch-ak fixes bug in Joystick support
(tested on i386).
2002-10-29 19:07:53 +00:00
81aadfcec9 Update to rocksndiamonds 2.1.1.
Maybe someone can check how well this works with pkgsrc on MacOS X (see

Summary of changes since rocksndiamonds-2.0.0
        - lots of new contributed levels

Release Version 2.1.1 [13 AUG 2002]
	- sound bug (causing crashes) fixed (reported by Keith Peterston)
	- small NetBSD compilation bug fixed (thanks to Adam Ciarcinski)
	- default keys for "snap field" and "place bomb" fixed for Mac OS X

Release Version 2.1.0 [05 AUG 2002]
	- native Mac OS X port (finally!)
	- graphics, sounds and music now fully configurable
	- added support for TrueColor PCX graphics files
	- added support for 16 bit WAV sound files
	- enhanced sound system (especially regarding stereo and loop sounds)
	- new structured setup menu (with sub-menues for graphics and sounds)
	- added "quick save" and "quick load" functions with shortcut key
	- added single-step playing mode (automatic pause after each step)
	- behaviour of "Escape" key in level editor now more intuitive
	- changed default slipping behaviour of gems back to 2.0.0 style;
	  this is now an element property for gems in the level editor,
	  although existing converted levels use the new EM gems behaviour
	- bug fixed that prevented walking through tubes when gravity on
	- added Boulder Dash style "snap-pushing" (thanks to Achim Härtel)
	- fixed memory leak in image loading code
	- fixed some "solid" elements that were accidentally destructible
	- fixed some tape stuff
	- added custom graphics set "Animal Kingdom" by Flyboy

Release Version 2.0.1 [19 MAR 2002]
	- bug in explosion code fixed that broke level 24 of "Baby Ghost Mine"
	- several Supaplex emulation bugs fixed (thanks to Mihail Milushev):
	  + orange disk does not fall off from slippery elements
	  + infotrons kill electrons and snik snaks and trigger orange disks
	  + explosion chain reactions are now a bit slower than murphy
	- behaviour of robots adjusted to make them less aggressive
	  (needed for quite some Emerald Mine Club levels)
	- emeralds and diamonds now fall off normal, steel and growing walls,
	  as this is the correct behaviour in Emerald Mine; existing private
	  and contributed levels will still behave as before, unless saved
	  again (with or without modifications) from the level editor of the
	  current version of the game
	- icon for Windows executable added
	- bug when selecting default level series fixed
	- new IFF style file format for level and tape files
	- bug in storing amoeba content fixed
	- nasty tape bugs fixed (completely reworked tape stuff)
	- fullscreen mode now works with Windows (workaround for bug in SDL)
	- /dev/dsp support for NetBSD added (thanks to Krister Walfridsson)
	- file permissions when saving files and creating directories changed
	- some small sound bugs fixed
2002-10-19 20:06:45 +00:00
c42c1c7334 Minor overhaul.
Not all NetBSD platforms support joysticks. Based on ones which are active
in their GENERIC config's only have those actually compile in NetBSD specific
joystick support. For the rest let the generic joystick support get pulled
in (and then fail to probe so the code will disable it anyways).

Otherwise this fails on any system without <machine/joystick.h>

XXX...This really should be redone at some point since it's messy now and
the original code looks like it had the concept of no joystick support in
the first place.
2002-02-19 06:25:57 +00:00
0d1e80531e regen: Add joystick support for NetBSD 2002-02-02 11:59:54 +00:00
bf8feba5f6 Update rocksndiamonds to version 2.0.0
Changes since version 1.4.0:
        - major code redesign to maintain generic game functions in a separate
          library and make it easier to port the game to new targets like SDL
        - can be compiled with SDL library to build native Windows version
        - DOS and Windows versions can be compiled with gcc cross-compiler
        - trying to open already busy audio device does not block the game
        - fixed network playing bug (patch from web site)
        - SDL version can load and play music modules
        - fixed element description in level editor for EM doors and keys
2001-07-05 22:07:58 +00:00
daff086c30 Move to sha1 digests, and/or add distfile sizes. 2001-04-21 02:08:16 +00:00
fb467f5ac2 + move the distfile digest/checksum value from files/md5 to distinfo
+ move the patch digest/checksum values from files/patch-sum to distinfo
2001-04-17 11:22:34 +00:00