* Apply patches from Ian:
* ID3v2:add section BUGS with explanation of how we treat v2.4 frames.
extract MP3 start bytes even if ID3v2 tag is present.
recognize MP3 MIME type by start bytes
* Tag.pm:document mime_Pretype(), mime_type().
New optional arguments to mime_Pretype(), mime_type().
ID3v2 genre tag with value "Blues" or "(0)" could not be set
(thanks to Eric Benson for analysis).
* ID3v2_Data.pod: rename s/-/_/ - cygwin buggy, fails manifying
- this was BS, the problem is elsewhere
* mp3info2: state another time that COMM(eng)[lyrics] is a non-standard place
for lyrics...
* Updated documentation for MP3::Tag, MP3::Tag::ID3v1, MP3::Tag::ID3v2 and MP3::Tag::ID3v2-Data
* Renamed some functions. The old names will still work, but try to use the new names.
The following names were changed:
- MP3::Tag::getTags() to MP3::Tag::get_tags()
- MP3::Tag::newTag() to MP3::Tag::new_tag()
- MP3::Tag::ID3v1::removeTag() to MP3::Tag::ID3v1::remove_tag()
- MP3::Tag::ID3v1::writeTag() to MP3::Tag::ID3v1::write_tag()
- MP3::Tag::ID2v2::getFrameIDs() to MP3::Tag::ID3v2::get_frame_ids()
- MP3::Tag::ID2v2::getFrame() to MP3::Tag::ID3v2::get_frame()
* Bugfix for ID3v2.pm:
- getFrame() returned "undef" as a string instead of simple undef
- artist() produced an error when TPE1 is missing in TAG
* Bugfix for Tag.pm:
- DESTROY() checked only if $mp3->obj{filename} exists and not if it is defined before trying to
close it
- autoinfo() returns now a hash ref or an array as noted in the documentation
* Bugfix for ID3v1.pm:
- genres() expected an id3v1-object as first parameter and a genre
only as second parameter. Now the object can be omitted as in a call like
MP3::Tag::ID3v1->genres($genre) used by Tag.pm and ID3v2.pm
* bugfix for File.pm:
- Filenames may contain surrounding whitespaces now