Change log:
New stable release of xfce4-power-manager.
* New features:
- Add support for XF86Battery button (Bug #14055)
* Bugfixes:
- Fix compiler warning (Bug #14104)
- Fix various warnings
- Don't autostart the power manager in the LXQt DE (Bug #14450)
- Don't overwrite the user's XScreensaver settings (Bug #14968)
- Fix slider labels (Bug #14395)
- Replace xfconf_channel_new by xfconf_channel_get
- Read from actual_brightness instead of brightness
- Fix g_type_class_add_private is deprecated
- Handle glib deprecations
- Use the newer up_client_get_devices2
- Install Appdata in metainfo (Bug #15380)
- plugin: Show discharge level even in unknown state (Bug #15280)
- settings: change "going from sleep" to "going to sleep"(Bug #15144)
- settings: Improve devices tab visually by adding frame