dot co dot jp>.
Changes excerpted from 00diff:
Kazu Yamamoto
Jul 5, 2006
<Differences between Mew 5.1 and Mew 4.2>
* The ".mew" suffix is introduced for OS level search mechanisms.
* OS level search mechanisms including Spotlight, Windows Desktop
Search, Google Desktop are integrated.
* The mechanism of master password was implemented.
Set mew-use-master-passwd to t to use it.
* When sending a message, if your SMTP server requires user
authentication, Mew asks you to input your password. You don't have
to configure mew-smtp-user anymore.
* In Draft mode, addresses which are not considered safe turn red.
See mew-safe-addresses, mew-warn-addresses, mew-safe-domains, and
* You can securely save your passwords to a file with a master
* "li" copies a message to an IMAP folder.
* "I" now works in Thread mode.
* "C-cC-e" in Summary has been drastically improved.
* "C-cC-t" and "C-cC-y" in Summary were obsoleted.
* 'mew-inbox-action-alist' can be set in 'mew-config-alist'.
* "v" in Summary mode displays line numbers when off.
* "C-uj" in Summary mode jumps to the message whose message number is
* "C-uB" decomposes any attached files.
* If you want to put the 'D' mark to duplicated messages
whose boyies are identical (ie spams), set
mew-summary-form-mark-spam to t.
* All variables can be defined in ".mew.el". You don't have to
set specific variables in ".emacs".
1) Simplify the way how an emacs version is picked when no emacs
is installed, but a user try to install an Emacs Lisp package.
Just pick up the version set as EMACS_TYPE than searching for
versions already installed etc. If the EMACS_TYPE version is
not supported by the Emacs Lisp Package, just fail. EMACS_TYPE
be default to GNU Emacs 21.
(In other words, users should set EMACS_TYPE as they want.
Otherwise GNU Emacs 21 is used.)
2) All Emacs Lisp Packages *must* prepend EMACS_PKGNAME_PREFIX to
a) the PKGNAME itself, and b) PKGNAME in its dependency lines.
EMACS_PKGNAME_PREFIX is expanded to "xemacs-" when XEmacs is
used. This keeps dependency graph of Emacs-Lisp-packages-
installed-for-XEmacs consistent.
3) Document EMACS_* variables as much as possible.
4) Provide more cookies for PLIST. Maybe utilized later.
Note that the 2) change doesn't affect the default, GNU Emacs 21
behaviour. So no version / revision bumps in this commit.
Changes (cited from 00diff) are:
> <Differences between Mew 4.2 and Mew 4.1>
> * mew-nmz.el has been integrated. You can search messages with
> keyword DB. For more information, see info.
> * "C-uw" prepares a draft whose To: is the address on From: of the
> current message.
> * "e" in Summary can convert any mark to new one.
> * S/MIME has been supported. (alpha stage)
> * IMAP UTF-7 support. You can use non-ASCII characters for folder
> names.
> * TLS has been supported.
> * Fixing a bug of SSL.
> * Drag and Drop composing has been supported.
> * Many small bug fixes.
in the process. (More information on tech-pkg.)
Bump PKGREVISION and BUILDLINK_DEPENDS of all packages using libtool and
installing .la files.
Bump PKGREVISION (only) of all packages depending directly on the above
via a buildlink3 include.
Changes since 2.2 are:
* A bug fix for S/MIME's temporary file again.
* info updates.
* Catching up new warning messages of GnuPG 1.2.0.
KOIE Hidetaka <>
* A bug fix for S/MIME's temporary file.
* A bug fix for PGP's marks in the attachment region.
Mew 2.2 (2002/02/25)
Mew 2.2rc4 (2002/02/21)
* Defining mew-syntax-treat-filename-default-function.
* Binding auto-image-file-mode to nil in mew-flet and mew-frwlet.
* Defining mew-use-other-frame.
* Yet another bug fix for "t*".
* A bug fix for mew-summary-join.
* Seeing if incm exists or not.
Mew 2.2rc3 (2002/02/04)
* Fixing the "foo: ;" problem.
* m17n hack for Summary mode of +draft.
* Window-config hack for composing mails.
