0.54 (06/17/2009)
(cb) Alfons Wittmann reported that signing requests broke caching due
to the current time being incorporated into every signed URL
While here, set LICENSE=${PERL5_LICENSE}.
Revision history for Perl extension Net::Amazon:
0.53 (06/13/2009)
(cb) Nathan Handler re-reported a man page issue on Ubuntu, rt 46708.
I managed to fix 197 issues, except for the specific one he called
out in the bug.
0.52 (06/09/2009)
(cb) Nathan Handler reported a man page issue on Ubuntu, rt 46708.
0.51 (06/05/2009)
(cb) Vince Veselosky submitted a patch to support request signing, a
feature that is required for accessing AWS after 2009-08-15.
Upgrading is recommended.
(cb) Complete the upgrade to WSDL 2009-03-31 that was started by
Vince Veselosky.
(cb) Clean-up POD issues found by pod checker.
(cb) Indicate the code has moved to github.com.
(cb) Update the README to reflect the actual date of the WSDL.
to trigger/signal a rebuild for the transition 5.8.8 -> 5.10.0.
The list of packages is computed by finding all packages which end
or PERL5_PACKLIST defined in their make setup (tested via
"make show-vars VARNAMES=...").
Net::Amazon provides an object-oriented interface to amazon.com's
SOAP and XML/HTTP interfaces. This way it's possible to create applications
using Amazon's vast amount of data via a functional interface, without
having to worry about the underlying communication mechanism.