All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?):
v1.0.1 2016-03-07 La Forclaz (VS)
- OCaml 4.05.0 compatibility (removal of `Uchar.dump`).
v1.0.0 2016-11-23 Zagreb
- `Uutf.String.fold_utf_{8,16be,16le}`, allow substring folding via
optional arguments. Thanks to Raphaël Proust for the idea and the
- OCaml standard library `Uchar.t` support.
- Removes and substitutes `type Uutf.uchar = int` by the (abstract)
`Uchar.t` type. `Uchar.{of,to}_int` allows to recover the previous
- Removes `Uutf.{is_uchar,cp_to_string,pp_cp}`. `Uchar.{is_valid,dump}`
can be used instead.
- Safe string support. Manual sources and destinations now work on bytes
rather than strings.
- Build depend on topkg.
- Relicense from BSD3 to ISC.
- Add `Uutf.decoder_byte_count` returning the bytes decoded so far.
- The `utftrip` cli utility now uses `Cmdliner` which becomes an
optional dependency of the package. The cli interface is not
compatible with previous versions. It was becoming more trouble than it was worth: only a minority
of packages used it, and it only made Makefiles more confusing.
(I've left out some packages: these will be updated forthwith)
Problems found locating distfiles:
Package cabocha: missing distfile cabocha-0.68.tar.bz2
Package convertlit: missing distfile
Package php-enchant: missing distfile php-enchant/enchant-1.1.0.tgz
Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden). All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.