* A bug fix for "t*".
* Prefix for mew-draft-insert-signature.
* Patches for incm.
* A bug fix of mew-summary-save for the NAME parameter.
* Creating folders specified by Fcc: when composing.
* Debug hack.
* sleep-for 1 for mew-touch-folder-check.
* LANG: "en" -> "C"
* A bug fix for mew-buffer-message.
* Defining mew-encode-singlepart-hook.
* Null body hack for incm.
* A bug fix for mew-insert-message.
Mew 2.2rc2 (2002/01/17)
* Workaround for messages whose size is 0.
* TIS 620 hack.
* GCC hack for
* A patch for
* Displaying the number of marked messages.
* make clean hack.
* Digit-argument for "0"-"9". mew-summary-toggle-8bit -> "z8".
* Supporting ".tif".
* "nntp" service entry.
* incm hack.
* A patch for incm.
* incm is merged.
* A bug fix for mew-delete-file.
* no-fold option for mew-header-insert.
* Case-sensitive search for marks.
Mew 2.2rc1 (2001/12/20)
* A bug fix of C-cC-z for multple PGP data.
* A bug fix for w3m.
Mew 2.1.52 (2001/12/11)
* Sort key hack: "ml2" -> "mlnum"
* Copying minibuffer-local-map to mew-input-map.
* A bug fix for mew-input-file-name.
* wvHtml hack.
* Defining mew-broken-parameter-list.
* m17n hack.
* Defining mew-prog-audio{,2} for Win32.
Summary of changes:
- removal of USE_GTEXINFO
- addition of mk/
- inclusion of this file in package Makefiles requiring it
- `install-info' substituted by `${INSTALL_INFO}' in PLISTs
- tuning of mk/
removal of USE_GTEXINFO
`${INSTALL_INFO}' replace `install-info' in target rules
print-PLIST target now generate `${INSTALL_INFO}' instead of `install-info'
- a couple of new patch files added for a handful of packages
- setting of the TEXINFO_OVERRIDE "switch" in packages Makefiles requiring it
- devel/cssc marked requiring texinfo 4.0
- a couple of packages Makefiles were tuned with respect of INFO_FILES and
makeinfo command usage
See -newly added by this commit- section 10.24 of Packages.txt for
further information.
Mew 2.1.51 (2001/12/07)
* A bug fix for mew-encode-remove-illegal-fields.
Mew 2.1.50 (2001/12/07)
* A bug fix for null line in a header.
* A workaround for reediting ctext.
* Defining mew-use-nfs-hack.
* A bug fix for mewls's null pattern.
* Removing ".CRLF" instead of "CRLF.CRLF" in a POP session.
* s/str/mystr/ for the C commands.
* A bug fix for md5 on XEmacs.
* 'no-line-break for base64-encode-string.
* A bug fix for mew-start-process-disp.
* iso-8859-15.
Mew 2.1 (2001/11/01)
* XML is well supported.
* +mdrop is implemented. You can remove messages on your POP server
* Sort (s) and pack (O) became much faster.
* Some workaround for broken POP servers.
* Many other small bug fixes.
Mew 2.1 release candidate 3 (2001/10/30)
* Setting 0.05 instead of 0.01 for mew-smtp-command-content.
This maybe rescue XEmacs.
* Biding buffer-file-coding-system to prevent the side effect.
* Adding the "-l" option for mew-prog-vgrep.
* Ensuring that richtech-mode is disabled.
* Setting max-mini-window-height to 1 in mew-summary-pipe-message.
* Taking care of EXPIRED PGP keys.
* Using mew-mule3.el even if Emacs is executed with the --unibyte
Mew 2.1 release candidate 2 (2001/10/26)
* gifsicle support to prevent XEmacs from dying.
* Text/Xml support for mew-summary-execute-base.
* Handling 'quit in sort and pack.
* A patch for refile learning.
Yoshinari Nomura <>
* Fixing a bug that XEmacs dies when encoding GIF.
* Edit again for qmail.
* Bug fixes for privacy services in drafts.
* Limit for re-search-foward in mew-text/xml-detect-cs etc.
