The pagenote package provides tagged notes on a separate page
(also known as 'end notes'). Unless the memoir class is used,
the package requires the ifmtarg package.
This package supports common layouts for tabular column heads
in whole documents, based on one-column tabular environment. In
addition, it can create multi-lined tabular cells. The Package
also offers: a macro which changes the vertical space around
all the cells in a tabular environment (similar to the function
of the tabls package, but using the facilities of the array)
macros for multirow cells, which use the facilities of the
multirow package; macros to number rows in tables, or to skip
cells; diagonally divided cells; horizontal lines in tabular
environments with defined thickness.
- R text (Hebrew-like) and AL text (Arabic-like) in
luatex, with "European" and "Arabic" numbers,
mirroring and unmarked L text.
- Fix - `import' ignored `hyphenrules' in ini files.
* jsclasses: Improve minipage env, avoid conflict with "fixjfm" package.
* okumacro: Add ghost to \kenten.
* All files are converted to UTF-8. If you want ISO-2022-JP encoded
files (for older TeX environment), visit GitHub and download files in
jis/ subdirectory.
* okumacro: \kenten adapted to pTeX p3.7.2.
* Fix issue (New definition of `\Numberstring` is now causing
problems with glossaries.sty)
* Code optimization with \octal, \hexdecimal, \aaalph, \abalph and
uppercase counterparts when applicable.
* Declare \ordinalnum with etoolbox \newrobustcmd*, rather than LaTeX
kernel \DeclareRobustCommand* --- this is preferable for compilation
with TeX4ht.
* Test bench upgrade.
- additional defaults for section command declarations
- improved right-to-left compatibility and new commands \IfRTL and
- new option singlespacing for scrlayer and scrlayer-scrpage
- improved manuals
* amsmath.dtx: ensure that overfull alignments give warnings in more cases
* amsmath.dtx: move the nulldelimiterspace correction for closing
delimiters in \genfrac for extended TeXs to the line before
\nulldelimiterspace is locally set to 0pt.
Bugfixes and enhancements:
-- bugfix for footnotes in \frquote{} (lualatex);
-- more sensible warnings about loading of captions.sty, fontspec.sty,
etc.; -- nobreak spaces added by babel-french are now properly
converted to HTML by lwarp (pdftex and xetex engines only); -- new
experimental option `UnicodeNoBreakSpaces' for luatex.
With graphics/openjpeg (at least 2.2.0 and 2.3.0) mupdf can crashes when
calling opj_free().
Adapt a patch from OpenBSD ports
textproc/mupdf/patch-source_fitz_load-jpx_c,v 1.5 that fixes this issue.
- Revert "Move gdbus-codegen users to py-glib2-tools by including
glib2/" 1f764df
- while here change to TOOL_DEPENDS
- switch from py-glib2-tools to glib2-tools
The package implements the \Ucharcat command for LuaLaTeX.
\Ucharcat is a new primitive in XeTeX, an extension of the
existing \Uchar command, that allows the specification of the
catcode as well as character code of the character token being
The package numprint prints numbers with a separator every
three digits and converts numbers given as 12345.6e789 to
12\,345,6\cdot 10^{789}. Numbers are printed in the current
mode (text or math) in order to use the correct font. Many
things, including the decimal sign, the thousand separator, as
well as the product sign can be changed by the user, e.g., to
reach 12,345.6\times 10^{789}. If an optional argument is given
it is printed upright as unit. Numbers can be rounded to a
given number of digits. The package supports an automatic,
language-dependent change of the number format. Tabular
alignment using the tabular(*), array, tabularx, and longtable
environments (similar to the dcolumn and rccol packages) is
supported using all features of numprint. Additional text can
be added before and after the formatted number.