Mew 2.1 release candidate 1 (2001/10/24)
* mew-auto-flush-queue works for mbox.
* Workaround for mew-image-inline-p on Emacs 21.1.
* Implementing mew-text/html-detect-cs and mew-text/xml-detect-cs.
* Process status is well displayed on the mode line.
* A bug fix for mew-demo-picture.
* Defining mew-use-charset-sanity-check.
* A patch for refile.
* mew-input-folders hack.
* Defining mew-syntax-treat-filename-function.
* Defining mew-input-draft-buffer.
* No sanity check if charset is specified.
* C-cC-i for mew-summary-find-file.
Mew 2.0.60 (2001/10/15) mew-dist release
* Enhancing mew-param-analyze-broken to remove white spaces between
* recenter for mew-summary-down.
* "c" for mew-summary-copy.
* Allowing the 'X' mark for +mdrop.
* A bug fix for 'invisible.
* "?" for mew-input-map.
* Allowing multiple SPCs on POP sessions.
Mew 2.0.59 (2001/10/12) mew-dist release
* A bug fix for Multipart/Alternative.
* Removing mew-summary-display-raw-header.
* Use the "--decrypt" option instead of "--verify" for GnuPG.
* Some "mew-pop-to-buffer" patches.
* Defining mew-regex-ignore-folders.
* A bug fix for PGP encryption.
* Integrating "," and "C-cC-u". Use "," only.
* Removing mew-pop-to-buffer.
* Using mew-current-get-* as little as possible.
- Update Mew to 2.0.58
Mew 2.0.58 (2001/10/10) mew-dist release
* The "Type 'T'" message displayed only when the top level is
* ".txt" suffix for dummy file names.
* 't' in attach to toggle text/binary.
* Defining mew-ask-fcc.
* "Y" for mew-summary-cite.
Mew 2.0.57 (2001/10/04) mew-dist release
* XML support.
* mew-mime-content-type hack.
* A patch for contrib/mew-caesar.el.
* mew-summary-kill-subprocess() now calls mew-pop-tear-down().
* Supporting .htm as well as .html.
Mew 2.0.56 (2001/10/03) mew-dist release
* mew-summary-folder-cache-save() now includes mew-touch-folder().
* A bug fix for non-UIDL POP servers.
* Unlimiting mew-header-max-depth for mew-scan-form-mark().
* Touching folders when 'mdrop.
* mew-set-environment() moved after loading mew-rc-file.
Mew 2.0.55 (2001/10/01) mew-dist release
* A bug fix for file mode of manuals.
* Code clean up for refile.
* A bug fix for mew-regex-id.
* Removing mew-folder-remotep.
* +mdrop finally.
* mew-time-diff.
* If a number N is set to mew-pop-delete, it means to keep message
on the POP server for N days.
* A bug fix for mew-folder-check.
* A bug fix for mew-substring.
* A bug fix for mew-summary-sort.
* A bug fix for mark handling of mew-summary-refile.
* Fixing the problem of ":" vs "y" and/or "C-cC-l".
Mew 2.0.54 (2001/09/17) mew-dist release
* Defining mew-warning-field-level.
* Bug fixes for mew-pop-info-name and mew-smtp-info-name.
* completion-ignore-case hack in draft for mouse clicking.
* Highlighting a body when reediting.
* Re-writing mew-summary-sort.
* C-u# now asks a printer name.
* A bug fix for mew-header-fold-region.
* Removing the last "," of enum in pattern.c.
* The "-f" option for "test" instead of the "-e" otpion in Makefile.
Mew 2.0.52 (2001/09/05) mew-dist release
* "I" inserted a line in a underline overlay. So, underline was put
onto two lines. This bug has been fixed.
* A bug fix for mew-alias-expand-addrs.
* A bug fix for mew-input-address.
* Bug fixes for "(" and ")" again.
NINOMIYA Hideyuki <>
* The "-a" option for contrib/incdir.
Yasunari Momoi <>
"YAMAZAKI Noriyuki" <>
* A patch for contrib/mew-fancy-summary.el.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <>
* Some defcustom hack.
Hideyuki SHIRAI <>